

Temporal Novice
It feels a little weird to post this as a time travel claim, especially after reading all the "I'm From the Future and I'm Going to Drop My Wisdom on a Select Few" tales -- but I guess it's the most appropriate spot. (I've been trolling the boards here and finally created an account so I could contribute my story. It is probably less interesting than some of the other stuff on here, but it's something that I've remembered vividly, and struggled to understand, for nearly twenty-five years.) In sharing my experience, I hope to find out whether anyone here has heard of this before (or... experienced it?). Maybe it even has a name? Anyway, here's what happened to me.

I was a child. I don't remember my exact age -- between seven and nine is my best guess. I was sitting upstairs, watching TV, at my grandparents' house in West Virginia, during a summer visit there. And I remember this so vividly -- a game show was on TV and the announcer was talking to the contestants. Downstairs, my mom and grandma were chatting. I could hear their conversation well, so I guess they were sitting in the room that the stairs emptied into -- although I can't really remember the layout of the house very well.

Then, suddenly, I experienced a sort of replay events. Very mundane events, but still... There was a period of, oh, maybe five seconds where everything around me repeated what had just happened in the previous five seconds. The game show announcer and the contestants repeated everything they had just said, and my mom and grandma downstairs SAID the same exact things they had just said -- same words, same intonation. Just, the same. It was a complete replay.

Now, I was just a kid, but I knew this was messed up. I ran downstairs and told my mom what had just happened, and I remember her telling me that the sensation was called déjà vu. But that just made me mad, because I already knew what déjà vu was, and this was not déjà vu! I remember describing it as a kind of "glitch" -- and that is still the best way I can put it. A glitch in time, where things were just kind of messed up for a few seconds.

In 25 years, I've had a lot of time to think about the experience and its possible explanations. Of course, it has occurred to me that the "glitch" was in my own brain. I'm certainly open to that explanation (although the "glitch in time" explanation is a lot more fun!).

If anyone has heard of similar experiences, or had them, I wait eagerly -- and have been since the early 80s!
I was a child. I don't remember my exact age -- between seven and nine is my best guess. I was sitting upstairs, watching TV, at my grandparents' house in West Virginia, during a summer visit there. And I remember this so vividly -- a game show was on TV and the announcer was talking to the contestants. Downstairs, my mom and grandma were chatting. I could hear their conversation well, so I guess they were sitting in the room that the stairs emptied into -- although I can't really remember the layout of the house very well.


If you've been trolling this forum for some time then you already know that I'm going to ask a couple of questions.

You questioned whether this story is in the correct forum. We have your story and, of course, we weren't there. So, what you wrote is all that we have to go on. That's the basis for determining if a story belongs in the Time Travel Claims forum, Time Travel Discussion forum or the time travel Fan Fiction forum.

I tend to read for content - what is said and what is not said. In your story there's something of a disconnect.

You recall an otherwise "mundane" event "in vivid detail": what was on the TV to the extent that you recall exactly what was being said; the conversation your mother and grandmother had in precise detail; the precise details of your conversation with your mother down to the specific words used in the conversation. Yet you can't recall the layout of your grandmother's home.

That's the disconnect. If you can recall every other detail vividly and for 25 years have "had a lot of time to think about the experience", not recalling the layout of the house where this happened is a bit of a red flag.
Philippa, Could it not have simply been the VTR tape which was showing the show (or possibly a profanity delay- but unlikely) had been double edited and replayed again, or someone at the control desk had inadvertently rewound and played a small section back again?

I know that doesn't explain the same thing happening to your parents speech repeating, but we all remember things correctly, but with imperfection. May I add- I am not doubting you- and your story at all!:)

May I further add, I have experienced very spooky Deja Vu- when I was about 10 years old I described a house and and road in extreme detail, just before when we were in Canterbury (a very old English town) we had even reached that road- we were walking at the time.

I even described in detail what was in the garden of one house in particular- then my elder brother looked over the wall- and it was all correct!
I had never been near Canterbury before.
I recall the whole family were totally gobsmacked at the time!

Unfortunately, I think we tend to lose these gifts as our brains get packed with more and more information as we age!

All the best,
Dave R
Thanks, Darby and Daver, for your replies.

Interesting experience, Daver! Yes, I have often thought that the TV replay could easily have been a technical problem with the broadcast. But you're right, it doesn't explain my memory of the conversation downstairs happening again.

Darby, I definitely understand why my not remembering exactly how the rooms were laid out might seem weird. But, the truth is, I haven't been to that house in -- gosh -- I don't know -- over twenty years (grandparents sold it in the late 80s or early 90s), and we only traveled there during my childhood every few years or so. I'd probably been there about 5 times in my entire childhood, and, I mean, there are houses that I actually lived in as a child whose layouts are a bit of a blur.

Also, I should clarify that I don't remember the specifics of the conversations (on TV or downstairs). The content was trivial -- just everyday stuff and whatever crap they talk about when interviewing game show contestants, you know? When I wrote about the vividness of the experience, I simply meant the sequence of events, and the sensation that something very wrong and strange had just happened, and my reaction: how my heart raced as I ran downstairs to relay the story to my mother. And then, her attempted explanation (that part I do remember, she just said, "that's called déjà vu, honey.")

Believe me, I think you are right, Darby, to be skeptical and look for "red flags" in ANYTHING that appears here! I wouldn't expect anything less! I'm not looking for validation, exactly, except in the potential form of hearing that others have had experiences like this. I figured if there's anywhere on the internet where I might find that, it's here. Now, whether it's legit is another thing -- but, sure, I expect others to doubt my story, too.

Anyway, thanks again for taking the time.

No need to thank me, (or I am sure Darby) for spending any time on simply giving our own opinions- which you must please remember, may be right, or not!

You personally had that experience- no-one else.
If it has stayed with you for this amount of time, then I am certain of one thing, it must be important to you- and that, is all that matters.

I had witnesses to my Deja-Vu experience, and they corroborated what happened, and oh dear- I still recall even at that tender age, it left me feeling quite scared afterwards, though- at the time it meant nothing, it felt natural really.

Strange, after all these years later, I feel I have lost that "sense" I had way back then.
Take care,

PS: this ties in with TT in a very substantial way, in that Plancks constant found that some "energy" was released at no constant rate- that is no constant stream or rate. (or that is the way I remember it?!)

This was and still is (to some extent) a mind-bender. As we always surmise most things happen in a constant and totally predictable (and cyclic) way.

Perhaps, just perhaps- there a minor lapses in time, or even repeats- where it all catches up with itself.
A little like adding time during a leap year if you like to make up for errors.
Anyway, I digress.

Being a RF (Radio) man, this was difficult to learn for me in particular- as everything has to have a pattern, repeating pattern (IT oscillates, EVERYTHING has a resonant frequency!!!) but, this is not necessarily so.
Understanding digital information and differences in pulse widths (especially visually on an oscilloscope) widened my mind in that sense.

Good to meet you,
We all have lots to learn.
This happens to me a lot and I have even experienced a full situation before. It's a glitch in the Matrix. So, my next story will be in the time travel claims or fan fiction. Probably fan fiction.
Hi, I signed up to just tell you this..
You are not alone this has happened to me many a time like when i watch the tv i get this slight pain in the head and then the tv replays it self or when i have a conversation with someone it feels like i just had that conversation, I have asked some people if that was on there tv and they said no it's just me, i also have dizzy spells where the room spins and then it's a different time on the clock for example it was 2:50 but after the dizzy spin it was 2:56 very strange i don't have any answers but i to had the same as what you are saying.
Hi, I signed up to just tell you this..
You are not alone this has happened to me many a time like when i watch the tv i get this slight pain in the head and then the tv replays it self or when i have a conversation with someone it feels like i just had that conversation, I have asked some people if that was on there tv and they said no it's just me, i also have dizzy spells where the room spins and then it's a different time on the clock for example it was 2:50 but after the dizzy spin it was 2:56 very strange i don't have any answers but i to had the same as what you are saying.


Did this start sometime between the age of 16 and 26?
No im drug free and don't drink if that's what you're thinking i don't need any of you're strange questions
I will point out i am 32

Understood. It wasn't really a strange question and didn't imply drug/alsohol abuse. While you may well have experienced something real, you also described symptoms of schizophrenia. The most common age range for the onset of schizophrenia is age 16-26, late adoloescence to early adulthood.
Understood. It wasn't really a strange question and didn't imply drug/alsohol abuse. While you may well have experienced something real, you also described symptoms of schizophrenia. The most common age range for the onset of schizophrenia is age 16-26, late adoloescence to early adulthood.
No i do not have schizophrenia, I would say im from the future but then again you lot would believe anything that's put on this site, and what proof do i have right? none so i bid you a good day goodbye.
I shall miss you. No one believes my stories and is which they are all fictional. Oh and you do not know Darby. He is the Evil debunker and belies not in anyone saying that they time traveled. Come back.
schizophrenea eh? hmm... my mother was diagnosed with schizophrenea. i often have glitches similar, but i am 31 now and still get them. it does make me paranoid at times, and feels like things are scripted.

yesterday, i was swimming with a friend. it was so messed up because i knew what was going to happen. happens to me all the time. sometimes i speak their words when they do. it just messes with their head. i cant be crazy though, because they always look over and ask me how i know what they were about to say. i tell them i already lived it.

heck, maybe i am a loon.
makes me think of a strange story. i was at my most intense thought one day. as i thought about it, i was playing a video game. at the most intense point, an arc of electricity jumped out of my heater, and a ball of lightning formed at the plug. it burned for about 10 seconds before the breaker flipped. it scared me to death and since then, i have never focused that hard.

i constantly have this dream where the earths gravity is reversed and its my fault. i was trying to make something and screwed everything up.

this has nothing to do with anything, and makes me sound like a nut, i just wanted to add it. sorry for the double post.