Within the context of their assoications, " somtimes no or very little difference at all, as humans are looked at a soul continers, that were once full fourth density beings".
So, manye Grays and I say some are reptilian delineancy, while others may be of either mixed origen, or of only a similar genetic design to the more commonly refered to Gray.
There are many, many differing types of Grays, as there are many differing types and sects of Pleiadeans.
I suggest the serch words placed on a good serch engine, gray beings, along with the serch word, Pleiadeans.
You will get many many differing return hits, as their population is so large.
Estimaited human life form, is known be other suripiticious sources, to go well back over fourty millions of years, inteligent.
Who knows how far back humans or near humans would go back, if people from this Earth would be space fairing travelers?