Greetings, an offering


Temporal Novice
There are those of you, the masses, that believe we are nothing but bumping along accidentally.

I have digested this website and found it novel, rather interesting, and as well sometimes sad. This John Titor referred to on many occaisions had some well founded thoughts. One such post that comes into my mind is the one referring to the current timeline as full of civil selfish "sheep", or close to that point.

First question I would ask for novel purposes;
Why would anyone want to travel to and fro between time, whatever the parallel, with this meat package currently used, that is oft times referred to as a "body", when the act of death itself gives that choice and is used everytime humans have been thrown back?

The truths have been stared at within the face of you all for since alpha and omega, when is it the correct "time" for realization?

The riddle lies between spiritualism vs. science, when the time comes and the two meld correctly, I believe the answer will be given as it always has, press rewind, or fast forward....depending on parallel.

If I were to speak the blunt truth, is it not human nature to ridicule what is not understood, and what is not understood feared, and if fear is continued, hate ensues? I do not have the proper analogies for what is the most ultimately misunderstood fact existing in it's own truth, so that it can be understood without the "fear" of the herd trampling it to death.

There are some very apparent oxymorons in existence and held in belief by even the most educated, institutionally, as well as those that are to the equivalent self-taught.

"We the people"; are you born into a republican, or democratic party? Have the two not been brothers since your nations birth? Where comes the people who lead the freedom of will? Where comes the disillusion....who holds the carrot before the donkey to keep it moving for the promise never gotten?

Have no doubt who the winner of the election of 2004 is. He has already won.

Where does God vs Science play into this game?

The Bible, Qur'an, were written after the fall of Sumeria. Have no doubt the American goverment looted the musuem in baghdad. Alot of you are close to understanding, those artifacts are not wanted for public display by those that understand.

Those that wrote the Bible and Qur'an were ones that remembered Sumeria quite well from the generations that passed it along.

In the beginning there was nothing save God.

Everything was created out of God, you are God.
You are energy, you are what you cannot understand until you return.
That was your design, that was your choice.

The timeline goes forward, it goes backward never ending, the alpha and the omega.
Jump in were you wish, as you always have.

When you wish to speak with God, listen to your subconscience, for it is much wiser than the conscience, but then again, chances are that you already knew that.

You are a creator, you create your own reality.

Humans only use so much of their brain capacity on average. The filter uses more capacity when more realization comes with more intuition, or knowledge.

I had to comment after digesting this data, forgive my choice of offering, there is so much to choose from, and that is where I may drown in rambling, trying in vain to convey.
Have a great day, whilst I swim ashore.

Re: Salus Consalutatio Adventitius

Friends Of EarthTR125.0121

It seems that now that we've had our good share of time travelers , we have now attracted the prescence of nothing else than one of the Exemplars, as they were called back in Romas in 540 A.D.

Oh boy, poster this is an advice to you. Before you keep this little number any longer let me tell you one important piece of advice. Trying to feign to be a time traveler is okay, it is a fictional character one simply concocts. However, claiming to be an Exemplar, which is not a very good thing to do, might arouse several confounding variables in your surrounding. For example you might start believing the things you say or worse for those spiritually inclined you might open up unconsciously a bridge between you and the thing you are channeling.

Do not be misguided, Exemplars might talk of the Grandiousity of G-d, of His Infinite Love, of How much are we a part of Him, but do not be fooled, they were expelled from Heaven not for fighting against G-d but for cowards. They simply stood away from the conflict expecting to serve those who finally won.

These beings of "ultimate light and wisdom" are nothing more than Grigori and double crossers.

So, now that you have been warned, and if you respect yourself and long to have a fruitful life dedicated to the development of your inner power, search somewhere else. Exemplars are not, to be fooled with.

Acriter Super Altus demissionis tu, Cladem accipere teo ab praesidis cogitatum Deus. Exemplar expugnatio et assequor per semprit. Non ludus plus cum flamma.

Until later becomes now
Re: Salus Consalutatio Adventitius


This is about as powerful a post that I have seen you post. A very definite nerve touched there and quite appropriate as far as I can see it. "Pantheism" is as insidious as anything can possibly get. It is also one of the most compelling ideas around. All the religions of the world are rife with it and it strikes at the very heart of who "God" is. It limits him to the creation and places the "=" where it definitely does not belong.

I would really be interested in hearing more about "examplars". I have some ideas of it but would like to hear more of it. I "caught" the passion of what you were saying and was really impressed by the urgency of it. I felt the same urgency. As a matter of fact, that urgency seems to be increasing day by day. It is a sort of "measuring rod" as to the urgency of the times. At the same time, I can also see the urgency of the "exemplars". Signs, signs, everywhere signs. I may be wrong, but I definitely feel something happening here on the forum. I just hope, this one time, that it will not be relegated to the dead posts hanging around in cyberspace--brilliant thoughts lost in cybertime.
Have no doubt the American goverment looted the musuem in baghdad. Alot of you are close to understanding, those artifacts are not wanted for public display by those that understand.

Well, actually, they found most of the items hidden in the cellars; the thinking is that the museum staff hid them to protect them from looters.

so, not only were most of the things not stolen in the first place, they have been recovered.
Re: Salus Consalutatio Adventitius


According to several sources, there occurred not one but three wars in heaven. However that has been muffled down the ages by those who were in charge of the religious indoctrination. In one of these wars, where all ranks were called upon to defend the Throne of our Lord anentire host of celestials decided not to act, they rather watched the entire conflict from afar. Theses malakin where doubtful of G-d's might and simply decided for the conflict to rsolve, see who ended up victorious and then they would pledge alliagiance to whatever Power remained.

As we all know, G-d's celestial forces won the battle and it was up to Arak' Raniel, a celestial potentate to purge the heavens from the doubful of G'd's Power. So many were expelled from the celestial city and sent to every corner of the heavens. According to this legend, they came to our world an were taken as gods, false gods. Thus many of the ancient pantheons of "divine beings" was born. However, and every one can see for themselves, these gods were simply irracous children mimicking their Lord here on Earth.

Take for example the Greek mythos or the Egyptian, or the Sumerian. They are all war mongering divinities battling over supremacy over one another.

Now that many of these religions are gone, they ventured forth as...yes "spiritually enlightened beings". Do not take me wrong, there are many beings of light out there trying to help us find our way home, we simply have to be extra careful with their messages.

I have seen more than one be lured by these beings and it is not a pretty sight. These things first appear in your sphere of activity as luminous entities of thought and beauty compelling precious messages and secrets long forgotten, then they start teaching the adept about how powerful can we become if we accept our true divine self.

This could all be well, and I might tend to agree, but then they teach you that since you are partially divine, those who have not realized it are here to serve you. Letting the student believe that all the rest of humanity is nothing more than inferior, ignorant, flawed beings. And that my friends is not the case.

We are all equals, we are all children of G-d and we are all in our own individual path of enlightenment. Yes we might not be as celestially empowered as some might be, but we are learning our ways.

Zerub I did not mean to be rude, if I was, but I thought that there are some things we simply should not be fooling with. Love, Life and Liberty.

Until later becomes now.
There are superstitions and there is the truth.
A superstition does not have to be something awe inspiring, or mystical.
It has only to have an alterior motive.

The superstitions are many, I will not dwell on those.

The truth is simple.

In the beginning there was God.

Anything made out of God, is God.

Everything from the original ball of clay is born of the clay.

Anything made from the original mass of divine energy, is divine energy.
We are many, we are one.

You create your own reality, believe as you will, and do as you will, if you believe in superstitions that you will create an illusion as real as the truth itself, for you are a creator, the creator chosen in physical form to forget.

The only rule of the law, is do what you will.

Re: Salus Consalutatio Adventitius

"I have seen more than one be lured by these beings and it is not a pretty sight. These things first appear in your sphere of activity as luminous entities of thought and beauty compelling precious messages and secrets long forgotten, then they start teaching the adept about how powerful can we become if we accept our true divine self.

This could all be well, and I might tend to agree, [but then they teach you that since you are partially divine, those who have not realized it are here to serve you.] It is evident that any decision to give up your humbleness that was placed within by the Great Creator, or Actuator misleads one into arrogance to do such things as use your *Golden Talents for self servitude, than to emancipate others. ...Letting the student believe that all the rest of humanity is nothing more than inferior, ignorant, flawed beings. And that my friends is not the case.

>* No truer words were spoken! (Pride doth often goeth before a fall.)

We are all equals, we are all children of G-d and we are all in our own individual path of enlightenment. (Or darkness depending on who you trust, and who you serve) Yes we might not be as celestially empowered as some might be, but we are learning our ways."

It is also believed by many that we were before our birth either from the Divine Kingdom, or the "other" side, the Kingdom of Darkness, (which would account for those like Hitler & Manson) at any account regardless, we all volunteered to come here to serve in one form, or another whatever unfinished business we may have had, or if this be the first such experience here on this planet, we are here to gain the wisdom we require to evolve our imortal soul to higher energies to become master teachers to other multitudes who will soon follow after the next Genesis. I can say this is something I too am inclined to subscribe to since it parllels very vivid memories, (memories that most are not privy to retain) memories prior to my birth, and most of them bring back to the place I was "Before"
Re: Salus Consalutatio Adventitius

Transient, are these what are referred to as "The Fallen"? or is that something different?

I have seen more than one be lured by these beings and it is not a pretty sight. These things first appear in your sphere of activity as luminous entities of thought and beauty compelling precious messages and secrets long forgotten, then they start teaching the adept about how powerful can we become if we accept our true divine self.

I am curious, do you mean this literally?
HOLY JEEBUS! Perhaps we should make this board an online church. In the past months I've seen more religions on this board than you can point a stick at! Now I don't mind if a thread goes slightly offtopic, but it seems as if people come here to proclaim their faith. What bothers me even more is the fact that these people act as if they're enlightened and talk to us as if we're ignorant people. So if anyone for any possible reason has the uncontrollable urge to evangalize the living daylight out of this board, please do so within the framework of timetravel.

HOLY JEEBUS! Perhaps we should make this board an online church. In the past months I've seen more religions on this board than you can point a stick at! Now I don't mind if a thread goes slightly offtopic, but it seems as if people come here to proclaim their faith. What bothers me even more is the fact that these people act as if they're enlightened and talk to us as if we're ignorant people. So if anyone for any possible reason has the uncontrollable urge to evangalize the living daylight out of this board, please do so within the framework of timetravel.
AMEN! it's become quite sickening.
Sumeria_Incarnat says;Where does God vs Science play into this game?

Creedo answer>Science is only a tool of investigation and god is not science, however science is sometimes a tool of Earth society's hierarchies.

Sumeria is the said birthplace of man, which is taken to the modern sense.

It was just a few short years ago, that ABC News had interviewed Iraqis who had fought with one of their neighbors over a border dispute and it was found that their army was said to be one of the best in the world.

Now we have the replays from the Abu Ghraib Prison, that shows evidence of Americans now taunting what were once allies.

Yes' the evil in the Saddam Hussein regime has been exposed, however these prisoners held in Abu Ghraib , were once looked upon possably in a differnt way?

This is a hierarchical difference, placed between powers that be; not necessarily the people themselves.
Re: Greetings\' an offering, the homecomeing:

Adaptation from the movie, The Voyage Home

Commander Spock and James T. Kirk walked down the hallways of the Klingon Warbird.
Kirk, issiueing his striding step as usual, as Spock accompanied him at his side, as this seemed always meant to be.

Spock had just completed the memory restoration drill, back on Vulcan.This process entailed having to relearn all the precepts of what made a Vulcan a Vulcan, in a world that most of the time, lived on the edger of shear insanity.

Spock walking by Jim's side as, "Where are we going Admiral"?

Kirk shot back, "We're going to time travel back to twentieth century Earth, so that we can retrieve a pair of extinct whales, which the future needs desperately.

Spock convened, "Admiral, how do we know in our time, that these whales are not supposed to be extinct and that bringing them back, might upset a delicate balance"?

Kirk as usual thrust his hands upwards, and while in the process of making his journey to the bridge, informed Spock, "If we don't get these whale in this time now,......... Earth may not have any future?
You're half human Spock, don't you have any damned feelings about that"?!

What his friend Jim did, was to remind the Vulcan of a side of him, that was long forgotten. A side that had eluded him, or he had placed aside during the re-reading of all that was Vulcan.

His mother had tried to tell him. Spock had somehow forgotten this well known fact, as she had programmed the computer to ask him how he felt?

As Jim marched down the steps and out of view, Spock stopped stride, with folded hands in quiet thought. Standing there in the Taffeta robe, which gave Mr. Spock a composure of a much more ancient era.

He heard the words again in his mind ring out; "This is about the future of Earth; don't you have any damned feeling about that"!?

These few words hurt, but made him stop to ponder why he had followed Star Fleet and Kirk for so many years.

In the most reserved part of his mind, the words, you're half human and exactly what these words meant and how this related to the phenomenon of what is known as universal humanity, bothered him to a great degree.

>Old Vulcan Precept>The one who learns perfect within himself, can therefore be not perfect, as the parable of humanity, is never, nor ever will be perfection.

, by Paramont films all rights reserved
Re: Greetings\' an offering, the homecomeing:

Creedo is the only person to have ever been seen pogo-dancing to Mariah Carey! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Greetings\' an offering, the homecomeing:

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gifI'm sure i saw that movie,the whales end up in a japanese restaurant...