Has the Montauk Time Line Collapsed


Chrono Cadet
I am reading two years worth of posts at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Montauk. In message #54, posted on Wed Jan 2, 2002 the author boldly made this statement, "Good news folks: the Montauk timeline has collapsed... predestination
is no longer bound to the Montauk reality. "

I have also notices that almost all of those regularly posting in this discussion in the first 80 or so posts are no longer members of that group, and until I statted reading there last night and postsing questions, the most recent post was made on Wed 7/17/2002. We'll see what we can see about that.

Meanwhile at:UFOpro · UFO & Alien Abduction Investigations - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UFOpro/, I am in the process of becoming acquainted with a personal Acquaintance of Al Bileck, who was one of the key operatives at Montauk. Why not come there and see for yourselves?

Still digging for the truth,
It is out There !!!
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier
I have now completed reading all of the previous posts @ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Montauk. For some strange reason that discussion all but haulted about a month ago too. Most of those who had previously been involved in any meanigful exchange of information and / or speculations have left that group, and only two or three have responded to the forty or so question posts I have made in regards to what had been previously posted.

Yes, I am still in regular contact with the HyTDRA Hacker. I am, regretfully, not at liberty to discuss anything further of this ongoing transaction with anyone. It is most likely that I will be changing my location shortly, but even that will not be certain, and I would not say just where I would be relocating to, as there is much more to be learned about my personal connections with Montauk and other such covert operations in the past 40 - 50 years . . .

I welcome any comments.

Still digging.
The truth is out there ! ! !

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier
Well, what do y'all think about this possibility? I know there are some theorists in this crowd, and that there are still some discussions going on elsewhere . . . somebody else must have something to venture in this wide open topic field.
Couldn't hurt.

Oh, BTW . . . how would I go about transferring images FROM other sites?

Also, short of a major miracle I will be entirely offline FROM September 06 until at least October 05, 2002. That's a long time to without, however i the situation is beyond my cotrol excepting at least one major miracle.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier