H i, i'm John Titor, 2038


Temporal Novice
H i, i\'m John Titor, 2038

Hi, i'm John Titor from 2038. My english isn't very good because the new lennguage of the world is Hispaniol...
My precedent mission is completed! The world is saved! This is the only message for you! I can go in the 2038 only in the 27 october 2009: you can speak with me in only two days.
Re: H i, i\'m John Titor, 2038

My precedent mission is completed! The world is saved! This is the only message for you!

OMG ! It's the Second Coming of John Titor !

Someone better give Jesus a call and tell him to cancel the Rapture and all that stuff.
Re: H i, i\'m John Titor, 2038

My english isn't very good blah,blah,blah....

On the <font color="red"> Titor Meter[/COLOR] (1 to 10) this thread rates: .05

Better luck next time. The 'real' Titor spoke good English.

As Arnold would say, Hasta la Vista,baby.
Re: H i, i\'m John Titor, 2038

I take it that the RAI Network recently replayed the "John Titor" episode on Voyager.
Re: H i, i\'m John Titor, 2038

It's amazing how the whole country converts to Spanish in just 2 years.

If the John Titor we all read about was really a true traveler, the way he explained things to us on how traveling to different worldlines. It was be almost impossible for him to land on the same worldline twice.

Just my opinion, I might be wrong.
Re: H i, i\'m John Titor, 2038

Hi, i'm John Titor from 2038. My english isn't very good because the new lennguage of the world is Hispaniol...
My precedent mission is completed! The world is saved! This is the only message for you! I can go in the 2038 only in the 27 october 2009: you can speak with me in only two days.
Hey! Nice to have you back.
Wow what a change from 2036 to 2038 the lennguage went from engrish to hispaniol. Such a change i see you must of forgot your engrish.

Though im not saying to speak English in a offensive way, just that why make it so blatant and so extremely brain dead simple in plain view to see what bologny this is.
What a horrible attempt.