Rift Surfer
Anyone fans of HBO's Entourage?...
I'm beginning to think HBO's REALLY EVIL
It gave us the Soprano's where there are "no irish people" in the New City Area...
Everyone knows that all the "italian guys" have "irish wives" in the NYC area...
They just love "the bad boys..."
And Larry David with "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Shows us what kind of people NBC like to give HUNDREDS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO...
We hear he and his pals love talking "yiddish" and calling "gentiles smucks" on the set...
What a guy!!!
and then Entourage...
Where they show ARI GOLD and a "HARVEY WEINSTEIN" like Character and lots of other "blandly jewish" Hollywood "movie executive types" who don't seem to "have real job of any kind and lots of VP of Development" titles... Alot like the "Banking Industry in NYC..."
Do anything to promote "Vinnie Chase" as the next "Tom Cruise"...
They all "love Vince" and will do anything to get him the BIG BIG MOVIE DEALS...
To make him a "cool superhero" like AQUAMAN...
To make him a "bad boy womanizing killer mobster" like PABLO ESQUBAR... (The famous Columbian King Pin...)
Although in his 20's and "very good looking..."
He spends all his time WITH MEN and taking meetings with JEWISH PEOPLE...
So have "documentary like series" to document the JEWISH BANKING backing JEWISH HOLLYWOOD EXECUTIVES doing anything to make an ITALIAN A SUPERSTAR with "HOT BABE SEDUCING IMAGE"
(But they are 'no hot babes hanging out at the house??????')
Need I say more?
I'm beginning to think HBO's REALLY EVIL

It gave us the Soprano's where there are "no irish people" in the New City Area...
Everyone knows that all the "italian guys" have "irish wives" in the NYC area...
They just love "the bad boys..."

And Larry David with "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Shows us what kind of people NBC like to give HUNDREDS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO...

We hear he and his pals love talking "yiddish" and calling "gentiles smucks" on the set...
What a guy!!!
and then Entourage...
Where they show ARI GOLD and a "HARVEY WEINSTEIN" like Character and lots of other "blandly jewish" Hollywood "movie executive types" who don't seem to "have real job of any kind and lots of VP of Development" titles... Alot like the "Banking Industry in NYC..."

Do anything to promote "Vinnie Chase" as the next "Tom Cruise"...
They all "love Vince" and will do anything to get him the BIG BIG MOVIE DEALS...
To make him a "cool superhero" like AQUAMAN...
To make him a "bad boy womanizing killer mobster" like PABLO ESQUBAR... (The famous Columbian King Pin...)
Although in his 20's and "very good looking..."
He spends all his time WITH MEN and taking meetings with JEWISH PEOPLE...
So have "documentary like series" to document the JEWISH BANKING backing JEWISH HOLLYWOOD EXECUTIVES doing anything to make an ITALIAN A SUPERSTAR with "HOT BABE SEDUCING IMAGE"
(But they are 'no hot babes hanging out at the house??????')
Need I say more?