Greetings from 2025.


Temporal Novice
Greetings All,

It is currently 72 degrees on February 22nd 2025 and this is my now attempt #01.
[Shooting for 20 years .25>.24219, (4*.24219 is .96876~1)*4=3.87504~4 should put this at Feb 22nd 2005]

If this message is received on the TimeTravelInstitute forums please confirm; as it has taken weeks just to sign up. I request someone to reply to this message if you are reading it and I will attempt to keep working on the tunneling through your "Proxy".

Responses will be slow but also instantaneous, be patient. I hope it works this time as I am a fan of the site, we all have read here for years.

Well days all.
You ain't getting here with your math!
That's plain to see!

have no idea where that puts him. In 20 years, there is a leap year 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, so that is five and not four!

I have no idea where this guy is from but there are 365.25~ days in a year. That is until you get into astronomy then it is 365.2422 days, so he called it -- 0.24219 which would be about correct, I guess.

But still from 2005 to 2025 and that is 20 years there are 5 years that are leap years!
Unless it is divisible by 4 and 400 and somewhere there is that 100 divisor, so the year 2000 is not a leap year, but 2004 is and was and had a Feb. 29th!
I guess it was divisible by 400 (the year 2000) so that is why it was not a leap year, neither is the year 1600, 1200, 800, whatever!