John Thomas
Temporal Navigator
Transient001 and others, I thought now would be a good time to start this discussion as there has been little activity elsewhere.
Gravity and Time Travel
Gravity has traditionally been understood to be a force emanating from the center pulling things to the ground.
Yet studying the orbits of planets around stars, there have been just a few alternate suggestions that gravity is the force of lighter elements pushing down toward heavier elements in the center of spheres.
So perhaps the reason why we fall is that the lighter forces in our bodies are trying to fill a vacuum void between the harder elements in the earth.
Another example? Our lungs deal with air, our kidneys deal with water, our thighs are sturdy and keep us standing. This seems to suggest there is an orbit of forces in which the more solid ones are found at the bottom and the lighter forces are found covering them.
Can we apply weight to time metaphorically?
The past is solid fact. It happened so it resides at the center of this sphere of data we call time and memory.
The future hasn't happened yet so it resides furthest away from the center waiting to become real, dense and settle to the bottom. The past is like earth and the future is like air. The past is in the center of the sphere and the future orbits around it.
When a black hole is created, matter is compacted into a solid tight sphere. This creates a field of time and space and gravity.
Because the past is closer to the center, if we travel in the time field toward the black hole then we can go back into the past. When the device is turned off, the black hole disappears, the field of time disappears and we find ourselves in that past.
When we want to go back into the future, we create the black hole again. We travel away from that black hole and thus move forward in time to the future.
Gravity and Time Travel
Gravity has traditionally been understood to be a force emanating from the center pulling things to the ground.
Yet studying the orbits of planets around stars, there have been just a few alternate suggestions that gravity is the force of lighter elements pushing down toward heavier elements in the center of spheres.
So perhaps the reason why we fall is that the lighter forces in our bodies are trying to fill a vacuum void between the harder elements in the earth.
Another example? Our lungs deal with air, our kidneys deal with water, our thighs are sturdy and keep us standing. This seems to suggest there is an orbit of forces in which the more solid ones are found at the bottom and the lighter forces are found covering them.
Can we apply weight to time metaphorically?
The past is solid fact. It happened so it resides at the center of this sphere of data we call time and memory.
The future hasn't happened yet so it resides furthest away from the center waiting to become real, dense and settle to the bottom. The past is like earth and the future is like air. The past is in the center of the sphere and the future orbits around it.
When a black hole is created, matter is compacted into a solid tight sphere. This creates a field of time and space and gravity.
Because the past is closer to the center, if we travel in the time field toward the black hole then we can go back into the past. When the device is turned off, the black hole disappears, the field of time disappears and we find ourselves in that past.
When we want to go back into the future, we create the black hole again. We travel away from that black hole and thus move forward in time to the future.