Greetings from 2025.


Your spatial navigation solutions are in error, as you ended up on the time travel discussion forum instead of the time travel claims board where such a post rightly belongs.

[Shooting for 20 years .25>.24219, (4*.24219 is .96876~1)*4=3.87504~4 should put this at Feb 22nd 2005]
Your temporal control loop also has a negative phase margin, as you can clearly see since you ended up targeting February 22, 2006 rather than 2005.

Furthermore, since your last attempt to hoax this board you have yet to rise to my challenge to post something prior to your initial post that arrived here on Feb 22, 2005. I know and can see how you are posting today, with a lower attempt # (14 rather than 18) as a means to stoke your hoax. However, if you cannot pre-post something to this board prior to Feb 22, 2005 then you are completely useless in your "tunneling" methodology and you should go back to the drawing board... you jerk! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And as CAT mentioned in one of her posts, this site is probably being monitered. If anyone that really seems to be a "real" time traveller, I am sure that the postings would diminish rather quickly once the origins of the information was traced and judged to be a "true" time traveller.

And I think a real time traveller would not be posting in this site, unless it was one of the regular members who succeeded at Time Travel and wanted to gloat. The 'mission' of any time traveller would probably prevent him/her from posting anything anywhere on the web, unless they had some underlying motive.

And if that was the case, TTI probably wouldnt be the first choice for a Time Traveller to post anything.
Greeting Zeshua, TTA here. Nice to meet'cha.

All formalities aside, you and I seem to have something in common. Apparently some big shot Cryptologist from an unknown agency's mailroom seems to think I am you, and you are me.

Obviously this is preposterous to you and I, since we’ve never previously met before tonight (at least I don't think we have).

No-No, there’s no need to reply Zeshua. This post alone is credibility enough for our dear friend Cipher, who is quietly taking notes in the back conceptualizing an alternative angle.

Sorry, but no connection here either Cipher /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Zeshua used a Wi-Fi Direct...device

So why didn't you post back over here in this thread, rather than starting a new thread?

Because the way these devices connect...

The Wi-Fi Alliance announced a new wireless networking specification which will enable devices to establish simple peer-to-peer wireless connections without the need for a wireless router or hotspot. Wi-Fi Direct has a wide array of potential uses, many of which encroach on Bluetooth territory and threaten to make the competing wireless protocol obsolete.

Wi-Fi Direct devices can connect in pairs or in groups. With Wi-Fi Direct only one of the devices needs to be compliant with Wi-Fi Direct to establish the peer-to-peer connection. So, for example, a Wi-Fi Direct-enabled mobile phone could establish a connection with a non-Wi-Fi Direct notebook computer to transfer files between the two.

Wi-Fi Direct overlaps into Bluetooth territory. Bluetooth is a virtually ubiquitous technology used for wireless connection of devices like headphones, mice, or the ever-popular Bluetooth earpiece sticking out of everyone's head. Bluetooth uses less power, but also has a much shorter range and slower transfer speeds. Wi-Fi Direct can enable the same device connectivity as Bluetooth, but at ranges and speeds equivalent to what users experience with existing Wi-Fi connections."
end quoted
Link to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
And as CAT mentioned in one of her posts, this site is probably being monitered. If anyone that really seems to be a "real" time traveller, I am sure that the postings would diminish rather quickly once the origins of the information was traced and judged to be a "true" time traveller.

I don't think anyone 'monitoring' would have any more clue as to whether someone was a 'real' time traveller than the rest of us do. It is easy to disprove time travel claims, but almost impossible to prove.

Also..I think it most likely that the first time machine would either be created by the military or by some billion dollar corporation ( probably working with the military ). As such, the first communications or visits would most likely be top our own time or earlier. So if time travel ever does happen, the various government agencies would already know about it !

I also think that there'd be no great hurry to sell the patent to General Electric for mass production. I can imagine words like " Are you kidding ? Let the public loose on this thing ? What if Al Qaeda get hold of one ? ".........and the whole thing would be classified for 100 years.

I think it highly unlikely they'd be letting the likes of Titor use it for shopping trips.
I think it highly unlikely they'd be letting the likes of Titor use it for shopping trips.

One of the weaknesses of the Titor story is that the time traveler isn't working out of his garage, but McDill AFB in Tampa (Headquarters for the gulf war(s) under Gen Tommy Franks.)It is a purported military operation, and in real life would likely be at least top secret.How could there not be some classification involved?

One of the weaknesses of the Titor story is that the time traveler isn't working out of his garage, but McDill AFB in Tampa (Headquarters for the gulf war(s) under Gen Tommy Franks.)It is a purported military operation, and in real life would likely be at least top secret.How could there not be some classification involved?

I fully agree. In an alleged operation such as Titor's, he'd be under strict orders to tell no-one. And what does he do ? He blabs the whole thing on some internet forum !

His controllers would thus already know about his breach of protocol before they even hired him, as of course Titor has made sure the whole world knows about his inability to keep a mission secret. I would imagine the first question any aspiring time traveller would be asked is ' Were you ever John Titor ?'......with immediate disqualification if the answer is 'yes'.