If half of the people out there who claim their of own personal Time Travel-related projects are genuine, and with budgets usually within no more than thousands, and using obtainable materials, then surely this indicates that many governments around the world are undergoing major time experiment programs and have probably been doing it for some decades. Hmm, there's Bill Clinton's chance to go back and change the events of the Lewinsky scandal, (well in another flow of time anyway)
After all, they have multi-billion dollar budgets and access to some of the best scientists and engineers there are! And if this really is the case, there is probably already secret protcols and laws involved with time travel. But this still somehow seems a bit far-fetched, despite its likeliness.
If it is the case, the governments (e.g the US govt) would be wanting to keep even tighter a lid on this than even the Area 51 conspiracy (if the events of Roswell and other similar conspiracies really are true), because as the old line goes, 'If this technology were to fall in the wrong hands the consequences could be disastrous!'
So if any govts really are involved in Time Travel programs, I know that I for one wouldn't want to be risking time travel even if I had the ability to make a time machine in my backyard, they probably have a way of detecting time travel activity across the globe or, like tapping into the phone lines of the S/T continuum or something.
If TT is at all possible, then we can rest assured that at least a couple of nations governments out there are already doing it, or at least well into working on it.
After all, they have multi-billion dollar budgets and access to some of the best scientists and engineers there are! And if this really is the case, there is probably already secret protcols and laws involved with time travel. But this still somehow seems a bit far-fetched, despite its likeliness.
If it is the case, the governments (e.g the US govt) would be wanting to keep even tighter a lid on this than even the Area 51 conspiracy (if the events of Roswell and other similar conspiracies really are true), because as the old line goes, 'If this technology were to fall in the wrong hands the consequences could be disastrous!'
So if any govts really are involved in Time Travel programs, I know that I for one wouldn't want to be risking time travel even if I had the ability to make a time machine in my backyard, they probably have a way of detecting time travel activity across the globe or, like tapping into the phone lines of the S/T continuum or something.
If TT is at all possible, then we can rest assured that at least a couple of nations governments out there are already doing it, or at least well into working on it.