Greetings from 2039


Temporal Novice
Hello to anyone who is reading this. I am fellow time traveler who has come to you in the hopes that you may seriously consider changing your ways. It is widely known by many who use the Internet, that at this point in our world line, some of the "information" that the one who has come before me has given to you, has seriously altered life as you will have come to know it.

I arrived here on Jan 15th 2006. I will only be here for 3 months. I will return to my time after April 15th 2006. (Never to return again. NO MATTER WHAT ALL IMPOSTERS MIGHT SAY).

What I CAN tell you of my mission, is that one of my objectives are to answer any questions you have (just as the one who came before me has) with as much detail as I possibly can. I do this all in the hopes that it might help you as a society of leaders to avoid the coming events.

First things first. When Cramer of UW theorized (1 month AFTER the one who came be fore me returned back to his time.) that they were simply attempting to understand how things ended up right after the Big Bang on the time scale of about a micro-second, It was said and I quote "We are part of a dance between theory and experiment, prediction, observation and revision of ideas, which always leads to a higher understanding and knowledge.

2001 was NOT supposed to be the year for the serious funding and research (GRANTED BY EXCENTRIC MILLIONAIRES) of time travel. But there were those in 2004 after the start of the presidential election which planted the seeds for America's 2nd Civil War, who realized that the one who came before me was speaking the truth. Cramer's research caused an Ion collision in an attempt to surpass light speed which resulted in violent explosions in the test field. (Needless to say light speed wasn't archived in that instance but Cramer was very close). Regardless, this research is now 28 years early!!!

So, where "John Titor" attempted to hide certain facts and divulged others (against better instruction) and failed miserably, I will give you what I can in the hopes that you will be wise enough to change your selfish ways.

ok so you are a time traveler......can you post some picture of the time travel machine?? also picture of future and past?? write back. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Greetings XavierCage,

Here are some questions for you to ponder over...

How did you come to this time and what time are you from?

Are you part of a certain project in going back in time? If so what is it called and what is the basis of this project?

How did you accomplish traveling through time?

What will be the next big thing to happen if we are still going to have a civil war?

How old and where are you from (time and place).

This is all for now, thanks!
Do not worry, I will not be offended. I'm here for a purpose. I'll do my best to answer the real ones as opposed to the obvious sarcasm. Basically there are some questions I can answer because it's historical knowledge for me and others are things that I would have to remember from when I was younger in your worldline.

In 2039 I am a 62 year old man. I was born in 1977 in Illinois. I was a renaissance man before I was sent back to your worldline. I was a scientist, an author, and a father all after the time I turned 32. After the birth of my second child, I was offered a job consulting for an organization that for obvious reasons I cannot name. A few years into my working with them I was placed in a team of 5 people who were to be sent back in time.

Please understand that in 2039 time travel is a normal concept. However, upon the return of who you would come to know as "John Titor", we learned that even though to us, it was achieved at a certain time, according to him, it was 20 some odd years earlier than supposed to. And it seriously altered future events for him. (He successfully contacted his past self and family in an attempt to save his mother from death in Hurricane Ivan) Against initial instructions. Ofcourse, to me, I only knew that she died from a heart failure years later than he claimed she did.

Also, I was "prepped" (if you will) before I was to be sent to your worldline for some of your questions.

As far as who wins the super bowl in 2006, I was never really a big sports fan growing up and I would have been 28 then. I'm 62 now. Can you remember who won the super bowl 34 years ago (without the luxury of the Internet at your fingertips?).

Unfortunately flying cars never came about. At least not by 2039. In fact there are not as many automobiles anymore after WWIII. We as a people, travel in more productive means.

The civil war in the United States started in 2004 with the presidential elections cutting a clear line between right and left Americans. It's not very visible here yet to you, but believe me. It has been going on behind the scenes. Problems between Americans started as political partisan issues that turned into an all out physical fight by 2008. Watching television while I'm here in your worldline, I am reminded of the hatred we actually had for each other. (I too fell victem to hatred for a time). Eventually we ALL get involved by 2012. The war lasted 3 years. It was over in 2015.

Then we slammed right into WWIII. Russia & China both believed that the natural disaster we endured in 2005 made us weak. So that along with whom we had for president in 2008 made us appear vulnerable to the rest of the world. Your in for a very big political change in 2008. The president that follows this one while be quite different from ANY of the presidents you have had in the history of the country.

Xavier Cage is NOT my real name. I like "John Titor" have visited myself, but unlike John Titor, I have not allowed my 2006 self to be aware that he will eventually become the 62 year old man he's had a few conversations with. (It is harder than I thought it would be not telling them but rather letting nature take it's course.) Granted, I am also interested to see and hear what changes when I return to 2039
As far as who wins the super bowl in 2006, I was never really a big sports fan growing up and I would have been 28 then. I'm 62 now. Can you remember who won the super bowl 34 years ago (without the luxury of the Internet at your fingertips?).
OK, that is acceptable, I suppose.
So that along with whom we had for president in 2008 made us appear vulnerable to the rest of the world. Your in for a very big political change in 2008. The president that follows this one while be quite different from ANY of the presidents you have had in the history of the country.
Now unlike the winner of the 2006 Super Bowl, there is no acceptable reason for you to NOT remember the name of the president who wins in 2008. Name please?

I can provide plenty of other questions. But since you appear to claim some level of connection to the alleged John Titor, then you ought to be able to answer this one:

Can you please provide the measurement basis for the concept of % timeline divergence? What is the percentage based upon, if you please?

Ok then what is the deal with the Olympics. Titor said that there would be no official olympics after 2004 and we are about a month away from the "Official" 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy. What are your thoughts on this?
I do remember the name of the president in 2008. EVERYONE will remember. I CANNOT name the president here for fear that it may cause strife for the me in 2006. What I can tell you, is that America will be in for a huge historical change with the 2008 presidential election. This will be one of the first times, that your current vice president will not run for office.

Let's just say that with your next president, you won't have to worry about sexual affairs with female interns in the oval office. The next president will not desire sex with women.

At least not openly. (That was a joke)

Keep your eyes on Freemasonry. (They are not what they seem) CERN is very real and will be well known very soon. The one world government was attempted but did not last very long.

The measurements for timeline divergence are known in your worldline as AMF, GERB and AMMA stations. However, thanks to John Titor, I cannot nor would I be willing to give you anymore info than that. But that information is available to you right now in this worldline. You just have to look. --- Answers to questions like these are that reason why I had to come here. (reluctantly I might add)
Heh, heh. Are you ready for the ride of your life, XavierCage?

I CANNOT name the president here for fear that it may cause strife for the me in 2006.
Oh please. Here we go again. This is how you "cover" the fact that you cannot possibly guess accurately.

Let's just say that with your next president, you won't have to worry about sexual affairs with female interns in the oval office. The next president will not desire sex with women.
Hillary or Condi? Gee, should we just play 20 questions? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif the president elected in 2008 a caucasian female?

The measurements for timeline divergence are known in your worldline as AMF, GERB and AMMA stations.
Well of course you MUST mean the American Medical Manijuana Association right? At least that might explain why you think you traveled in time. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Don't be so amateurish if you want people to buy into your story. The least you could do is spell-out what you intend the acronyms to mean.

However, thanks to John Titor, I cannot nor would I be willing to give you anymore info than that.
Another cover! You're really going to go down fast (or become terribly boring very quickly) if these are your pat answers. Defining what a percentage measurement is based upon is nowhere NEAR divulging the secret to any sort of technology!

Should I continue with more questions, or will those be addressed with more non-answers?

So, did you grow up in Plainfield, Illinois, or is that where your "mission objective" is located for this trip you are on?
Look, I didn't even want to come here. It's painful for me. I deal with the temptations of altering my future for my own selfish gain. But that is not who we are in 2039. I'm not here to entertain you. I'm hear to be a voice in a very loud world in the hopes that maybe, just maybe you can be prepared for what is to come.

This is not my only objective on my mission. Besides, if you were me, and you didn't care if you were believed or not, would you honestly tell you?

I grew up in Oak Lawn Illinois. I moved all over the place but I went to Plainfield Illinois when I was 27 until I was 29. I'm not here to convince you of my validity. I'd prefer it if you felt that I was not from the future, but rather someone just trying to help.
For the record: I don't believe you. Now perhaps you can leave the sob story and emotional non-responses behind?

I asked some questions, but you did not answer them. Yet you said you were here to answer questions. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I am here because John posted the following in November 2, 2000

"I saw the posting requesting the basic systems for a gravity distortion system that will allow time travel. Here they are:

1. Magnetic housing units for dual microsignularities.
2. Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsingularities.
3. Cooling and x-ray venting system
4. Gravity sensors (VGL system)
5. Main clocks (4 cesium units)
6. Main computer units (3) "

He also posted the operating manual for the C204 - G.D.T.D.U. (Gravity Distortion Time Displacement Unit)

Incidentally, I arrived using the C206 G.D.T.D.U. (I will not display the diagrams for that unit as I was not supplied with them on paper like the man who called himself John Titor)

I will tell you that unit basically is able to supercharge the ions within a contained unit and literally distort the gravity around the unit.
What could I possibly say? I don't believe you can do anything about what is to come. My goal is that hopefully my words stay with you after WWIII so that you can survive and help build back up. Because in 2039, there is still alot of work to be done as far as cleaning up after the mess. One of my mission objectives is to attempt to ease that future effort.

Great Britan too gets involved with americas civil war. (there are many ways to fight a war)

American citizens did not like their rights taken away under the concept of homeland security. Search engines became recorded. Phone lines were recorded, e-mails were recorded. There were americans who fought back against the government, and there were those who fought the americans who were against the government. It was a horrible time. It got really bad when we sent up a shuttle in December of 2006 attempting to "reduce risk". It was really sent by U.S. Air Force to auto lock onto a nuclear target.

Partly my reason for being here is to simply enjoy communication with others. To relive some of the "old times"
The new model of time displacment method, has a designation of G D .Is there somehow a change in status?

Within the operating faze, of styles like the one, said by you, there is A. No earth taken from the prime mover event, B. A little dirt taken from the prime displament event, C A clean cut skulpted amount of dirt, taken from the prime displament event?
If a hungry man, noone goes near more than a mile away, then the answer to this is, Yes, radiation is wonderful and all of the niceties it does for you?
The system takes time to use but what I can tell you is after you enter the destination coordinates the bell sounds. Overall the process is very noisy. Even after you arrive because there is still electrical charges "static" popping when you complete the trip.

The gravity field generated by the unit happens very fast. About 2-3 G's of bodily pressure are felt. There is a blast of light outside of the unit but undoubtedly it is ultraviolet radiation. It looks like an inner tube.

Then everything goes dark until you shut it down. I then wait a few moments before I exit the vessel. It is super hot to the touch after entry. Your ears will pop from the release of gravity and air pressure.

It is widely known in my time that the C204 unit is accurate from 50 years as a destination time however, the unit I traveled her in is more accurate.