Quoted from CERNWATCH dot com
- We were told yesterday that the beam schedule for the LHC collider at atlas facility will be in july 2008 with a cripple beam test of 1 TEV. this is 1 trillion electron volts. Do not expect anything to happen at these shitty energies. A so called full scale test will commence in august 2008 on a weekday. this is an energy of 14tev. I have heard rumors that the full energy capability of the LHC is 25TEV and that black holes will form at energies of 15 TEV and strangelets will oocur at energies of 20TEV. this is the reason why the probability of formation is so low becuase technically the particle accelerator will be run at subcritical velocities. Rumor has it also that the only people who will be around for the full scale test will be military of the 20 nations and a skeleton crew who will be jsut to operate the controls.
Yes. It was been turned on once last summer. Uhhh...it was a real smoker. Several acceleration coils melted down during low power testing.
They're scheduled to start low power testing in July. Actual real-deal research projects won't go off until all testing is completed - try 2009. But don't expect any research to be completed, analyzed, peer reviewed and published until 2010 (a very optomistic number) or 2011-2012 (a more likely scenario).
Just as an aside, in Titor's Saga he said, "The breakthrough that will allow for this [gravity distortion] technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online."
He said that on 1-FEB-2001. I guess that in 2036 "a year or so" actually means "a decade or so".
CERN update
As far as we can see here we will be applying full on power to the main deflector magnets in late july. we will conduct a 250 GEV test in late june.