Greetings From the Future!


Temporal Novice

The names Brandon Falzon. (Well, it's not my real name, but that is what I'm going by while I'm here). I arrived a few days ago from the future. I'm sure that will be hard for you to believe, but it's true. You don't have to believe me, but at least listen to what I have to say.

I'm currently staying with my family and I have met my past self. I suppose I should clear a few things up first by trying to explain why I'm here. I was sent here on a mission that I must follow to exact detail. The problem is, there has been a miscalculation and I've ended up to far back in the past. This is a problem, but it can be resolved. I will stay here and wait. Time will pass by and eventually I'll have reached the date that I was originally supposed to arrive. In fact, this was the plan all along. They knew that it was near impossible for me to get arrive on the exact desired time.

So now I have a lot of time on my hands. I have no problem with discussing the future with you. My job here is to change the future by any means necessary. I want to make as big an impact as possible. There is a huge chance that the plan I have been given will fail; therefore I must do what I can to impact on this timeline.

My past self is currently going through the plan we have devised. His/my opinion on it will play a huge part if it's successful. I know it sounds confusing now, but just ask me anything and I will try and clear it up for you.

Greetings, Time Traveler:

If your plan is to change the future by any means (I think you mean possible and not necessary), are you sure that posting on the internet is the most effective way to go about it? From the future you should be able to see pivotal events that make the future and stop those, for example claiming that you are Hilary Clinton's sex slave so she won't be elected president. : ;)

Secondly, what you are about is to disrupt the flow of cause and effect from the past to the future. Some would say this makes you a bad dude.

If you're going to rely on disinformation (the theory of which is an interesting avenue of discussion), the most reliable method I can think of is to give information about our immediate future that is true, or perceived to be true. You know, you wouldn't have to make too many really right-on predictions before everyone picked up on it and you had an international reputation. Then you present the Big Lie.

Does this make sense? O.K. Now let's have some of those really good predictions to start with.

well and welcome to 2006....but tell us what kind of time travel machine do you use? also what the future hold for us? and what year are you from???

write back.. :)

Hi Fal!

Welcome back to planet earth.

Yes, please answer my question, Can you tell us about the civil war ?!

* sniggers under breath *

My job here is to change the future by any means necessary. I want to make as big an impact as possible
I can understand, I realise how these missions are meticulously planned. Did you by any chance pass by "Temporal Olly" on your way here? I believe he would have been travelling in the wormhole coming the other way...Best wishes,



Can you possibly draw, scan and post a Penrose diagram of the spacetime that you traversed to get from "there to "here"?

It would help us to understand where you come from and how you plan go get home.

BY the way, considering that you solved the time travel mystery, who was correct about QM: Bohr-Heisenberg, Bohm or Everett-Wheeler? How did you come to that conclusion?

How did you handle Chistado's "Beetle Unitary Gague Event Horizon" (BUG Horizon) QM problem?

Hi. I'll try and answer everyones questions so far in this post.

In response to PackerBacker -

Of course the internet isn't the most effective way to go about it. I can't do anything until the time arrives for me to put my plan in action. So until then, I'm stuck here for a long time with nothing to do.

I am "disrupting the flow" for the better of everyone. Therefore, I am a good dude. :)

I have come prepared. However, it was unknown exactly when I would arrive here. I for one was not expecting to arrive so far back. But in any case, I can give you some general facts that will occur. Hillary Clinton will be president. The most inhumane terrorist attacks will occur when bombs are detonated in Catholic schools in America after Clinton is elected. More race riots will errupt in France, however the event is not staged by the ethnic population. Australia will also face race riots. Iran and Syria are invaded. These facts are the underlying events that will cause major problems down the track.

In response to Warrior381 -

I came here in a flying saucer. You see, flying saucers are not extra terrestrial but they are much more advanced then the aircraft flying around in 2006. Let me put something to you. In what time period accounted for the most "UFO" sittings? The cold war era of course. Now why where they flying around during that time? The answer is that they where sent back to stop confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States. They had a meaning for being there, just as I have a meaning for being here.

The future holds many exciting events for you. It is (or will be) interesting times that everyone will be living in. The world will face a global transformation on the way people see and view things. This in turn, will make for some tense scenarios seperated by two very different views of opinion.

I am from the year 2038.

In reply to OllyB -

There is civil war in more then one country. France, Germany, Australia or America. Which one do you wan't to know about?

Hahaha nope, I didn't see him. I'll say Hi to him on the way back if I see him

In reply to Darby -

No need for me to draw a diagram. Just use a search engine to find "Flying Saucer". You can get a rough idea by looking at the pictures.

I didn't solve time travel. I'm just the pilot, not the inventor. I have experience in flying some of the most advanced aircraft of my time. I was a fighter pilot in WW3 where I was recognised for my talents. My outstanding record alongside the contacts I know/knew, landed me this posistion. The location of my family also played a huge role in the decision of choosing me to go back.

P.S My other self said Hi.

In response to Warrior381 -

I came here in a flying saucer. You see, flying saucers are not extra terrestrial but they are much more advanced then the aircraft flying around in 2006. Let me put something to you. In what time period accounted for the most "UFO" sittings? The cold war era of course. Now why where they flying around during that time? The answer is that they where sent back to stop confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States. They had a meaning for being there, just as I have a meaning for being here.

The future holds many exciting events for you. It is (or will be) interesting times that everyone will be living in. The world will face a global transformation on the way people see and view things. This in turn, will make for some tense scenarios seperated by two very different views of opinion.

I am from the year 2038.

Awesome cool.....a flyer saucer(UFO) I hope that I wish to have one of those machine....hey I just wonder tell us about the future of America? will there be a North America Union which Canada and Mexico and America become North America Union?? also will there be a riot in that time like 2007-2010?? also will there be a first time travel machine for public use?? have you ever heard of Time Travel Belt that worn around the waist to time travel?? do you use black uniform?? or what...write back... :)

Falzon writes...

Hillary Clinton will be president. The most inhumane terrorist attacks will occur when bombs are detonated in Catholic schools in America after Clinton is elected.
Falzon,What are you doing?

Your post is horrendous.

You want to effect the time lines, well, you just may have by posting material that is contained in your reply to questions regarding the future.

If any Catholic schools are blown up, I think a hard look at you would be in order.

You may have just bought yourself more trouble than you might imagine by posting such a reply on a public forum.

I dont say this to be mean, but just as a friendly warning. There are some people that will find your information worth the investigation to see who you really are.

I sincerely hope that you dont get in over your head with a whimsical try at making a time traveler claim, and end up with a government agency tracking you down and causing undue chaos in your life.

And what happens if Hilary is elected ?

Are you , yourself going to do this to make it seem as though you were from the future...?


All the suppossed time travelers seem to follow a script, and you have followed that script to the letter.

"Greetings from ( insert year here )".

"I am from the future. You won't believe me. Ask me anything."

Responses to questions..vague and illusive.

RainmanTime has a test to help you support your claim...are you up for the challenge?


What schools? Tell us so we can remove our kids if they are there!

This is something that needs to go to press/FBI someone contact the law ASAP and have them check into this ASAP they need to contact your service provider and locate you! I mean the kids!

Hey there stud, this is all someone need to do with your lie!

So you should shut off your computer and never turn it on again, technology is not for all people, you sir prove that 95% of or world needs to be told how to act and behave!

My bet is we never see him...I hope I am wrong!<---edit for this


OvLrd has pretty much hit the nail on the head in several areas.

RainmanTime has a test to help you support your claim...are you up for the challenge?
Indeed. In fact, I will be taking bets on what this TTer's "excuse" will be for why he cannot complete my challenge. My money goes on him claiming that his UFO used to TT is gone and not under his control or use anymore... which is thus why he has to "sit and wait" until the Time comes for him to begin his defined mission. ;) RMT


Can you possibly draw, scan and post a Penrose diagram of the spacetime that you traversed to get from "there to "here"?
I just loved his brush-off answer to this question of yours. I guess google is supposed to easily explain for you how the UFOs traverse the Penrose space-time diagram! We will certainly have some fun with this one, eh? ;) RMT

Re: Yes.....Yes

No, my bet is that he will stick to the classic, "i only pilot the Time machine, i do not have to know exactly how it operates".

I think that this certainly acceptable though ( puts on sarcastic voice ). Think of it the opposite way around, Ray. You are one of the top players of your game, working in aerospace engineering/systems design. You don't need to know anything about literally flying a plane to design them. Do you!

I know if i were a pilot, i wouldnt mind flying a plane/Space shuttle that was designed and built by engineers who knew nothing about piloting

Makes logical sense, wouldnt you agree?

* shakes head *

Sr. Falzone,

But...what about the:

"Beetle Unitary Gague Event Horizon" (BUG Horizon) QM problem?
Surely you aren't saying that Lyndon B. Johnson prevailed and your handlers decided to use non technically skilled professional wrestlers and stock car drivers as their time travel gadget pilots, did they??? Most fighter pilots have at least a BS in aeronautical engineering or a related engineering field. I'm assuming, based on your narrative, that you are indeed a fighter pilot and have a BS degree.Therefore...

The BUG Horizon problem is central to your ability to time travel. What were you told about how your physicists solved this mystery?

I've decided that it would be in my best interests to keep to myself until the time arrives. Attention is not what I want at the moment...I would rather people think that I'm a nut job. It's been nice talking to you all. You will hear from me at a later date. Just keep in my mind some of the facts I posted and watch them unfold. Until then, I'll see you all later, possibly in a few years time.

Attention is not what I want at the moment...
Well, this seems to a fairly significant change in Mission Design. I thought you wanted to make as much an impact as possible, the more the better right?

I would rather people think that I'm a nut job
Congrats, It would appear your new Mission Design is going according to plan.Say hi to Temporal Olly, if you see him on the way back. I hear his time travel machine breaks down a lot in those worm-holes, something do with one of the components (which he told me was beyond my simple minded comprehension) or such like.....

Kind regards,



Hmmm...five and out. While not quite a record it was at least somewhat predictable.

While you're out there doing whatever it is that time travelers do ponder the BUG Horizon problem. Denmark has already solved it (as has Holland and Germany).
