Happiness + ...Sadness - ... Death?


Temporal Novice
"Time flies when your having fun"
"Watch a pot, and it will never boil"

These and similar statements regarding the passing of time have intrigued me
since I was a small child. It has been mentioned in several posts by people
like OvrLrdLegion, and RainmanTime, among others, in some form or another,
that the speed in which we travel through time is relative to our emotional
status. Thus the reason why when we are feeling splendid our consciousness
flows easier through time, making "time fly", and the flip side of that being,
when feeling sad or bored or unhappy, our consciousness flows slower through
time. At one time someone posted the question in so many words "would severe
pain or anguish make a person travel back in time?" While I don't argue
against this question I pondered this one.

Could death and reincarnation place us back at our moment of birth to relive
our lives for each possible combination of of events regarding each parallel

There are a few connections I would like to point out that you shold ponder
before you hack at my hypothesis, which you are free to do.

Deja Vu:

Deja Vu is a very controversial topic. So be gentle. It is commonly known
that deja vu is more frequent in the earlier years of life. This idea is
relative in that as a child the divergence from the previous life is minimal
causing one to recognize the similarity without the knowledge that it
happened before.

Distinguishing good from evil:

Here is another controversial subject.

I believe (not to push my beliefs but to illustrate) that the first time
we live through our life we are pure evil and each time we die, we
reincarnate a little better. This creates the spectrum from pure evil to
pure good. Obviously the goal would be to get to pure good. So we live over
and over a little better than before. the reason I say all this is because
of the idea that it is easier to distinguish what is bad, than it is to
distinguish what is good. This is because we know what is bad because we've
done it already, and we recall this subconsciously.

(this is some pretty abstract thinking so if you didn't follow don't worry,
and if you disagree please criticize, but be gentle)

Any comment's before i go any further?
13. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent.

I brought this over from the Key of Time Thread. To address the Deja Vu comments. I have had that happen many times, where I would be certain I had done or experienced some event before. Usually, I can almost state what will happen next, but sometimes, the memory(?) isnt quite as I thought it would be.

To reference the statement from the Tablet of Hermes, perhaps we are existing in several times, and when we feel Deja Vu, it is a the accidental merging of two of ourselves.

If specific conditions exist with frequency, the flow of energy, then perhaps it is possible that our particular existence gets connected for a brief moment with another version of ourselves.

The principles of time seem simple enough, but the question I now face is this...

How would one be able to shift to an event that is not of the here and now?

To try and trick the consciousness into believing that it is the next day. And if one was successful at doing just that, and you couldnt reverse the process, you may not even know you did it.

Since everything seems to follow patterns, to set this up, one would have to develope a routine that sets up a specific pattern of behavior. I.E., reading the paper at a specific location and at a specific time, and doing this for a specific length of time.

Then, the next step would be to try and shift the awareness of the consciousness to a time in the future and see if it can glimpse the paper from the future. An attempt to accelerate or skip about in the constructed patterns.
Hi Pheonix..

heres my thoughts;

Could death and reincarnation place us back at our moment of birth to relive
our lives for each possible combination of of events regarding each parallel

I know what you are getting at. But what would be the point? If you evolved in one aspect - then at some point within one of these other lives, You are going to come across an event (then sebsequent epression of free will) that should not occur, as you have evolved past it - or at least have evolved past the expression or intention that you are about to put into action.

This is the problem with the idea that the same spirit form inhabits all lives of all doubles of an individual, it doesnt take into account the intent behind living consciously within this reality. Interestingly Titor also was of that opinion. Which was wrong in my view. But never the less i respect this view point.

when we are feeling splendid our consciousness
flows easier through time, making "time fly", and the flip side of that being,
when feeling sad or bored or unhappy, our consciousness flows slower through
time. At one time someone posted the question in so many words "would severe
pain or anguish make a person travel back in time?"

I think that it goes to show that time is an illusion that we all tick to. Certain higher aspects of the mind are not limited to this illusion. And under extreme stress (good and bad), perception of time is shown for what it really is. A perception.

At the point of orgasm for example (i'm sure we can discuss this in an adult manner), your perception of time is almost non-existant you have no need to view it - its almost irrelevant. Actually theres more to this subject but i'm sure most people will bore of it. Ironically its more likely this event in particular, will have the potential send you back in time.

flip this coin over, and if i held your hand over the gas cooker at home for 5 seconds, you'd be in hell for those seconds and your minds perception of the illusion would be so transfixed on how long you are taking to put an end to the damage, it slows down. Your lower mind which percieves this event (depending on the severity) can almost rip its self apart as it tries to deal with the illusion and the puts in place its own damage control (this is only with extreme situations though). Permanent trauma conditions can result.

Deja Vu is a very controversial topic

Actually i find i have more deja vu as i get older, as i become better at noticing it. I actually have a different opinion on Deja vu. But no-one agrees with it. I think that it is connected with dreams and while in this dream state, higher density information is being accessed. Including events that in 'linear perception' - this is an important phrase - are yet to occur. When the event happens though, you can't quite put your finger on it - like its been percieved before. Which in a sense is true, but the last time it was above linear perception. You can take or leave that view-piont.

Obviously the goal would be to get to pure good

Why would this be the goal - why do you favour good over evil? is it just because it makes you personally feel better?

If so, then what do you say to the people that favour evil or bad and this rather, makes them feel better. If you became 100% positive and someone held a knife to your neck, you'd allow them to stab you, you'd be so positive that you would rather they were allowed to express their free will, and not injure them, rather then live.

the reason I say all this is because
of the idea that it is easier to distinguish what is bad, than it is to
distinguish what is good.
Not always. Some people will see good in bad and bad in good, where others will not.. There are many things that will happen to you that you will see as bad, when in fact - were very good for you in the long term.

Again, its all to do with individual perception.

If one two men walked of a cliff, one would fall off to his death - and the other would just continue walking. I'd say that they were in the same reality - but one had a different perception to the other.

kindest regards,
OvrLrd and Olly,
Thank you for your thoughtful view points.

I did read the Key of Time thread which I found very interesting. Your concepts are very well thought out, and I have found them to help me out alot. with regard to my idea, and in line with:

13. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent.

this is part of why I brought this question up. After you die you relive your life over and over to exist in all times. It's just an idea on how the above comment from the tablet happens. To exist in all times existent our consciousness should have to travel through each one.

As for Deja Vu. This is in reference to the overlapse that would inevitably happen.

it is a the accidental merging of two of ourselves.

This would be the overlapse.


Again thanks for your view points. The point would be as I said above, to exist in all times, our consciousness would have to travel through each time line for it to exist. That is why I suggest this loop theory.
Your response regarding orgasm is quite valid. I like that. I agree time is relative to perception.
Your idea on deja vu I'm in total agreement with. My mother once told me about a dream she had when she was 14 or so. It was quite vivid in that she knew what car she was in she recognized her sister in the car in the back seat and a man whom she had not recognized was driving. In the dream, I should add, she was several years older than she was when she had the dream. Needless to say she was sort of freaked out by it and remembered it for a long time. then several years later she met my dad. They dated a while and at one point they were driving around with her sister in the back seat, and suddenly she FREAKED OUT, realizing that the Dream she had a couple years ago was actually happening. She told me that it was the most vivid deja vu she ever experienced.
I believe the number of dreams a person has on average per night is 20. If thats incorrect I'm sorry but the point is more focused on everyone has more dreams per night then they can actually remember. Since my mom told me that story I've always believed that Deja Vu is also a recall of a dream of the exact experience that is happening. I realize this may seem out of line with my previous statement but I don't think so. Dreams and sleep is the connection with the higher states of mind needed to stay connected to reality. So the two concepts work together rather than in contradiction.

I'm gonna shut up for a while and let you speak your mind on the topic now.
(Again criticizm is welcome)