Greetings from 2025.

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Temporal Novice
You won't believe what is going to happen to you next.<font color="floralwhite">
ashornsqueakadistresshegohitnewsevereonlineastainassinsosfuninzealiconicsavantfamestompsmyclonetie [/COLOR]
You won't believe what is going to happen to you next.

Au Contraire, mon frer! It is YOU who will not believe what is going to happen to YOU next! This thread is closed because it is in the wrong forum! You should know by now Zesh old pal, old buddy, that you should be posting your TT claims in the TT claims board. What is most amazing (and which continues to serve to debunk your silly claims) is that if you actually were posting from the future, you would have known by now that I would close this thread and tell you to "move it or lose it".

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