Re: Gravity Waves//legal posting
Please note concerning the poster at known as Barg 1 and also known as creedo299 who also post at this posting board.
Concerning my early postings at
There is an irreguality in the asking to one of the MOPs at Anomalies, when I had asked, [If there was another MOP, due to his level of hostility, if he was active within the inteligence community?]
The answer one of these MOPs had given me, was that this other MOP was not active, nor was he himself active within the inteligence community.
I still do not know the answer to the question, however be it know, that this one MOP had said when such and such post, or even did he post, such and such org, gets a hit.
I did not know and still do not know if my posting within these two boards, were as part of a porposeful placeing, in the said inteligence community of this time?
Me not saying so, for the proposed position of an offworld ambassdor, would require full disclosure at a later date.So if there would be a searching within my past and circumstances would appear I was hob-nobbing with the inteligence community, then I might be termed as a possable subversive to the sought post of off-world ambassador.
I am not a unit of the inteligence posting web community, of these postings boards, now presently or then.
2.Secondly, I had made the aquaintance of a Mr. x on these posting boards and in the context of conversation, Mr. x had threatened a Pleaidean by the name of Ptaah, who is technically my father.He called him Daddy Ptaah, which was the insult, among other items.
For this crime, if Mr. x would be termed compos mentes, then there might be a duel to the death, in order to defend Ptaah's honor.
No intimation at this time, has been made to me, for satisfation for Ptaah's said honor, which would involve me, fighting for Mr. xe's honor, by any said or known off-world concerns.
This satifaction involves an area based battle to defend the honor of Ptaah, the Pleiadean commander.
There is a photo of said statues in the Spiritweb showing the types of weapons which are held by stone statues, entailing the old area stile of fighting.
These statues are real within the Pleiadean world and at one time for accussed dishonor to a prominate Pleiadean a duel to the death was accepted fare.
In order to Mr. x to live, I would have to fight in his place, even though this was my father, that Mr.x had insulted.
I would have to battle one of their best, due to Mr. x not knowing neither pleiadean customs or ways.
I have not, at this time, recived any calls from the Pleiadeans as to the effect to recapture Ptaah's honor after Mr. xe's said insult against Ptaah.
"Please to anyone reading this posting, Mr. x did not know. This is all words an verbage by one unknowing to Pleiadean ways, please please let this issue go"?
3.I have had both missing time and cellular matter taken from me as a result of posting here on these boards.
There was an MOP probably involved with this area of my missing time?
Being part Gypsey, there is a double curse concerning ever stealing from a Gypsey.
I was not part of this either missing cellular matter or missing time.
For peace in my own life, I ask that the invovlement of this issue be dropped?
4.There was an operation performed upon me, by Grays, gray sorts of beings.
This was on my right side in year 1983, a year after my birth.
This operation had something to do with my gene status and I feel that in some ways, I owe the Grays, for saving my life.
Thank you to the Grays.
Any other aspect of this past operation was durring my semiconciousness and was not pourposly part of my doing.
I ask that this issue be dropped.