Hair Care Conspiracy? We Think So!


Super Moderator
We were thinking about those instructions on bottles of shampoo lately. And we wondered if you noticed the same thing we did?

Ever notice that every last bottle of shampoo has the exact same instructions for use?

"Lather, Rinse, REPEAT"

Why do they all extoll us to REPEAT? Sure, you could make the obvious claim that it is just "good capitalism" to include suggestions that consumers use more of your product. But we think there is something definitely nefarious about this whole thing. It obviously smacks of collusion in the industry, otherwise why would they ALL carry the same instruction to "repeat"? You would think that, if it were all about market forces, that at least one shampoo manufacturer would sieze on the marketing opportunity to distinguish themselves from all the others: "Only OUR shampoo requires a single application, thereby saving the consumer money." But none touch this obvious product distiction. Clearly, they are all in cahoots with one another. But WHY is the operative question?

We think we know why.

They are part of the Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC), and they have all agreed to include additives in their shampoos that act to coat the scalp with a thin, conductive residue which makes our brains more susceptible to electromagnetic signals. Yes, folks, we think there is clear evidence that this conductive residue makes all shampoo users more subject to MIND CONTROL signals! So by extolling you to Lather, Rinse, and THEN REPEAT, all consumers are playing into the hands of the MIC and actually conditioning (pun intended) our scalps to make them easier to invade our minds!

Don't believe us? Well, what a coincidence it is that in the last 10 years we have enacted laws that make it illegal to use a product in ways other than it was intended. Coincidence? We think not. Obviously, what has now happened is the MIC has set-up a means to PROSECUTE us all if we do NOT follow their shampoo instructions to "REPEAT". If the manufacturer intends for you to make at least two applications, and you do not, couldn't they make the claim that you are NOT using the product as intended? Could they then take you to court? Or even worse, charge you with a misdemeanor? We think that is where this is headed (pun intended).

To protect ourselves, we have decided to cease using all shampoo. We are going to grow dreadlocks, not only because you don't have to wash your hair, but to make a statement against the powers that would control our minds through their shampoo formulas.

We suggest you should do the same, if you wish to avoid the MIC's attempts to control your mind.

Something to think about...


Glad to you to joining the fray...

I would be very suspicious of Chemical companies and the Illuminati and/or MIC.

There is a theory about Hydrogen Peroxide and Blondes. We thinks it makes them open to mind control and makes them crazy as well SUPER ATTRACTIVE to everyone.

Put a BLONDE in room of mixed hair people. Browns, Sandy Brown, Red Heads, Strawberry Blonds...

You'll only look at the Blond.

I think Norway area is the only place Blonde Women come from... A Germany is the only place Blonde Men come from... Weird?...

Your hair may be a SOUL ANTENAE... lol... Crazy Nonsense Huh? :)

Always love the hair conspiracies,

well... bob dole thinks bob dole is smart. :O

"we" (:D) think the hair care conspiracies are for the young of heart. ever notice how old people go bald? shampoo and conditioner are simply "time lapse" hair removal treatments, hence the rinse and repeat. its really all a scam to make you insecure and to get you to buy tons of that overpriced rogaine. :)

As for ""we" (:D) think the hair care conspiracies are for the young of heart. ever notice how old people go bald? shampoo and conditioner are simply "time lapse" hair removal treatments, hence the rinse and repeat. its really all a scam to make you insecure and to get you to buy tons of that overpriced rogaine. :)"

I hear ya... Unfortunately, I'm losing my hair in front and the sides of the front...

Sorry Ladies, I may be going bald... :)

But lucky I have Regelium XY to create the "Illusion" of having "thick" hair... :)

(I really wonder whats in that stuff! :))
