Has Time Travel become the holy Grail for physics scientist around the globe?


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Has Time Travel become the holy Grail for physics scientist around the globe?

In the past 6 month i have noticed an increase in you tube videos about time travel and its use as a form of space travel.
Put time travel in you tube and you will see what i mean.

Has Time Travel become the holy Grail for physics scientist around the globe?

Now that you mention it, I've noticed this too! I have zero evidence really, but if you do some searches you'll be surprised at the volume of stuff out there.
In real physics understanding spacetime is important to understand gravity. So, we saw lots of research in the past two decades about that. Time travel was a byproduct of that. A lot of peer reviewed papers (literally hundreds about the subject) can be found on the net. Most of these are about thought experiments and their physics implications. These are hard to read if you are not into math, quantum mechanics, string theory, and so on. Often they just discuss a part of the problem and you have to search for the missing parts in other (sometimes unrelated) papers. Because theories need to be falsified, reading a paper A that mentions a given method can be proven wrong by B published several years later. That's how it goes. Whilst TT may be theoretically possible, most methods are not concerned with actually sending travelers. Of course all of that also takes the fun away. ;)

I think, because gravity is still not well understood these days and because string theory has seen a revival we see a steady stream of peer reviewed papers mentioning TT/spacetime/gravity in one way or another.

Sometimes you'll find help in a totally unrelated subject. Here is an example.

Another field is that of quantum computing. It is in the stage of actual development. In September 2011 it was proven that quantum computers can be turned into a device using the van Neuman architecture. In Februari 2012 IBM said that, after many years of research, they know enough to create such a device and are actually creating one. Currently it needs extreme low temperatures which can only be created in a lab, so you won't find them on your desk next year. However, in April 2012, yet another international team working on the problem for many years, build a prototype of a computer using two qubits that actually worked in 95% of the time. They claim that the diamond based technology can be scaled to room temperature.

According to David Deutsch, a researcher who worked on quantum computing for a long time, quantum computing is (or more general quantum superpositions are) evidence of a many worlds quantum multiverse. He wrote a book about that called "The Beginning of Infinity", which was published in 2011.

The existence of quantum superpositions have been proven by various experiments long ago, and the principle does make quantum computers work. And now technology has been created to apply the theory.

Why is that important to TT? Well, some TT theories require a many worlds quantum multiverse to make sense of TT and to get rid of any paradoxes (should such paradoxes exist). So, by itself quantum computing is unrelated to TT, but indirectly it helps to find the pieces of the puzzle.
Ok im new. Im here to tell you i think know how to use golden ratio for travel in space.

I think if we have copy of that mold dimension we for sure can travel in ather dimensions .

i truele belive in traven not in time but in dimension.

we dont need the 1/2 of space to travel in dimension , we just need to make speed of light more simple . like in mathematic. And i can do that , i can make speed of light more simple.
Ok im new. Im here to tell you i think know how to use golden ratio for travel in space.

I think if we have copy of that mold dimension we for sure can travel in ather dimensions .

i truele belive in traven not in time but in dimension.

we dont need the 1/2 of space to travel in dimension , we just need to make speed of light more simple . like in mathematic.

Hey c1tss, welcome to TTI! I merged all your posts in to one for the sake of organization, hope you don't mind. In the future, you should use the Edit button just below your post if you want to add additional thoughts :)
Ok im new. Im here to tell you i think know how to use golden ratio for travel in space.

I think if we have copy of that mold dimension we for sure can travel in ather dimensions .

i truele belive in traven not in time but in dimension.

we dont need the 1/2 of space to travel in dimension , we just need to make speed of light more simple . like in mathematic. And i can do that , i can make speed of light more simple.

Hi c1 here is a link for you to read. First Evidence Of Parallel Universes - Our Universe Could Be Part Of A Soap Bubble - MessageToEagle.com

Be a bit circumspect when reading pop-sci articles concerning real physics research. They tend to use alt-sci terms inappropriately.

There's actually nothing in the known laws of physics that forbits the Big Bang from forming multiple "universes" simultaneously. Our Big Bang could well have resulted in more than one universe forming with no spacetime or causal relationships other than the Big Bang itself and no spacetime "bridge" connecting them. They are in no way parallel in the sense of evolving in ways where one looks like the other, at least microscopically. They would probably share the same physical laws and on large scales might look similar because in our universe when you look out from Earth on extremely large scales the universe "over here" looks pretty much like the universe "over there". But there's nothing that would suggest that individual events would parallel each other in each universe. This idea is solidly based on classical (pre-QM) physics. The Many Worlds Interpretation (of Quantum Physics) is an entirely different animal from bubble universe theories. In MWI there is a causal relationship between an event and an alternate event created by the "observation". Just what that really means is the crux of research into MWI. No one really knows and no one has actually taken the experimental observations of quantum entanglement from individual sub-atomic particles to ponderous masses like people, planets or universes. In QM what happens to individual particles does not necessarily translate to what happens to a mole of particles (6.022*10^23 particles - a very tiny mass).
Hi John Tooker here. yes there has been an explosion of research into time travel due the research I published last november and this january. I made a thread about it.
Hi Darby, have you spoken to me before? I just turned 32. I would love to find something out from someone I will communicate with. Here is what I'm working on now. Does that sound right?

I believe eqautions (18) in this paper are the logical structure of Mayan Tzolkin:

FineTzolkin.pdf - Google Docs

Here are a few pictures so you can see what I'm talking about.

Photo Album - Imgur

Here is a rather crude explanation of why I think the unified field theory I derived is in the Mayan Tzolkin.

TzolkinNotes.pdf - Google Docs

If the Mayans did have the theory of Quantum Gravity that could explain why the disappeared without a trace. Maybe they go in their space ship? Doesn't a lot of Mayan art totally look technological? The seal of the tomb of Pacal Votan for instance?
If the Mayans did have the theory of Quantum Gravity that could explain why the disappeared without a trace.

That is a big part of the problem. The Mayans didn't "disappear" or "leave without a trace".

I can't say that they are there in Southern Mexico living in luxory nor say the same about their existence in Guatemala. But they are definitely there today. I've asked this question before (no one ever answers) and I'll ask it again: Instead of all the alt-sci Internet malarky why not just ask the Mayans about their thoughts? Though most can't speak Mayan enough of both sides speak Spanish. Communication with the Mayans is not a problem. They live in the area of Mundo Maya in Palenque, Mexico.

I can say that it's a bit more than doubtful that the Mayans had anything close to a theory of the quantum considering that in pre-Columbian and near post-Columbian times they neither had invented the wheel nor had they included the idea of "zero" in their math. They may well have had a complex and accurate solar-lunar calendar but as far as math goes they were a thousand years behind the Asians, Middle Easterners and Europeans (at the time that Coronado landed in Mexico).
I was speculating.

Yuh think?

And the problem is that there's no reason to speculate. They are there. Go ask. All the "speculation" comes from far too "open minds" (that in reality are slammed closed tight) and alt-sci Internet BS. What sounds good on the Internet might be interesting but intersting and reality aren't necessarily on a 1:1 correlated relationship.

The Mayans had great calendars. They also took volcanic glass claidmores and cut out the living hearts of the enemy and non-believers by the thousand as "gifts to the Gods". Not quite the visage of a highly advanced civilization that one might have in mind for acquiring and using quantum mechanics.

Stop speculating and start doing some research.