Has a solar flare hit us?

This looks about the same time.

Earth Just Got Blasted with Highest-Energy Photons Ever Recorded

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The Carrington CME event happened back in 1859 and there is evidence that such an event happens around every 150 years. 1959 would be 100 years and then add 50 more years and you'll get 2009. We are ten years past the average time for another CME event. The difference is that we now have our homes connected to many miles of conductors. I expect that it may be wise to have a few fire extinguishers handy. I have seven large ones standing all around the house. We may receive a warning of around 24 to 48 hours? Now try to think of what life would be like after another CME and plan ahead by reading books like: Lights Out, One Second After, and the fifteen books written by, Joe Nobody called: Holding their own.

Watch Tamitha Skov on youtube. She's a space weather physicist and consultant to the Weather Channel for any space-based weather phenomenon. Her channel will let you know if we've had or are going to have a solar flare. She's very thorough and no nonsense. Ahead of her time as a space meteorologist.
wow thanks so much for the info ill check it out
