Gravity and Time Travel

John Thomas

Temporal Navigator
Transient001 and others, I thought now would be a good time to start this discussion as there has been little activity elsewhere.

Gravity and Time Travel
Gravity has traditionally been understood to be a force emanating from the center pulling things to the ground.

Yet studying the orbits of planets around stars, there have been just a few alternate suggestions that gravity is the force of lighter elements pushing down toward heavier elements in the center of spheres.

So perhaps the reason why we fall is that the lighter forces in our bodies are trying to fill a vacuum void between the harder elements in the earth.

Another example? Our lungs deal with air, our kidneys deal with water, our thighs are sturdy and keep us standing. This seems to suggest there is an orbit of forces in which the more solid ones are found at the bottom and the lighter forces are found covering them.

Can we apply weight to time metaphorically?
The past is solid fact. It happened so it resides at the center of this sphere of data we call time and memory.
The future hasn't happened yet so it resides furthest away from the center waiting to become real, dense and settle to the bottom. The past is like earth and the future is like air. The past is in the center of the sphere and the future orbits around it.

When a black hole is created, matter is compacted into a solid tight sphere. This creates a field of time and space and gravity.

Because the past is closer to the center, if we travel in the time field toward the black hole then we can go back into the past. When the device is turned off, the black hole disappears, the field of time disappears and we find ourselves in that past.

When we want to go back into the future, we create the black hole again. We travel away from that black hole and thus move forward in time to the future.

well gotta admit,very interesting concept. You are right about the time slowing down the closer you are to the center of a black hole,however still trying to wrap my head around using the gravity pull of the object to send you back and forth.Even if artificial , would be extremely dangerous,but i honestly can't disprove the idea. Something to think about i guess :)
one more thing though,your right about the states of matter and how they seem to line up in almost everything , hence the human body and this planet.But our Solar system seems to be the odd ball.The state of our solar system is this, Gas , solid, gas ,liquid (in a small some what idea,not exact). Something to think about,just kinda popped in the head and all.
Well a solar orbit and atomic orbit follows the same order, but there are more lighter elements than dense ones.

So where does Titor's second black hole fit in?

He must be using that black hole to maintain a stable gravitational field around himself will traveling in the bubble of the first black hole.
Hello Thomas,

Very intetesting. I see gravity, wjich is one of the four fundamental forces, as a force which pulls things together. However it is much more complicated than that. Gravity, in regular terms is quite simple as Newton pointed out. Nonetheless, when exotic behavior occurs with objects and particles, that where things are really intriguing. Its almost certain that very small objects with gigantic densities create a puncture in spacetime, due primarily to a cave in effect, putting it in general terms. And in several computations is observable that near such punctures time behaves differently. What we need is to understand the nature of gravity in relation to strong forces and matter, I believe there is a chance.
Newton only needed to understand the simplicity of his world. Yet things do fall at different small rates.
We've got your strong forces. Gluons that keep everything from falling apart. And if a quark is red, green and blue then there are 3 Gluons that are A, D and E notes. Therefore star gates are like tuning forks.
Care to list some calculations? My iPhone still doesn't do MathML.
One thing about gravity had always amazed me. I'll try to explain. Objects with proportional densities have similar gravitational outputs. However objects with inversely proportional densities to gravity ratios ( that is small objects with huge densities) tend to rupture space and create black holes, in which matter is attracted in. However, could there be an object out there sufficiently large with an inversely proportional density, that is almost no density at all. Would that create the reverse of a black hole, not a white hole but a Streampulse: an object which repel things and makes them move away from it. Now between the mysteries of the blackhole and the mysteries of the streampulse we could understand the particle universe better.
Then I must direct you to the findings of T. T. Brown.
Isn't it funny how everyone thinks UFO's are from out there yet they call Brown the inventor of the UFO.

Tesla Beifeld Brown and Jack Parsons
If I had to build a time machine from scratch, I would start here.
But I have disappointing news. The probability of building a working one is very low.
Stuck here. Live with it.
However, could there be an object out there sufficiently large with an inversely proportional density, that is almost no density at all. Would that create the reverse of a black hole, not a white hole but a Streampulse: an object which repel things and makes them move away from it. Now between the mysteries of the blackhole and the mysteries of the streampulse we could understand the particle universe better.

Always thought-provoking, you are, Transient. Glad you are back. With respect to what you discuss here, let me point out two things:

1) The lowest density areas we know about are intergalactic spaces, followed by interplanetary space. And of course density increases as you approach the earth's exosphere and descend into the ionosphere, on down to the strato and troposhere.
2) The concept of Dark Energy (DE) is that repulsive force that you speak of, that physicists are currently trying to figure out. Different from normal, baryonic matter and dark matter (both of which gravitate with a pulling action), DE is the largest component of the three forms which make up all observable universal energy. DE is what is credited with the fact that the universe is not just expanding, but accelerating as it does so.

Well done, sir.
John Thomas, I am drinking alcohol, so I will be most verbose and unapologetic with my response.

You are an idiot. If you wish to present a scientific hypothesis, include math with your conceptual idea. Mathematics is the language of the intelligent, and those who do not understand math are to scientists what the illiterate trailer trash butt monkeys are to civilized human beings. (I paraphrased this for your interest and understanding.) Please stop pretending you have some knowledge when you really do not. I so tire of tards pretending they're intelligent when their ego is simply their sole asset.

Thank you.

Hey Troll,

Alcohol is no excuse for being rude and insulting. Challenging odd things people says here is fine. Outright insulting them is not. First warning, friend. I suggest you apologize for your insults, and keep your challenging of people to their IDEAS, not the person, and not direct insults.

I hope this is not the poster-formerly-know-as Trollface.
Hey Troll,

Alcohol is no excuse for being rude and insulting. Challenging odd things people says here is fine. Outright insulting them is not. First warning, friend. I suggest you apologize for your insults, and keep your challenging of people to their IDEAS, not the person, and not direct insults.

I hope this is not the poster-formerly-know-as Trollface.
I am not Trollface. Never heard of them.

Despite the negative tone of my post, it was a challenge (unspoken) to get mathematical knowledge and use it to communicate intelligently. I am a very callous personality uneasily offended by others' words, so it is infrequent that I find offense in the written word, regardless of source. That makes it easy for me to overlook the possibility of angering others with my responses. Know then that it was not my intention to belittle his or your personal status or feelings, but rather to encourage a universally understandable language.
I am not Trollface. Never heard of them.

Despite the negative tone of my post, it was a challenge (unspoken) to get mathematical knowledge and use it to communicate intelligently. I am a very callous personality uneasily offended by others' words, so it is infrequent that I find offense in the written word, regardless of source. That makes it easy for me to overlook the possibility of angering others with my responses. Know then that it was not my intention to belittle his or your personal status or feelings, but rather to encourage a universally understandable language.

It was not the mathematics challenge I was commenting on. In fact, I support you in that part. It is the direct insult of calling someone an "idiot". That cannot stand, and the fact you are callous does not mean it is OK for you to insult people. It is not a get out of jail free card.

If you apologize for that insult, I think we can move forward. Please do so.
It was not the mathematics challenge I was commenting on. In fact, I support you in that part. It is the direct insult of calling someone an "idiot". That cannot stand, and the fact you are callous does not mean it is OK for you to insult people. It is not a get out of jail free card.

If you apologize for that insult, I think we can move forward. Please do so.
Demanding an apology makes you sound like a liberal hippy left-wing democrat. I refuse to offer apologies on demand, as they are utterly meaningless. But if it makes you feel better, I will be nicer in the future.
Demanding an apology makes you sound like a liberal hippy left-wing democrat. I refuse to offer apologies on demand, as they are utterly meaningless. But if it makes you feel better, I will be nicer in the future.

And now you are showing disrespect to a MOD. Did you read the TOS? I gave you a chance. Now we do things my way.

So long.

The past is solid fact.


I think that if you're proposing a theory of time travel that the above should be stated as a hypothesis of the theory rather than an assumption. We really don't know with any degree of certainty that the past actually persists in "elsewhere land". It is a fundamental question to be explored in a time travel experiment.

Of course we have various forms of recorded memories of the past but those memories don't necessarily proove that the past is something that continues to exist similar to how the present exists.

Just a thought.
Intriguing!!!! Finding an ewuilibrum, the particulates arround it and the manifolds holding attractive and repulsive forces is the birth of a new age, that of anti-gravity and repulsor technology.