i still have my reality manipulator and part to build a lot more , and i got rid of my multi verse resonator Dr Y left with it , beyond that i have tons of electronic parts to build whatever i feel like . i spend most of my cash on my bicycle company this summer taking it to a whole new level but im far from done with this , as for time travel its still of interess but i will only try thing i can really see an outcome out off not radionic stuff that only buzz and fuzz.
i still have my reality manipulator and part to build a lot more , and i got rid of my multi verse resonator Dr Y left with it , beyond that i have tons of electronic parts to build whatever i feel like . i spend most of my cash on my bicycle company this summer taking it to a whole new level but im far from done with this , as for time travel its still of interess but i will only try thing i can really see an outcome out off not radionic stuff that only buzz and fuzz.
This is a tricky question but you are into bikes. I use an anti-radio system as a detector, to detect a nuke, as funny as it sounds. I use a new radio that's never been used to kill the signals, keep them cold. So if a nuke went off the radio would be going, now, way before it went off to give me warning. I keep having them go off and they don't stay cold. 'False alarms', then it becomes a war with them, literally to harass my every extent!

So I am a mag wheel, flashy, freestyle type and know not to use the metal spokes but I've resorted to it and it's a hassle because they pickup unwanted air traffic. This is just totally blowing me up because the signals are negative and will contaminate any equipment. I'm not supposed to be dealing with these people! Any ideas? Is there some radionics machine that kills this? White noise maybe? The problem is they fall into a negative field, while the need to produce distortion they're in displacement. Maybe you know more about this than me, to create an anti-radiation belt?
i still have my reality manipulator and part to build a lot more , and i got rid of my multi verse resonator Dr Y left with it , beyond that i have tons of electronic parts to build whatever i feel like . i spend most of my cash on my bicycle company this summer taking it to a whole new level but im far from done with this , as for time travel its still of interess but i will only try thing i can really see an outcome out off not radionic stuff that only buzz and fuzz.
Ok, I bet you're good with the bike thing. I remember seeing your welding skills when you were making the merkaba and other time trvael devices. I agree with you about radionics :cool: