Re: Hollywood swingers.
Before I even begin to reply to your message, I must explain one thing:
The Universal Laws of Communicating with Dan R. Mohammed
1) Dan maintains boredom tone unless it is necessary to diffuse the destructive tendancies of another being or compromise the delusional state of another being.
2) In textual communications, Dan maintains this same boredom tone.
3) No words of Dan shall be construed as bearing emotion, unless such words are followed by a series of exclamation marks as such: "Yes I do!!!" or emoticons such is these /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif :D /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
That being said, I will now reply to your message /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have no temper. The only thing that angers me is the destruction of beautiful things like:
-Catholics burning the Mayan Library or Huns burning the Great Library of Alexandria
-The murder of "good" people
-The extinction of a species at the hands of industry
-The destruction of cities with bombs
-The depletion of Earth's precious ozone, provider of a UV sanctuary for carbon life
-Rape, which usually destroys a person's self-esteem and inner beauty
-Child abuse, which does the same
-LYING -> Lying destroys a person's understanding of their surroundings. Lying slows down the progress of all mankind. The root of all "evil" is lying. I HATE LYING!!! Grrr!!!
These are the sorts of things that anger me.
Simply mislabelling me makes me laugh, my friend, unless of course you were to label me something as something bent on destruction, which is an outright lie. You have done nothing of the sort. You have not "earned" my anger.
Who are you to say the Indian people are the most holy people in the world? A devout muslim might say the same of the Saudis, given their proximity to Mecca and all. A catholic might say that the Pope is the holiest person in the world and the Holiest people therefore live in the Vatican. A buddhist would say the same of the Daili Lama and conclude therefore, that the holiest people in the world are Tibetans.
Again, all things are relative to perspective.
Why need a person be "Holy" to access other dimensions? Suppose I built a device that could cause my will to become reality (I'm working on such a thing) and then decided in my newly acquired infinite wisdom that humans were too hostile to be deserving of the technology? Now instead of trying to promote human creatures to a level of wisdom to curb their hostile tendancies, I simply caused every human creature's heart to stop pumping, thus wiping out the entire human race, and having no negative effects on the surrounding ecosystems?
Would I be Holy simply because I had access to the power to do that?
Keep in mind, the above is a hypotheical scenario. I would likely choose to promote humanity's wisdom. That still doesn't make me Holy. It just makes me pro-human life. I could also choose to cause Dolphins to reach the same level of wisdom and evolve tool-use over night and forget the human race, let'em duke it out. Am I good or evil? Neither. I simply choose to align myself with whatever I believe is best for the Universe on the whole.
To analyse universal wisdom even further, The Universe will continue to exist and thrive, no matter what the hell I do. I could destroy this entire galaxy, and it would have no effect on the universe.
All actions are inconsequential to the infinite complexity of the universe. Actions are only consequential to those systems in the universe which carry out those actions.
Again, the meaning of life would seem to simply be "to enjoy life".
The reason conflicts arise is because one faction wants to enjoy life, and another faction wants to prevent them from enjoying life. The faction that wants to enjoy life will, even if it is destroyed (like Rome) will inevitibly re-emerge at another point in history (as an entity such as the United States). Factions that seek to compromise others' enjoyment of life will most often be remembered as "barbarians", "conquerors", "terrorists" and I'm sure future generations will cook up many more terms for such factions.
Why should it be unwise for you to intentionally make me angry, beyond the obvious pointlessness of the activity? The worst I could do is kill you, if I knew your location. The least I could do is nothing. To simply ignore you and go on doing whatever it was I came out here to do. If I did feel angry about something you said or did, the most my instinct would tell me to do would be to retaliate with equal force.
I'm a pacifist. Retaliation is not in my nature. My most inexorable weapon is confusion. If you are doing something that makes me angry, I will attempt to confuse you to the point where you do not understand yourself. You will temporarily become delusional, lose your focus and discontinue angering me.
As for the future of this planet, nonsense. This planet will be here until something either smashes into it, which is not supposed to be for another 13 million years, or the sun blows up, which will occur in something like 10 billion years.
Moreover, Andromeda is chasing us. In 10 billion years, Andromeda will eat the Milky Way for Lunch.
If our planet were to still be here by then, and we never turned our heads skywards, we would likely not even notice our galaxy being swallowed up by a big monster galaxy after which I named my little kitten.
A catastrophe is just a really really big problem. Problems were made to be solved. Stop worrying and solve the problems.
I actually looked on the internet for the word "Swami" and "Swami Council". I saw one site which was fairly interesting. It is the website of one Vladimir Antonov, Ph.D. A Russian theologist of some kind. I e-mailed him my creation theory.
You have suddenly inspired my desire to bend, Meccawards while wearing a kilt. Do you know how funny that would look?
The only real islamic connection I have is simply that my ancestors believed in the teachings of Mohammed because India was invaded by Muslims hundreds of years ago. The only value I see in religion is the stories by which we can learn from history. Religion also gives us clues as to what sorts of questions we should ask about our past.
I honestly believe that the "Titans" were extraterrestrial beings, and "Yahweh" was one such Titan. Yahweh is very similar to Ishkur, the Sumerian god of the storm, and his Trident appears in Mesopotamia as well as Peru. The book of Ezekiel describes a very strange object which he described as the "Angel of God" which whisked him away to the "Land of Israel by the Sea" where he began to describe, in vivid detail, a "temple" which would have the same architectural formations as the Temple of Chavin de Huantar, Peru. The countryside which Ezekiel described also conforms to the lay of the land in Peru, at Chavin de Huantar.
What was a Babylonian Hebrew doing in Peru?
About the post in which I talk about that thing I can do:
I do not have any special ability. Everyone has the capability of influencing matter with their mind. How else would anyone make an active decision? How else would people overcome their instincts and let a doctor push a sharp object into their skin?
The same ability that allows us to ignore pain, or seek greater pleasure is the same ability that allows our minds to impose order on chaos.
Our minds emit EM waves. According to my 27 dimensional theory of the universe, those EM waves have an equal and opposite imaginary counterpart. This counterpart wave is capable of altering the imaginary properties of real energies, which in turn can alter the probability for real energies to take different forms, seemingly spontaneously.
It's nothing special. We can all do it. If we build a device to amplify our minds' EM waves, we will be able to impose spontaneous changes on more and more orderly systems.
This process is called "Radionics".
If we built a radionic device powered by an unlimited source of energy, such as a singularity, we would be able to instantaneously convert our will into reality. We would be unstoppable.
On just having fun: The above device would hold the key to solving ALL of our problems. Every last one. What's left to do when you've solved all your problems?
Well, it's play time. Let's go smash black holes into each other to see if they disappear! Let's take out a huge loan, give the money to charity, default on the loan until collectors start knocking down the door, and then magically create the money right in front of them! Let's find out what happens if you move an entire galaxy to the other side of the universe! If any harm comes of it, we can simply put the galaxy back where it was in time and space, and no one in that galaxy would be the wiser...
Once you solve all your problems, there's nothing left to do but enjoy life. That's why people build up fortunes, invest those fortunes for cash flow and then quit their jobs. They've solved all their problems unrelated to health.
The same device I mentionned could fix health indefinitely also. Senility? Forget it. You don't need a memory anyway, you can tap the universal consciousness.
As for the quality of my personality? That's arbitrary. It's a matter of perspective.
You said:
>To go to the privacy of your bathroom, get out the blond hair dye and dye your hair beach blond >yellow; then take up the California surfboard, with the I don't care attitude and lets all have >fun, might not win conscriptions to your camp?
That would create problems on top of problems I already have. Why would I do that unless I had no problems to solve?
You said:
>Here I thought you were a carefree fun-loving Pakistani Muslim.
Think about what you just said. That is somewhat contradictory. Not many Pakistani Muslims are carefree or fun-loving. They are mostly mundane and religiously conscientious. If a Pakistani was carefree and fun-loving, he would not be a spiritual muslim. Being care-free and fun-loving is not exactly a muslim way of life.
You said:
>If you have a gift, all I'm saying is refine this gift?!
Bring me some pure gold, pure quartz, pure cobalt, a smelting plant, a jeweller, my girlfriend and a mechanical engineer, and I'll show you how to turn all your thoughts into reality.
Best Regards,