Ghosts, maybe not figures of the dead.


Temporal Novice
Has everyone ever considered that ghosts are actually signs of timelines merging/passin by eachother? This theory is quite easy to explain. Basicly lets say your grandma dies, this initiates a timeline split, the havent fully split yet so they may sort of "rub" into eachother therefore people may see a ghost. Now lets pretend that these timelnes snapped together at the sametime you saw a ghost, would that ghost suddenly become a peice of this timeline?
Has everyone ever considered that ghosts are actually signs of timelines merging/passin by eachother?
Agreed! If you accept "Brane Theory", it supports exactly what you are talking about. We are separated from alternate universes (some characterize them as alternate timelines) by "energy membranes" that correspond to the Planck length. When the branes are broached and alternate universes overlap, energy from one universe bleeds over into the other universe, and that energy becomes visible within the reality of that other universe.

In some other universe I am already physically dead...yet here I am typing stuff into an internet forum. Talk about your split-personality! :D

sorry to burst your bubble, but from first hand expirence of me and my friends, ghosts are well ghosts, plain and simple. Now don't get me wrong some maybe what your saying they are, but the majority are ghosts. You may pursue with your questions now....

I think ghosts are beings in another dimension, which sometimes are breifly visible, possibly because they bump into eachother. I do think ghosts are dead humans though, but still living beings. Just my take on it, I've had too many first hand experiences to believe otherwise. But I would be skeptical to anyone that would claim they could prove it.

Kevin what was your experience?

--- Razimus
Hard to explain but I will try.
The 'ghosts' people see are either the result of parallel universes touching ours so we get a glimpse, or possibly visual proof of the afterlife. As I have no knowledge of religion or the afterlife, I can only comment on the parallel universe theory. Some may be wondering why we see 'ghosts' from other eras, well just because our earths touch, it doesn't mean they have to run in sync with ours, we may be seeing points in the parallel earths timeline, sometimes even able to interact to a degree.
There have been a number of reports of people having chats with 'ghosts', sometimes these 'ghosts' do not seeem to be aware that they are supposed to be dead. maybe they are not dead at the point we see them, maybe they are the parallel earths living humans?
I have many expirences, the most famous one in my life is occurs at the forest near my house, this forest is heavialy haunted and my friends and I go visit the spirits every once in a while. Usualy we just go there and sit they walk around us and we just hang out, some times we talk with them, on bad occasions they chase us out of the area. But this forest has been here before the city was around it was farm land, the head ghost (so we assume) is the farmer, he has afarming hat and carries a sycthe (the first night we saw him we were so scared). there was a mill on the farm and it burnt down, so there are many spirits of children and women in the forest, sometimes we see them playing and running through the trees. One time we were invited to play with them, but we were worried what would happen if we came in physical contact with one of them.

and thats my story, atleast one of them
The trouble is that If it were 'Just' timeline merges, then it would be all random.

There are many instances where The is direct interaction that would not hold true a theory of timelines inter-cutting each other.

I think this does explain some of the experiences, however.

I don't think Ghosts are 'dead spirits' either. Rather the remains of a dynamic (intelligent) Energy system.

Your ego is not your spirit. Therefore its possible that occasionally some of the energy system that was the ego, gets left behind or trapped under certain instances. Which may be to do with geology, phychology and the events around the time of death.

Think of this dynamic energy system as A.I. It's not a spirit, the spirit that lived through this Ego (energy system) is no longer around. And just As A.I. can be intelligent but not technically living - this energy systems works much in the same way.

Kind regards,