Has anyone seen this symbol anywhere?


Temporal Novice
This might be totally a irrelevant object, but I find it mysterious as I cannot identify it. When it was found I thought I recognized it, it looked so familiar. But it appears I'm wrong in associating it with Star Trek. For all I know it could be a child's toy. I have scoured the internet for clues to it's origin to no avail. So maybe someone can help me out here? I'm quite curious as to what it is.

The reason I post it here is that if you asked me where it comes from, I'd say another time. (And that's my fanciful speculation because I just don't know. Right?) And frankly, I'm not sure where else to ask. The object seemed to be metal, unsure if it was ferromagnetic. The circular type markings look like they may have held something in them. But they look damaged, melted. Like it had been exposed to intense heat. Other marks on the surface look like peeling. On the back were two pieces of the same material, one on each end, folded over toward the center.

2011-11-17 21.33.43.webp
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It does look vaguely familiar to me. Seems as if it could be an emblem on a car. From the pic, I would surmise that there was an additional segment that has broken off at those three break points.
Come on. Just tell them what it was that you photographed on November 17, 2011 at 21:33:42 with your Samsung SGH i896 phone.

SAMSUNG.SGH-i896.....H...☺...H...☺fw 05.25 prm 05.26 .2011:11:17 21:33:42.smoakes.┬⌐2011 all rights reserved....2011:11:18.. .2.1...3.3...4.3...s.m.o.a.k.e.s...1.3.y.e.a.r.s.n.a.k.e.
The object was found by a good friend of mine (at the time) on his 20 acre property, in a storage trailer I believe. That's what he told me anyway when he brought it to the house. I lived there then, on the 13th property from the corner in a rural area near Calgary, AB. The place is known, mostly not for good reasons. And the land is strange. He still lives there. And he still possesses the object, as far as I know. It's not a picture of a picture, or CGI or anything. I held it in my hand. It's roughly 2" across lengthwise.

And if I knew what it was, I wouldn't still be trying to figure it out!

My ex had quite an elaborate explanation as to it's usefulness. Something to do with "them watching" and the H1N1 shot. My ex is also not exactly sane. He's known for his far out stories that would be difficult to prove accurate, if one was to even consider attempting to. Therefore, an unreliable source.
Have you seen if a magnet sticks to it? Does a compass go all wackie-doo around it? Does it sink or float in water? Also try salt water. Can you find someone you can trust to run some tests on it?

I've spent a couple of hours looking through automotive emblems with no luck. Tried out Googles reverse image search with no luck.

I suppose it could have been some type of broach that could be worn.

My next hunt will be through medals of honor.

A broach you say, hm.... I will not be surprised if the next claim will be, that it was the necklace of a time traveler, and it was a quake necklace - something like that:


Which necklace was spagetified from the black hole during the time traveling and came here in our timeline stretched as you see it.

Perhaps some underaged jerk wants to prove on this way that quake computer game is forever (it is now and it will be in the future since the time traveler wears it).

It will be interesting for me to see also the spagetified time traveler :) :) :) :)

Good find seivtcho. Looking through a symbol site, another possibility is that the image could possibly be representative of Poseidon (the Trident).

Yeah, I've been checking out that possibility. The break points on the object could suggest possibly an archer may have been attached. But no luck finding this particular object.
