Has this Utube set been posted before?

It`s a side effect of a Timeline Change...

:eek: :eek: :eek:

see the profiler user...
<font color="red">
Style: Acting
Joined: August 20, 2007
Last Sign In: 1 week ago
Videos Watched: 19
Subscribers: 11
Channel Views: 732

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/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
LOL, I hadnt seen that thanks..

I only posted it well because ,you know why...It belonged here.
If it were True, he would talk about...

<font color="white"> -The Anomaly-, Nibiru Dyson Sphere II, on the Sky...

You know... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Hehehe... Too bad ole Zeshua never heard about this Third Internet technology.... she could have used it to her advantage! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

<font color="red"> "By January of 2008 you will find out Osama bin Laden's been dead." [/COLOR]

Strike one.

i guess it:

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well,hehehehe,i watched both of his videos and i came right away to the conclusion that he is just entertaining people he sounds very friendly and amusing but that's all,obviously he ain't from the future ahead us,because he hasn't yet show any real proof nor evidence that he is from 2010,besides he didn't "predicted" anything new,and also never said where the bombs starts falling in the U.S. and of course so far he did not gave any scientific ideas about how he got here in our time,for that reason if you ask me what i think of this guy,i must say that he ia another youtube wacko jacko,his face and atittude in my personal opinion resemble the good old insanely crazy dead man Mr. Marshall Applewhite Leader of Heaven's Gate sect,just look both of this pictures:
Yeah ,but It was for just entertainment and I do believe that you would all enjoy having watched it..

And BTW RMT, Bhutto said Bin Laden was dead a long time ago..Sometime around her death..

But remains unfound...of course....But who's to say...

So am I to assume this was never posted here?
Yeah, understood Kanigo2. But even for enterainment value, I would have to give him about a 3 (4 if I were generous) on his acting. And that is the class of style he listed in his Youtube account. The acting was too one-dimensional. He picked a very matter-of-fact tone and showed only that one, serious emotion. If he had really been through all he claims, one would have to imagine several different emotions vying to come out.

Oh yeah...twice he said he was going to tell us who won the presidency, but he never did. This promise to predict a future event was then "covered" by a "you don't need to know that right now." Well, he had said at least twice that his problem was to try and convince us he was real... but then just went on with his bad acting about how terrible life was, without even addressing his own self-stated problem.

Overall grade: C-

He said we would know about Bin Laden by January of 2008, that he dies in 2005. That never happened. One of his prediction about Obama being elected is true.

I believe I can file this claim under... BU|_|_S|-||t

Now, We got Part 3 of This Saga... LOL

Link to youtube...

<font color="red"> The third installment that finally answers the questions,




and most important

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