Governments and TT

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If half of the people out there who claim their of own personal Time Travel-related projects are genuine, and with budgets usually within no more than thousands, and using obtainable materials, then surely this indicates that many governments around the world are undergoing major time experiment programs and have probably been doing it for some decades. Hmm, there's Bill Clinton's chance to go back and change the events of the Lewinsky scandal, (well in another flow of time anyway)

After all, they have multi-billion dollar budgets and access to some of the best scientists and engineers there are! And if this really is the case, there is probably already secret protcols and laws involved with time travel. But this still somehow seems a bit far-fetched, despite its likeliness.

If it is the case, the governments (e.g the US govt) would be wanting to keep even tighter a lid on this than even the Area 51 conspiracy (if the events of Roswell and other similar conspiracies really are true), because as the old line goes, 'If this technology were to fall in the wrong hands the consequences could be disastrous!'

So if any govts really are involved in Time Travel programs, I know that I for one wouldn't want to be risking time travel even if I had the ability to make a time machine in my backyard, they probably have a way of detecting time travel activity across the globe or, like tapping into the phone lines of the S/T continuum or something.

If TT is at all possible, then we can rest assured that at least a couple of nations governments out there are already doing it, or at least well into working on it.
Precisely Raze,

That is what I have been trying to relay on this forum for quit some time now with no apparent success! The government does have the ability to pinpoint emitting interdemension transfers frequencies. I have seen this in a dream and have found evidence of the name of this place on a map in the logical location. Strangely enough It happens to be an aviation waypoint in the sky over a restricted army base.

Just like Richard D. Kammerer said under his recent posting under the Time Travel thread when he quoted:

<In 1985 I was working on a project for a professor which involved a jet engine with no moving parts. When the proto was finished and on the air strip ready for takeoff, the secret service confinscated the airplane in the name of national security. The professor was ordered to forget the engine ever existed. They left with no payment or anything but a warning against talking about the engine. So much for progress! So for now, I will have to keep this idea to myself.>

And I posted back to him saying:

<Now taking that into consideration maybe this engine that you built with "no moving parts" put off a detectible frequency. The frequency noise that penetrates the dimensions and opens the back door to Time Travel. And I have reason to believe that some sectors in our government are monitoring and controlling this. They have frequency modulators that can detect and jam these frequency disturbances and in doing so regulate Interdemential and universal Time transfers.>

And then you say:

<After all, they have multi-billion dollar budgets and access to some of the best scientists and engineers there are! And if this really is the case, there is probably already secret protcols and laws involved with time travel. But this still somehow seems a bit far-fetched, despite its likeliness.
this technology were to fall in the wrong hands the consequences could be disastrous!'>

Yes Raze the consequences would be disastrous if Time Travel fell into the wrong hands! Unfortunelty it already has by the evil do gooders, THE GLOBAL ELITE!!! THE ILLUMINATI, THE BROTHERHOOD! I have a strong feeling that September 11 was orchestrated!

And then you say:

<So if any govts really are involved in Time Travel programs, I know that I for one wouldn't want to be risking time travel even if I had the ability to make a time machine in my backyard, they probably have a way of detecting time travel activity across the globe or, like tapping into the phone lines of the S/T continuum or something.>

No its wise not to participate in Time Travel! We all have the ability to Time Travel in the sense that we can view the future in dreams and through dejavo and physic visions but they have no power in actually altering time. But to be able to physically travel would allow us to do this. But rest assure Raze that there are good forces out their that are regulating this and BRINGING IT DOWN!!!

Now consider this, maybe the Lewinski scandal was planted on Clinton so that Bush Jr. could move into the presidency! (you know good old Dad was former director of the CIA and also a member of the Global Elite) You know the whole voting scandal with the uncounted ballets wasn't exactly legitimate. It left the door open for anyone from the future to throw a couple of ballet boxed through the time porthole!

both parties are working for the gobal elite that is why it really doesn't matter which one you vote for.that is why I don't even vote anymore. Its all about money. like I said before .

Cat did you read the mars report on clyde lewis . If so tell us what you think. do you think this guy is telling the truth. He could very well be putting out disinformation. clara
How much Weed do u need to smoke to see the future?

If we know everything there is about timetravel. Why not simply slip inside a blackhole, how you ask?
to Use a Black Hole Containment Device
to gain energy you use the rotational vortex method of Roger Penrose, and by using reusable matter to get the energy you can tap off as much as you like. With such a power source set up, one can build a dimensional collapse which enables you to shrink the apparent size of the black-hole machine. Ths will also mean that the mass of the black hole will fall for external observers. Another way of solving the mass problem is to use Higgs Boson particles to negate mass, since the higgs boson is generally believed to be the origin of mass. Then the device can become part of a normal spaceship. One can also change the relative time advancement rate of the black-hole region of space and so gain vast amounts of energy from the hawking radiation that Black holes give off. This way the Black Hole loses mass and so you can turn the entire mass of the Black Hole into energy. Whala, black holes come in different sizes, even as small as a dime. So we know all the theories. How to make the equipment. Why doesnt someone do it? NASA?
First buy your self and oz.
Then taste it if its real
. after that roll it up with some zig-zag
. then light it
. puff on it
. your eyes will turn red
and then your head is kinda
. at the same time your feeling great
. close one of your eyes
. you will see the light and a portal will open towards the future
. you will get visions from the future
. when you wake up. its all a dream

I remember about 5 or so years ago that Bill Clinton, on being asked if he knew of any activity involving extra-terrestrials at Area 51 replied something along the lines of,

"I am not aware of any of these activites occuring within the government, but if it is going on, I want to know."

Of course, this similar to:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

Maybe the Presidents are genuinely kept in the dark about this despite their importance, because of their very public status. This would make a lot of sense. Then again, there's a good chance presidents, including Clinton are completely aware of this going on (If it's going on) and he said this to throw people off track in thinking theres a cover-up.
This line of conversation, doesn't matter.

Doesn't matter, as extra time lines, made from one, are self closeing any way.


That post about with all the emotion icons was VERY CUTE and I like it! It shows great creativety! and believe it or not puts more emphasis and credibility on your personality!


You mean the part about him drinking boos and taking his word about really being from the Ghetto
? Then yeah, I see what you mean.


P.S. J/k Charm