
Temporal Novice
Sorry, no talk of waltzes in this post, but I will tell all of you about the HDR unit if you are interested.

I have an HDR unit, yes. I bought it from the guy himself, Steven Gibbs. I wanted to hang out with him before I bought it, but he said that the idea was strictly out of the question. The thing looks just as it does in the pictures. I've been having a lot of lucid dreams and some out of body experiences with it, but I can't exactly varify if it is in another time, nor can I say that I have actually PHYSICALLY time traveled yet. I am however still getting the hang of using the machine, so I want to say that the possibility isn't out of the question.

Just before I got the thing, I had at least two experiences where people confronted me on the internet using instant messenger telling me that I need to change my actions. One guy had the instant messenger "Rutgar Stark." Don't worry about the messenger, I havenm't seen it on since the guy talked to me. I gorget exactly who the other guy was, but it really shocked me. In '03' I went to Europe, and landed in Amsterdam. After I came back, I planned to return once more with my brother but didn't tell many people about it, keeping it a secret between me and my brother, that's the part that really got me. It couldn't have ebeen a friend screwing with me, (but I kept that possibility in mind, just so you know.)
Other phenomena, sound echos, floors vibrating when the thing is turned on, crazy, MAD lucid dreams, and strangers talking to me in my dreams, the feeling of being awake while sleeping, all kinds of stuff.

Anyone have any questions about HDR Units? Maybe I could answer you...


Next time you speak to Gibbsy. Tell him to pick up his phone.
For the love of god please let him pick up his phone at least once in the next decade!!

when was the last time you spoke to him. Also i find it amusing you asked him if you can hang out with him before purchase. I respect that. But i'm real curious as to how he phrased the 'no' response, i can imagine this.

what are your future plans with regard to the HDR unit?

kind regards,
Sure, hows the unit work? Whats the power source, whats the field generator made out of, what distance does the field extend to? Tell us about the insides of the box =)
I think HDRusers.com still has photos of the components inside the unit.

Be warned though. If you don't like radionic theory, you probably won't be very open to the HDR.

kind regards,
Alright guys, I've let the thing grow some dust in the last few weeks, but I'm going to try it out again tonight!

Olly B - You asked about how Gibbs responded to me about asking to hang out? He told me that he's gotten a lot of threats and that he can't risk it for anyone. I tried to negociate it and asked if he wanted to meet at a resturant or something and he disagreed, so I gave up. It's too bad, I thought that would have been cool to hang out, and get a first hand lesson on the HDR unit.

Renunconscous - The power source, It sounds a little whimsical, but you just plug it into the wall like anything else. How it works is a little more complicated. (Do you like ouiji boards?) Here is what happens when you are trying to make a jump or when you are trying to astrally project, and keep in mind that this does sound a little weird, but I have gotten some wackey results out of this, as has many people who bought the thing, so I wouldn't discredit too quickly on this one.

There are two dials on the outside of the machine with three switches. There is also a "witness well," that contains certain things. Gibbs recommends in the instructions that one should put something like a little saliva on a piece of paper and put it in there. When using the machine, there is a corded headband that one wears, and a BIG electromagnet that is used in the process also. Now to the switches - The first switch is white: this activates the wittness well. The second switch is yellow, that one activates the multidimensional stabilizer. Te third switch is red and activates the unit. Now to other specifics:

The machine, in order to work needs to be set correctly, and as strange as it sounds, when using the machine, the one who is using it has to talk to it. So, with the headband on, and the wittness well activated for a while, one asks the machine, what are the rates which will transport my physical body to (and then you mention a certain date.) It works the same for physical time travel, but you ask about your physical body. While asking this, you rubb the rubbing plate in a circular manner while turning the dials up and down, and when the dial is in the right spot, your finger will kind of strangely stick to the rubbing plate like gum to a table. Then you ask the second dial the same thing. When the rates are set in, you hold the electromagnet over your solar plexus and turn the yellow and red switches on, and the magnet will eminate a strange humm and vibration, but when held, n ovibration is felt, kind of creepy. One holds the electromagnet over their stomach area for a range of three to five minutes. After that, you shut the machine off, adn lay down somewhere, and within fifteen minutes, a wackey adventure begins. The whole physical time travel thing is a little different. I hear when that happens, it's almost immediate, and you are gone for up to a few hours.

I don't now anyhting about the magnetic field, it's got to be big, this thing is really powerful. The inside of the box isn't really impresive, there are copper wires all over, twisted that go to different spots. Bottoms of the dials and switches go to different places, honestly connecting to the spots as shown on the instructions. There is a circle of chips or regulators or some kind o fstuff in the middle, and there are other things, like a coil of wires beneth the rubbing place, and a coil around the wittness well. Building one seems about as easy as building a tesla coil, or a radio, I thoguth that part was really interesting.

Anyone else have questions?
The second switch is yellow, that one activates the multidimensional stabilizer.

Interesting. ok, electro magnets I get, saliva I can understand, plugs into a wall socket no biggie, put it on your solar plexus piece of cake. but What exactly creates this and controls this multidimensional field.

To me it just sounds like a big magnet. Besides, who needs a machine to travel through time.

Forgive me, i havent actually opened my HDR up yet. I don't plan too until i get a second one either. So i might be a little off here.

From what i gather, the HDR unit still uses a caduceus coil which sets up the speed of light harmonic. Now generally Caducius coils show very strange readings, also anything within the field of a caduceus coil (inside the field) tends to take on the same electromagnet field even if two different objects are in their at once. I dont think the caduceus coil has ever been proved to create currents that move faster then light. But most people that are into the more out there theories of TT, pretty much all generally agree that a caduceus field is a must in most time travel devices.

you dont need to use the witness for physical travel.

The reason why there are head coils (now improved copper coils) is to catch brain signals. They are enamal coated and have AC current going through them. Even in montauk they needed devices to catch though forms to open up to specific locations. In fact montauk its self was in many aspects very 'radionically' driven, (unlike the philadelphia experiment). The brain waves and the AC current are fed through the caduceus coils, amplified and charged through the coils of the E.M. i believe the EM coils are wrapped into a mobius coil (i think). - [Its interesting that the HDR was publicised much more around the same tie as the Motauk accounts. Some aspects interlock with each other, and this doesnt appear to be through intention.]

- This coil creates more amplification. The Electromagnet takes the magnetic charge and is applied to the navel area. Now anyone who's knows a bit on esoteric fields also will know that this area is potent for collecting energies. In essense the Mangetic field is also being fed not only to the physical body, but also the Chi or (for the more scietific heads) orgone energy center of the body

The E.M. field is also changed around the body as well as the immediate area. Pulsing subtly at a Harmonic that you have set up.

we all know that Electromagnetism is a much stronger force then gravity. Science is muddled on the application of using EM to distort gravity. You need to be in a power spot to do this however (steven calls them grid lines).

Like any radionic device, and there is much evidence of the ability of radionic units in general, you turn the dials to tune into the correct date you want to set up the harmonic (or resonance) for.

The reason why you need to be over a grid point as steven calls them, is because only within these areas does the field allow for the HDR unit to set up its own within it.

Any one also remember that even in Montauk they were limited by where they were on the earth grid? This in essence is why stevens always ranting on about grid lines and vortexs'. Within the grid you are also tuned into the Zero vector, which is a link to all time lines connected to the earth.

I do not know how or why the earths grid system is there. Its either been set up, or is a natural energy system for a variety of reasons. (personally i think its an emenation of the earths consciosness) much like we have our own smaller subtle E.M. fields.

So Ren as you can see, that was possibly THE most shakey explanation on the HDR ever. But i'm not an electronics expert as of yet. There are other components to the HDR, but i'll probably only confuse the both of us even more. Hope this helps a little (if any).

usually people fall with belief in the HDR because of the radionic theory. People dont really 'get' the science behind it as its very hard to measure, so they tend to dismiss it straight away. Which is fair enough, if thats how they feel.

Also please not this explanation (if you can call it that) is geared up to shed some light on physical travel, not astral.

With astral, all you want to do is feed the magnetism to the navel chakra. Really i'd view this as using an external force to aid in focussing meditation. In other words getting into the mindset to initiate astral travel, this is again done through vibration and magnetic force. I agree with Ren an HDR is not needed for ASTRAL travel. But the fact is with physical travel, it makes it much less random and a lot safer, as its governed radionically.

Kind regards,

I won't dismiss anything just because I don't understand it. your explanation has made the most sense so far and I've been all over the website checking it out...

So all its really doing is creating a magnetic harmonic field, sounds simple enough. How this affects time travel, I would like to hear more about it. Anyone ever daisy chain these HDR's together for an amplified effect? Perhaps staggered in a cube shape with a person inside of the cube, the fields would need to be adjusted but I would guess you could create a focal point with 6 HDR's and it would have some real kick to it.

however on your following remark, I disagree.

we all know that Electromagnetism is a much stronger force then gravity. Science is muddled on the application of using EM to distort gravity. You need to be in a power spot to do this however (steven calls them grid lines).

I do not believe electromagnetism is stronger than gravity. I believe gravity is the strongest force, stronger than even the nuclear bond in atoms (other than hydrogen of course). Gravity is the least understood force in the universe and unless we are talking ufo's or aliens, I do not know of a way we can block gravity waves.

I also believe gravity is an instantaneous force. There's a stupid experiment that goes like this.

If you swing a ball around your head on a piece of string, and cut the string, the ball goes flying. The Earth is swinging around the sun, because of our stars Gravity. Lets just say, Poof, an alien race makes our sun completely disappear. no light, no matter, no left over black hole, nothing. The last beams of light would be hitting earth 8-1/2 minutes after the sun Disappears. My question is this. Would earth continue to orbit around a star that is no longer there for 8-1/2 minutes? Or is gravity instantaneous and the earth would go flying off into space.
I always thought Magnetism was supposed to be a stronger force. Displayed in the fact when you hold to magnets postive and negative end together, the attraction will occur regarless of gravitys influence.

If you hold a magnet under another magnet and let it go. Not only (if its close enough) will it not drop, but it will travel upwards as the attraction between the two poles is stronger then the gravity separating them. Basically gravity pushing down on the magnet you drop. Same thing with a manget on a floor with i.e. south field facing upwards, put another over to top of it south side down and that manget aint going anywhere in the direction of down. It has to push itself away from the other magnets force before it can drop.

obviously they need to be in a certain range (depending on the size of the magnets).

Elctromagnets amplify this to a rather scary degree.

Also the electromagnetic forces at a sub quantum level are so strong they can easily out class the force of gravity. For example If you drop something from a plane into the ground. The elctromagnetic forces (depending on the surface) will soon stop the force of gravity. The electromanetic forces at this level are so strong they will stop the object from falling 'through' ground and carry on its course. Because they adifferent objects, the electromagnet fields holding the atomic bonds together will repel each other regardless of gravitys influence. They can't pass through each other they'll either smash or bounce off each other.

Electromangetism can actually effect these bonds. I would in effect be possibly through electromagnetism to change the make up of these fields and allow objects to pass through each other. I forgot the name of this specific electromagnetic field (i think it had something to scalar fields)? change the make up of the sub-quantum particles to become wave like instead of particle based.

I know you and creed dont get on, but i think he might know the theory im on about.

The philadelphia experiement (i hate to mention this as its not backed up) IS based on 'now' valid theory. The effect of the crew being imbedded in the hull of the ship, would be due to the insanely high electromagnetic fields around the ship, changing its physical structure. the sub quantum particles become wave based so much more so them 'dense' solid particle based, they can pass through one another. Switch that field off and when the waves become particles again, they end up 'dual merging' locking into each others structure.

Well anyway, gravity itself just isnt strong enough on this micro level to achieve this. E.M. is.

Whats the name of that coil? that If you pump enough AC current into the magnetic wire, the coil will levitate, that is a very real and factual experiment. It levitates as its repelling gravity. I suppose though in the end this sort of stuff is the very early stages of anti gravity theory.

Ren i appreciate your query and disagreement. I don't know a lot on this stuff. So it helps me to understand, even when you disagree and set me right.

Kind regards,
ok here's the problem, and it has a lot to do with Einstein and what I believe about the Universe. it is taken From as many facts and experiments and theories and derivatives as I could find.

gravity is a Dual force.

The Closer an object is the more gravity attracts it. However according to Einstein, the Gravitational constant under which the universe sits upon, shows that Gravity also pushes back against objects that are Further away from it. Einstein unfortunately achieved and failed at the Same time. calling it his greatest mistake even, but, actually, Brilliance. At the Time, we did not know the Universe was expanding, we thought it was Constant. not expanding OR contracting. Even Einstein believed this At the time (its 190x keep in mind).

when the Gravitational constant makes sense is when you realize the universe is not only expanding, but expanding Faster. going more quickly into red shift phase. And we add onto this the 90% of matter we cannot see, dark energy/dark matter. You see that, the universe is perfect in this way, for some strange reason. and Gravity is the most Universal force, strong enough to push Stars and Galaxies apart. and at close distances, Stronger than electromagnets.

so I would say because gravity functions on a Universal level, it is much stronger than the micro level. so although gravity cannot do things EM fields can at the micro field, they are still in play at Every possible strength and size.

Gravity appears to be this massive Pushing force, not the Pulling force we perceive. Nothing is stronger or faster than it, and I also believe that gravity is Instantaneous, a feat electromagnetism cannot duplicate.
I've just realised that the problem we are having is the same as in Einsteins latter years.

I'm talking Micro, you're talking Macro. Really we won't get anywhere like this.

Not much is known about Gravity. I also suspected you were an Einstein fan. Trouble is, Einstein really was at a total loss to explain electromagnetism and how it was so powerful as a sub-quantum level too. In fact he didn't really like quantum mechanics in general, at all.

Personally i'm of the opinion that It is at this level were E.M. is shown as the stronger force.

example. The gravitaional pull of jupiter will actract huge meteors, astroids etc. Its gravitational force is so strong. But no matter how strong it is, when those things impact on the surface, the E.M. forces between those atoms will be repelled from the atoms that make up the surface, no matter how great the speed or pull of the gravitational forces.

But i also appreciate that on a macro level gravity seems strongest. people spent years arguing over this subject. I think we're falling into the same thing.

Seeing as the micro is the build up of the macro, i tend to favour indications at this level. where as you come in from the other direction. which is just as valid. but it screws over the debate between us
each view is cast iron in its own evidence.

kindest regards,
ok and the interaction between all subatomic particles in a blackhole that exhert themselves onto themselves and sometimes disappate as radiation from 2 poles. All of this is not stronger than the EMs? I always thought a black hole was amazingly strong, it could bend light, pull in matter, and let nothing but possibly radiation escape. I believe Gravity functions on the Macro and Micro level, although I do believe e.m. fields and electromagnetism in general is a very strong force at the micro level the strongest, Overall it is not. our debate should end there with us agreeing these are the two Strongest forces in the universe, on the micro/macro level.

I'm not too much of an einstein fan, but I recognize genius wherever I see it. I assimilate that information and make it fit my own, as I am sure you do as well.

Seeing as the Micro is influenced by the Macro and Visa Versa, I believe this argument is null and void. Gravity is a force we cannot yet explain, even if we understand EM very well.

Each view is cast in platinum, as its own concredence.

Kindest respects,

Rendored Unconscious /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm just saying that personally i feel E.M. is more then strong enough to warp gravity (time and space) all by istelf under the right conditions. Sod an infinitely long tipler cylinder spinning close to the speed of light. There must be much easier ways to achieve time travel. I believe Electromagnetism is such a force to provide clues to an alternative. Or maybe when combined with radionic components, the answers already here?

seeing as most scientists don't want to give radionic theory the time of day, together with challenging the current laws of gravity with E.M. we probably won't know for a long, long time.

Not enough is known in regards to electromagnetism to prove this. But its one of the principles that the HDR works from - in my view, and i think is the case. And in mainstream science terms is such an 'experimental' comment it wouldn't be given any time. This is in regard to physical travel, still. Guess if you have already travelled physically with the HDR. You've already found out, wouldnt you agree?

Kind regardS,
I guess what I am saying is immense gravity waves may be able to warp space/time but not EM fields. Unless EM is what makes the warping possible, but it would also have the side effect of effecting gravity such as Titors laser beam (hoax or not), this type of secondary side effect would be created and a laser would bend as it was affected by higher than 1G. (earth gravity).

can you show that these HDR's warp space/time with gravity fields? Does gravity increase/decrease/fluctuate in the presence of an active HDR?
Not sure on that one Ren. I also don't know for sure how the process works and if it would indeed bring about such results. It actually wouldn't surprise me if the bend in light/laser didnt occur. As strange as that sounds. E.M. is such a different force.

I guess if you took the HDR out into a field with a Ley-line (grid point) running through it, and set up physical travel within it, you might find such a result.

You'd have to point a laser through the persons own E.M. field at the point of the jump. I personally would not do this. I have never done this and would not be prepared to find out how (if any) this effects the outcome of physical travel. It could or could not screw you over. I know steven claims to have had a bad experience in conjunction with testing a radionically tuned tesla coil, steel rod and a laser.

The HDR unit pretty much resonates your E.M. signature to the correct timeline you want to go to. When this occurs, in the field of the grid point which is also tuned into Zero time, you'll go. You will infact dissappear in an instant, as your signature lock on this reality temporarily drops and reconnects with another, the speed of this occurance will litrally be in an instant - perhaps zero time, so possibly not testable. This is also radionically governed to a degree.

In the philadelphia experiment there was no radionic signature to take them to a specific location. When they were displced, they lost there reality lock with no alternative. Hense many didn't return and those that did suffered insanity, and sebsequent slips in an out of this time lock.

Every object in the universe has an E.M. field - bar non. if the object brakes the field will separate to allow for a new divided form. If you managed to take an E.M. field away totally. I would suspect the object would vanish, probably back into non-space time dimensions, where it is broken back done to its pure state light energy once again.

With the HDR you're switching the fields for a certain amount of time. Never totally dropping them.

It's also worth noting that people are often finding themselves transported through time. Into strange landscapes or going down new roads in their car that should be there etc. Granted, many will be explainable, but theres no doubt some are very real.

These people have somehow physically travelled with only their bodys as a time machine. Hence why E.M. has always played such a heavy part in many TT theories. As it is a feild that encompasses the whole body.

Kindest regards,
The HDR unit pretty much resonates your E.M. signature to the correct timeline you want to go to. When this occurs, in the field of the grid point which is also tuned into Zero time, you'll go. You will infact dissappear in an instant, as your signature lock on this reality temporarily drops and reconnects with another, the speed of this occurance will litrally be in an instant - perhaps zero time, so possibly not testable. This is also radionically governed to a degree.

I don't believe in timelines anymore. I am working on some new math and a new theory which may prove infinite possible realities but only one actual reality. It would clear up a lot of problems with the fundamental nature of the universe, as well as grand unification theory.

Einstein said it best when he said Time is Relative, what I do not think he understood is that its relative in both directions. Time travels outward like waves from each persons "present". Affecting the past and future simultaneously. So although it may seem there are multiple timelines, in reality, I believe this is only 1 timeline with infinite possibilities.

The math is on the way, still working on completing my work on the Global Consciousness project then I'll get back to ya'll.
In a way, what you say reminds me of the theory of vertical time.

Also when i talk of different realities I'm talking of different universes of time. So personally i think multiverse theory is correct. However i also believe that 'reality' is actually down to the indivudual. If an individual jumps between different universes of time, he's always still in HIS own constant reality regardless of where he is.

As you say there is one reality, but it is possible to access all variables, or instances of now from all universes at any time, within this one reality.

In general all things from all universes are going on at once, so you could say, they are all tied together in some dimension of time we don't yet understand. This would also support the idea they all belong to the one true reality.

Kind regards,
Yes, every possible outcome for every possible choice. but only one reality. Its possible for an individual with technology or thought to alter the past/future and thus change their present (sometimes only temporarily).

if you were to travel to a reality where an asteroid was about to demolish earth, you would also be changing time all the way back to the big bang, all the way forward to the big fade out or big crunch, affecting this one detail of an asteroid coming right straight at earth.

But, only your time, your perception of it, your ideas of reality. Now take into account that we all must live in the confines of all of our realities and you see that its a bounded harmonic.

I'll try to publish the math to this in the future but it does take care of almost every time travel paradox there is, including the grandfather paradox.
I'd go with this yes. The HDR also allows for this theory. I'd describe the HDR more of a time dimensional Bio-location device, rather then a time travel unit. It is also connected to one reality. But it can radionically link to the variables with in it and the within the different moments of time.

With the HDR. Really, your jumping to another moment of now. Where ever that might be located.

Kind regards,
With the HDR. Really, your jumping to another moment of now. Where ever that might be located.

I can accept that, seems much more reasonable. Thank you Olly.

Would you not say if John Titor were real, that this is what he had done? Jumped to another now, for him? Relative to him he may have been gone only a second.