Git R Done!


Super Moderator
In a public act of contrition, as we are about to witness the installation of a pope who was part of the Hitler youth, I must confess that I look up to Larry the Cable Guy as my hero and role model.

Bless me Titor, for I have sinned!
It has been 1 Netyear since my last confession.


PS - On a more serious note: Has anyone even thought about what Benedict XVI's position will be towards any further reconciliation between the Catholic and Jewish faiths? Does anyone find it an odd coincidence that the next pope during this time in which we are supposedly to witness the final Tribulation & anti-Christ, comes from the very country where the last anti-Christ attempted to build his version of "heaven on Earth"?
They seem to have reinvented his history. Before it was , he joined the hitler youth, he join the defense force. NOW, he was forced to join hitler youth, he was forced to join the defense force, then he deserted! Hey, if he is all for his faith, why didn't he die for it?
It actually doesn't "surprise" me at all and in fact seems to be true with history. Some crazy s*it is going down yall. BTW RMT nice choice with larry....
Whats the problem, so a church man used to kill jews, that sounds like a great candidate for the next pope, god knows everyone had there shots in on the jews, so who can call him on it?