Ghosts - Deceased Individuals or Demons playing ?


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I've heard it said a few times that there is no such thing as ghosts. That until God "awakens" the deceased, they remain in a state of sleep. It was also said that demons are the entities that pretend to be the ghosts of "people", causing confusion about the concept of life after death.

Because of one major ghost encounter, I tend to discount the above assertion. However, start to wonder if there is just such a posibility.

The reason why I am beginning to wonder about who or what ghosts are, is due to all of these ghosts hunting shows on television now-a-days. What I have seen, the relative "experiences" of all the different ghost hunters, in different locations, but apparently ( sometimes ) experiencing the "same" ghost.

I ask myself, " Wait a minute, if these guys collected "proof" that a particular ghost is haunting a structure in Europe, how is it that another group is claiming the same with regards to the same ghost, but in South America ? "

I often believe that ghosts could be some sort of temporal anomalies, but don't understand how any one ghost can be in two and/or multiple locations at the same time.

I begin to wonder if the claim that these "entities" are indeed merely demonic forces on a mission to create mis-conceptions and mis-understandings about life after death.
You know, many many times as a kid growing up I wondered about what happened when a person died. I grew up in a ministers house, so it was either heaven or hell. Those were the only two options, and any questioning of the matter resulted in me being told I needed to pray more. As I have grown older though, I have many times questioned things I was taught as a child. Not in whether there may be a God, because I do believe there is a God in one form or another for sure. I am not a big bang type of person.

As far as a ghosts or demons debate, I personally would lean to the side of ghost. I suppose the reason I believe this is because we as individuals are made of energy. Whether or not you want to label this as a soul or some other name is up to you, but I feel whenever a person dies, a great amount of energy is released. Now as to where this energy goes I do not know. If I am of Christian descent, then the energy is a soul and goes to meet God, if I am of Indian descent then my spirit goes and spins a karma wheel to see where I reincarnate next. I do not put any religion down and make fun of them. The one thing they all have in common is that when you die, some form of energy is released from your current body.

It could be that certain individuals upon their death remain in just a state of energy, but their life on earth has been imprinted into that energy source. Their energy is kind of stuck so to speak. In being in this type of state, their energy would not really have any earthly limits or restraints, because their energy source would be unharnessed because it no longer has a body to occupy. So in doing so, there would not really be any reason this "ghost" could not be in England today and South America tomorrow if somebody is seeking this type of energy source. This is why I have found "white noise" and "evp" technology so fascinating. I think it gives these energy sources a medium to our world.

Demons on the other hand, are in a whole other category in my book. I personally believe demons were an ancient world creature, let me explain. As I stated above, I grew up in a very strict Christian home, and in doing so I read and studied the bible very closely. It just so happens that as I have grown up and am an adult now, I happen to be very interested in space and intelligent life elsewhere. Now the bible as it seems to me, is very historically accurate in terms of geography and people who lived, at least most of the old testament seems to be, aside from the miracles and such not a whole lot can be disputed, and when it is more often than not it is eventually proven true. The only book really disputed in the old testament would be genesis, obviously because of the creation story.

There are a great many passages in the old testament in which you would be hard pressed to get any hard core Christian or minister, my father included, to actually discuss. The number one example is the relationship between god's angels, fallen angels (demons), and both of their interactions with the human species. This is a topic that will make any of them (religious people) squirm in their seats for as long as you're on the subject. If you take a look at most ancient religions, they all have stories about great beings coming down from the heavens, some call them angels, some call them gods, and so on. Now in most of the religions, at some point the majority of these beings go back up into the heavens for whatever reason, with a hand full of them staying in some cases. Now if these stories were unique to one particular religion, then it could easily be cast aside as hog wash, but when many different races of people who likely had zero contact with each other all write about similar accounts, then it's not so easily dismissed, and more than likely has elements of truth. So, in my opinion, if I was living some six or seven thousand years ago, and huge men came down from the sky, I'm sure I would surely look at these guys as gods or angels. I personally believe an alien race visited our planet for one reason or another and intermingled with the human race. Many religions and mythology's have various accounts of this happening. From Goliath in the bible to Hercules in Greek texts, on both accounts they were offspring of a neophyte on one hand and a god on the other, and both were in ancient times and passed down through stories. One just happens to still be looked at as fact by a large number of people and the other as mythology. I would propose that they and many like stories are based on factual accounts of children who were the offspring of these visitors from space, angels and demons if you will.
Relating to you growing up in a minister's home, I grew up in the Russian Orthodox Church. The mere appearance's of the priests made quite an impression on me as a child. As you said, two options of either Heaven or Hell, and a strict adherence to specific principles. Certain question's asked were met with stoic temperament's.

I know in God, having too many experiences that extend beyond coincidence. There always has been a strong relationship between God and myself. An acute awareness, of sorts. With growing older, brought more questions with a better capacity for seeking answers.

Society tries to force fit God into a specific identity, self-determining what God is or isn't, will or won't do, what He can and can't do, all from mankind's limited perspective. That a Buddhist is going to Hell simply for being a Buddhist ? No one can determine how God develops any particular relationship with any one in particular. That God may use different methods with different cultures, is within the realm of possibilities.

Ghost or demon ? I tend to lean towards the side of ghost, too. Again, experiences. What may be possible within the spectrum of existence, would allow for numerous realities. With the ghost hunter activities, the ghost hunter's acknowledge that there seems to be differences encountered.

The EVP phenomenon, I find to be interesting, but also am aware that in using any kind of receiver, there are too many transmissions bouncing around to be able to determine if it has any validity. Most of the time, the "voices" caught really are not understandable, until the ghost hunter throws out a suggestion, and we say, " Oh Yeah ! I can hear "that" now ! " In re-winding the tapes, I listen again and again, and realize that different suggestions would also yield, " Oh Yeah ! I can hear "that" now ! ".

During the CB radio craze, we had a CB radio that we customized, removing the stops on the specific "channels", allowing us to scan through-out the bandwidths as we pleased. What we heard along the side-bands, sounded similar to many of the captured EVP "voices". Only after tweaking the frequencies, would the voices become clear. Hard not to notice that the ghost hunters aren't using anything to adjust frequencies, but get what they get with what they have, mini-recorders.

Although, I have a distinct feeling that technology is becoming closer to being able to "pierce the veil" between the physical and the realm's of the deceased. That would be a mind bender, if a time traveler from the future claimed that s/he had the capability to communicate with our own ghosts. And now that I've said that....

I agree with you, there are interesting anomalies in myth and legends. The myths and legends may be based on some truth, but are conveyed from a certain level of understanding. Even ruling out extra-terrestrials, a Roman Soldier would be considered a God to some cultures. I can only imagine the reaction of a simple culture, seeing a Roman Warship appearing just off the shoreline.

That the Earth is billions of years old, and has gone through some tremendous changes, is a given. That there may have been advanced civilizations ( pretty much long forgotten ) existing through-out the history of the Earth, is a good possibility. If they're technologies were built differently than our's, we might not even recognize it "as" technology.

If for example, some civilization was able to use quartz crystals as a component for some type of computer system, the whole built from natural materials, today, the remnant's of these machines, we would merely walk by without looking twice.

I have heard the term, "The Ancient One's", within several different A reference to cultures that existed a very, very long time ago. From what I've heard, is that many of these "Ancient One's" are rather angry and upset, and some of whom are the one's being credited as "demons ".

If per chance that some groups of the pre-ancient civilizations survived, and still are active in some ways, we don't even have to include aliens from elsewhere. We only have to search our own backyard, so to speak.

All in all though, hard not to consider the mention that Satan was created to be the perfect deceiver, and actually within the allegory of Genesis describes how subtle and crafty Satan is...that his purpose is to create doubts and confusion, to "help us" rationalize justifications for our actions.

That he would create confusion and doubts about what happens to our essences after physical death, is something to be mindful of. That his hosts would use trickery and play on our desires, dreams and hopes, is a certainty.

The European/South American ghost I was referencing, was supposed to be the ghost of Adolf Hitler. And if there is a ghost of Hitler wandering around, that sort of might cause one to wonder about the idea of Heaven and Hell, wouldn't it ?
Well, it sure would be boring to remain dead several feet under the ground till God "calls." So, I would prefer to be a haunting spook. Frankly, I feel that most of the ghosts out there are just living people playing the fool. Some of the cases are genuine though.
Well, it sure would be boring to remain dead several feet under the ground till God "calls." So, I would prefer to be a haunting spook. Frankly, I feel that most of the ghosts out there are just living people playing the fool. Some of the cases are genuine though.

Yes I agree with you on that score, it would be boring to remain dead under the ground till God "calls", and actually would prefer to go directly to Heaven. If for whatever reason Heaven is removed as an immediate destination, then, yeah, I would prefer to be a haunting spook.

Interestingly enough, cemetaries seem to be very peaceful places to contemplate and/or just relax. I guess this could be compared ( to a certain extent ) to a Harold and Maude type of thing, seemingly unusual, but most cemetaries have a certain ambience to them that is difficult to describe.

With the ghost stories, many can be explained away. However, as you pointed out, there are enough cases that seem genuine enough to warrant further consideration. However, to really validate any ghost story, it has to be a personal experience. Anything done by others, always will have an element of skepticism.

I find it somewhat of a paradox that on most of the ghost hunting shows, they will ask for ghosts to show themselves or provide some sort of proof of their presence, and then when something happens, the ghost hunters flip out and all but bolt from the room. With some show's, the ghost hunters DO go scampering away in sheer fright.

Granted most of this may be designed to involve the viewers, but, it seems to me that if you are a ghost hunter, you would stand your ground and be thrilled to encourage the ghost to continue to interact.

During an EVP session to say that it is ok for a ghost to respond, then yell out " What the heck was that ? " when a unusual noise is heard, then behave totally astonished, and/or frightened well, just seems counter-productive to me.