About 20 years ago when I was living in Scotland I spent a lot of time around a close relative (who is now deaseased) and he knew a lot about things like this, I really believe he could and did do this, his attitude was so different to John Titor and those like him, I'm NOT saying John or anyone else are lying if they claim to be able to do it, you can get to know someone really well and know when they are lying etc and this relative well there was just something about him I believe it was genuine, for one thing if the internet was around then the very last thing he would do would be to come to a forum like this and talk about it he would be more likely to shout that time travel isn't possible etc, also the other difference is that he was totally convinced you CANNOT visit your younger or older self he was very adament about that, he would say if the two were in close proximity to each other it would be a very uncomfortable feeling, and dangerous, there were other little things too, but I don't remember all of them now but I'm convinced he was genuine