Hello Again


Chrono Cadet
Well, it’s good to see that amongst the many new names that have sprung up over the past four years, there’s still some that I recognise. And from a quick skim through the forum, it seems like not much has changed. For those who do not remember me or have never heard of me, please go to this link to refresh your memories....


I will put all that in a nutshell...
Originally sent to November 2003 to try and coax John Titor out of hiding, my mission changed from Search and Recover to one of Observation of events pre 2006. During that time I imparted information to the general public on this forum about my life, a basic explanation of the workings of time and time travel (Above link post timestamp 11/23/03 02:54 AM), a correct catastrophe prediction (Above link post timestamp 11/24/03 02:25 AM) and in that same post, even some mis-information that I hoped would have got a reaction from a certain group of people. It didn’t work.. but replace 2006 with 2011 on my date of birth and now it’s all accurate. I also stated other things about the current state of your society and how you may think you are free, but you’re not. How choices were being made for you without you even realising it. I talked about an internal & external civil war in the United States that’s being played out right now...... and I also briefly mentioned what we term “The Great Catastrophe” but never really went into that much detail. Well, this “Great Catastrophe” is the reason I’m here.

When I first came onto this forum, the year 2003 from your perspective, much of the circumstances leading up of the “Great Catastrophe” were unknown to us. Two Time Travel teams were formed to study and record events leading up to the “Great Catastrophe”. I was a part of a team that specifically studied 1983 to 2004 which was commissioned in 2039 with all assignment finished by 2044. This team had four sub-groups. 1) Technological Surge of the 1990s; 2) Global Political Relations – 1995 to 2004; 3) Climate & Environment – 1997 to 2004 and 4) Astronomical Observation – 1983 to 2004.

The Technological Surge Team’s responsibility was to observe and record exactly that and how it changed the Global Human Consciousness. As you have probably ascertained, a major change in Global Consciousness began after internet use became more widespread from 1994. A mere two years after the internet started. Then, we observed and recorded the sheer speed of how technology not only evolved but became intertwined with nearly all aspects of everyday life. The team went on to record how Y2K significantly impacted the Global Consciousness and how its effects still exist today. And by the end of 2004, they documented the birth of Quantum technology.

Simply put, the primary purpose of the Global Political Relations Team was to observe and record how the US peoples trust in the democratic process was broken and how this changed the world without many even realising it. The team observed what happened when the ability for you to make a choice was denied and what the consequences were of that fraud up until 2004.

The Climate and Environment Team studied the Earth’s rapid climate change from 1997 where it began to accelerate. Of course, you know this as “Global Warming” and this was sold to you very well. Indeed, fossil fuels and the like did make an impact to atmospheric changes that were recorded from the 1960s leading to the “Global Warming” theory but this was not responsible for the sudden changes in global climate that really started to kick in from 1997.

Finally, the Astronomical Observation Group was charged with the responsibility of recording all relevant astronomical events including NASA & JPL missions. Some functions of this group and the Climate & Environment Group merged from about 2002.

The second team was commissioned in 2040 and was sent to study various relevant aspects from the year 2005 up to the “Great Catastrophe”. I do not know how this team was segmented specifically, but I do know there were a Climate & Geological Catastrophe Team and an Astronomical Team among them.

Finishing their mission in 2046, it wasn’t for another 3 years that we truly grasped everything that took place. Let’s just say the revelation was astonishing and I’m not specifically referring to the “Great Catastrophe” itself. While it is true, the “Great Catastrophe” was a significantly devastating event, the revelation of how the entire world was blinded until the very end and why this occurred was just shocking. It is something that we just could not fathom. And this leads me to why I am here.....

As I’ve stated on my posts in 2003, Time Travel was developed as a learning tool, a way of realising humanity’s past mistakes so they are never repeated in the future. Our ability to travel through time was co-developed with The Visitors following the formalization of the Technology Exchange & Development Treaty in 2020 and is overseen by a Council made up of representatives from both species. (I understand that full disclosure regarding our cosmic neighbours has not happened but it is not far off.....)

Anyway, until now, observation was our primary mandate and even though our interaction with you in circumstances such as this was frowned upon, most of the ripple effect would always be negated by the “Great Catastrophe”.

If you haven't read my posts from 2003, here is how I explained Time & Time Travel and hopefully in a way that everyone can grasp... (Post Timestamp - 11/23/03 02:54 AM)
One can travel into the past though, as this is "road travelled" by the universe already. (Think of it as) An endless rope stretching back toward infinity. It can be unwoven and rewoven. The past has been built and has grip knots in the rope or markers as such.

A term I am sure you are all aware is the Space/Time Continuum. This is a name for stating that matter and energy may be in another place, or occupying a different space, depending on the time. That matter/energy leaves a trail, which is the continuum, over time. Imagine making a rope and various strands are matter/energy and the rope itself in its woven form is the continuum.

Think of time travellers appearing now at this "knot" in the rope (continuum) of time. By being here, we have altered a single strand, at best. Does this significantly affect the rope as a whole? No. There is an effect but it is extremely low. The reason for this is because not a single strand of time has a great effect of the whole. Strands are interweaving and crossover. Essentially, any small changes will be muted by the crossing over of this strand with another as the rope continues.

An example might help. (Please don't take this example as a warning!! It is only an example) Just say, I know one of the buildings in a major city that will collapse due to a minor build defect in the materials used. If I arrive at the point in time before the first foundation is laid and change the material used, the building will be okay. But say I arrive after the first foundation is laid and then change the material, it would essentially mean that I did make a change affecting that strand onwards but since the strand of that building had already started down a different path, over a greater period of time, it would mute my change..................

What I’m trying to say is that at this point in time, depending on the action, we would have little to no affect to the final outcome of the “Great Catastrophe”. But even a small change for better, even if it is for only a small group of people is something we believe worth doing. I’m probably not making much sense as yet, but please continue on.....

After years of debate, the Council has for the first time authorised direct and deliberate manipulation of historical events in the hope that more survive what is coming. That all sounds big and dramatic but in reality our actions will be subtle and based on disseminating vital information during key periods.

Our Team has four sub-groups. Based in Australia, my group has been assigned to this forum along with two others. We have the authority to disclose ourselves as Time Travellers and be open with our reason for being here.

Two of the other groups are based on opposite sides of North America and have more direct contact with the populace while remaining totally anonymous. And, the final group is an Astronomical Observation Group based near the Cordoba Ranges in Argentina.

Our Primary Mission is to assist with the information that is already trying to warn the general public about certain coming events. We do this because most major Governments in the world know, either by being informed by the US Government or discovered it on their own but they do not ready the populace and only themselves. They have no plans to inform the public as they fear losing the control they have over you and firmly believe their survival is more assured because they are counting on implementing Martial Law when they know for sure it’s about to begin. The only thing they do not know exactly is when.... And this is our greatest weapon.

Without disclosing the exact date, we believe the combined efforts of our team can have an effect on the survival rates particularly focussing on the country the cover-up stems from – the US. Disclosing the exact date will allow the Government to plan Martial Law activities but by making as many people aware to the warning signs as possible, these people can act more swiftly when everything begins which will increase their chances of survival.

The other 3 groups have orders to return to the future at a certain point in the “Great Catastrophe” timetable. But my group will remain, releasing more and more information to help all those who will listen right up to when the internet shuts down. After that, we will do what we can to help those here in Australia. This is the point where Governments will want to impose Martial Law but it will be too late because the Military and Emergency Services will have their hands full.

The coming posts contain information that will hopefully clarify what we are trying to achieve here. These posts will contain information about the past (from this point in time) and the future. But I must warn you....... A lot of what has been written so far in our initial communication and the words that follow will be debunked and ridiculed by many people. These people can be classed under two categories:
1) Established and Deliberate Debunkers
2) Reactions from people due to denial
As some of you are probably aware, there are Government sponsored debunking teams that patrol internet websites and forums attempting to counter comments and assertions like the ones we are making. What happens on the Godlikeproductions forum is a perfect example of this. These debunkers are clever, structuring their comments to appeal to the denial people suffer when reading assertions like ours. And that brings me to the 2nd category: reactions by people in denial. Denial is one of our most basic reactions to a bad situation. Ever heard the term, “IGNORANCE IS BLISS!” ...... Ask yourself if this is truly so....... and maybe this example will help.
When I was here in 2003, I watched the movie Titanic and although it was obviously more fiction than fact, it did portray how people go into denial when initially faced with an undesirable situation. It wasn’t until their fate could not be ignored that denial turned into panic to get off the ship. There are some parallels with the events that are coming.....

Therefore, we ask that you consider our words for what they are and make up your own mind. We are not trying to force you to do anything....... we only want to help you prepare for what’s ahead. I believe that this is something that humanity had to go through and I can truly say that the future I’m from is worth the struggle ahead. Even if our efforts here lead to a few more thousand people surviving, then it’ll be worth it.

In the next day or so, I will post a full summary of the Great Catastrophe and further explanation into why we can't just tell you the date.... but we will give you other information.


You're making TT claims, then it belongs in this forum.

You, of all people (a claimed TTer) should have already known that!!

Carry on.
Hello Charlie, How are you...Greetings to the Council... :oops:

Meanwhile some considerations regarding the Sun...

The main Problems with the current model of the sun are as follows:

* Temperature of the halo-like corona is 300 times that of surface, violating the inverse square law for radiation
* Rotates faster at equator, faster on surface
* Solar wind accelerates (somehow) upon leaving the Sun
* Sunspots reveal cooler interior
* Sunspots travel faster than surrounding surface
* Sunspot penumbra (interior walls) reveal structured filaments and move much faster than slow convection should allow

An eletcrical model would solve many of these problems.

The Noctilucent Cloud is not a Cloud is a Charged Plasma Filament
The Z Pinch and The Dr. La Violete Theories...
Hello timeline 39

What is the divergence between your
time line and ours. This value will
tell us whether your future will happen
to us or not. John Titor summer game
in China did happen when they shouldn't.
You could be the same. So what do you
think and what is the probability of
your events happening? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
The coming posts contain information that will hopefully clarify what we are trying to achieve here. These posts will contain information about the past (from this point in time) and the future. But I must warn you....... A lot of what has been written so far in our initial communication and the words that follow will be debunked and ridiculed by many people. These people can be classed under two categories:
1) Established and Deliberate Debunkers
2) Reactions from people due to denial
As some of you are probably aware, there are Government sponsored debunking teams that patrol internet websites and forums attempting to counter comments and assertions like the ones we are making. What happens on the Godlikeproductions forum is a perfect example of this. These debunkers are clever, structuring their comments to appeal to the denial people suffer when reading assertions like ours. And that brings me to the 2nd category: reactions by people in denial. Denial is one of our most basic reactions to a bad situation. Ever heard the term, “IGNORANCE IS BLISS!” ...... Ask yourself if this is truly so....... and maybe this example will help.
When I was here in 2003, I watched the movie Titanic and although it was obviously more fiction than fact, it did portray how people go into denial when initially faced with an undesirable situation. It wasn’t until their fate could not be ignored that denial turned into panic to get off the ship. There are some parallels with the events that are coming.....

Therefore, we ask that you consider our words for what they are and make up your own mind.

So your whimping out of giving any actual physical tangible hard core undeniable proof. Please, go on talking and talking and talking and more talking then more talking after that then the next day more and more talking. I will read and listen.
Well its good to know you will continue posting and not be influenced by other people posting negative comments. I will be reading. Most people continue to read and make up their own minds anyway. Will you be answering any questions asked you?
A term I am sure you are all aware is the Space/Time Continuum. This is a name for stating that matter and energy may be in another place, or occupying a different space, depending on the time. That matter/energy leaves a trail, which is the continuum, over time. Imagine making a rope and various strands are matter/energy and the rope itself in its woven form is the continuum.

Thank you for clearing that up for us.

Here we'd been laboring under the misapprehension (for the past 80 years or so) that spacetime was a Minkowskian 3+1 D coordinate space that allows us to define the interval between events such that we can classify the interval as time-like, light-like or space-like...and further laboring under the misapprehension that "matter/energy trails" are worldlines though the spacetime continuum as defined by Minkowski.
Thank you for clearing that up for us.

Then you will remember the Flaw of Newton:

<font color="red">
"The fact that Newton’s Laws do not distinguish between the spinning and the non-rotating object represents the state of mechanical knowledge at the time.

But because Newton did not distinguish between rotation and non-rotation, Einstein did not distinguish between the so-called inert and 'gravitational mass.'

The fact that rotation affects the mechanical properties of objects places Newton’s Laws as a special case and invalidates a geometrical [Einsteinian] interpretation of space.

"… in a strict sense, the precise application of Newton’s laws [based on these experiments] … have to be restricted to non-rotating mechanical objects in field-free space.

In a gravitational field, the possibility of extraction of greater energy by a new mechanical dimension [rotation] opens up the possibility [against both Newton and Einstein] of an anti-gravitational interaction [emphasis added] ….”

-- "Gravity &amp; The Spinning Ball Experiment"
Bruce DePalma

Simularity Institute, March 17, 1977

And a Side Effect of the Antigravitational interaction is called Time travel... :oops:
this might help...







but it does not explain laminate frames of time.

to the first observer the figures may seem like rubbish but the second observer might find a link.
maybe if space was given certain reference frames and length then maybe time would have a certain volume. maybe they would understand that time takes certain volumes in different percentages of c.
Oh, here you are!

Wherever you go, there you are!

And what tribe of Ancient Mama's are you from?

You know the Neanderthals died out despite having superior tools, and achievements. I guess that leaves only us, some branch of Hominids from somewhere like perhaps mutant humans from a UFO spacealiens' race.

Well, what can I say? It is September 8th, 2008, and here we are.


My, and what of this Great Castastrophe?

We have learnt one thing though. When like the White House we receive that call at 3AM in the morning, we now probably know what to do. Have a larger family like Sarah Palin!

Cheers! (yes, just a little humor there above, just a little.)

My, what a world this is!
"To everyone else, I apologize for opening the "can of worms" (so to speak) with issues that have been raised while I was here. (Now you can see why I wasn't going to reply.) I will be back soon to answer and bring closure to as much as I can. I will also come back better equipped"

remember when you posted this in 2003?

Well did you come back better equiped? Have you heard from John?
Have you heard from John?

This what he said there:

quoted Charlie:
<font color="blue"> My survey of the period 1980 to 2004 is complete but I wanted to give some closure to last year.

Firstly, you will be happy to know that we found John in Wisconsin not long ago and has agreed to come home. Although, the

method used to find him was detected by this period. It was reported as a UFO sighting that unfortunately many saw. Sadly he

is suffering from an undiagnosed mental degenerative condition that we have not been able to treat as yet. He is in sound condition and is in no pain. He sends his wishes along with what I am about to say.

Some of you are wondering why the earthquake I mentioned has not happened in your prespective when I used the word, soon, in relation to a timeframe. The information I had at the time was that an extreme large quake was a few months after an eclipse.

The only information we had on an eclipse before the end of 2004 was the one last year until further studies of the information I brought back to the future were analysed. We then realised that we had the wrong eclipse.

Seeing that it was me who volunteered this information in the first instance, we felt it relevant that a correction be issued thus authorisation for this incursion was given.

Finally, although many of you do not realise it. You have given me a unique insight into humanity in this period of history.

I was I could have met some of you. The experience from this forum coupled with what I learnt by living with people from this time in the country of my birth pre 2005 has given me something that I will never forget and has made me even more determined

that the mistakes made in the past 25 years never happen again.

I wish all of you well for the coming months as they will be very difficult. June 2004 is as close to my present day that the Council allows us to travel to therefore you will not see me in this capacity again. Maybe I will meet some of you one day

post 2005. Not that you will remember, but if you do, there is a Memorial Garden on one of the California Islands. The largest one from the mainland. This gardens has a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. I go there very often to think. Just call out Charlie from TTI. I will recognise it.

Just remember always the fundamental good nature of every human being and that survival is not just looking after yourself.

It is looking after each other.



end quoted from:
Link to TTI
"Firstly, you will be happy to know that we found John in Wisconsin not long ago and has agreed to come home. Although, the method used to find him was detected by this period. It was reported as a UFO sighting that unfortunately many saw. Sadly he is suffering from an undiagnosed mental degenerative condition that we have not been able to treat as yet. He is in sound condition and is in no pain. He sends his wishes along with what I am about to say."

Oh....I must have missed that part. Oh no a mentally degenerative condition?
Did he forget about me already then? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Quoting Charlie:
Firstly, you will be happy to know that we found John in Wisconsin not long ago and has agreed to come home. Although, the

method used to find him was detected by this period. It was reported as a UFO sighting that unfortunately many saw.

This one?:
GRANTSBURG—“It went right alongside the highway all the way from Highway 48 down to the Bible Camp. Then it crossed over the highway in front of us and lowered down toward the field and hovered there about 50 or a hundred feet above the ground.”

Ted Wistrom is crystal clear about what he and Heather Berrard saw as they were traveling south on Highway 87 from Grantsburg at about 5 p.m. last Wednesday. They vow the aircraft, no more than 20 feet wide or long, was moving down the west side of the road at about 30 miles an hour.

The craft was not nearly large enough to carry people, says Wistrom, but he also says it was dark, so exact size was hard to tell.

Checks with officials in law enforcement and the Department of Natural Resources uncovered nothing to explain what the couple saw.

Wistrom says he knows they weren’t the only ones to see it. He says the car in front of them slowed down, too, as did two others behind them. Wistrom said he had planned to turn east on Highway O, but continued south on 87 to continue watching the aircraft.

It made no sound

He says it wasn’t very high in the air. He could see what looked like propulsion units, sort of like tubes, protruding out of the bottom of the craft that were “tilted toward the ground, like that’s what was holding it up.” It made no sound, he says.

There were four rectangular lights on what appeared to be the back of the craft, he said. They spanned the entire rear, with the lights immediately adjacent to each other, with each one being maybe two or two and a half feet high.

While the craft was moving, the lights were all orange. When it began to hover over a field near the Bible camp, he said the center left light turned blue and the center right one turned white. The white light began to blink as it was hovering, he says, and then the craft disappeared.

Wistrom says he can’t give an overall description of the craft, because they only saw the underside and rear.

end quoted
