

Temporal Novice
Returned, worldline v6lg54d7. Five worldlines diverge, total war inevitable. Worldline survival 40%, variation shift 9%. 2I to be first impact. K to follow. All consumed. Midwest USA survive briefly, fallout complete.

Worldline v34g78d4 next. Depature at 133142:20061202. Waiting acknowledge.

Wow. That's a long slow hoax you got there. The last time this guy posted, it was almost three years ago, and the text and style of the post were similar :

Three different worldlines ending in same war. WC, HD, and JK. JK expected to take on GB by 43% chance now, only 7% variation in shift. Worldline survival if JE to acquire DN, 26% greater. Possability to acquire DN: 23%.

Why do they ask this of me. How tempted am I to interfere.

ThetaG6, acknowledge received. Safehouse compromised, on the move.

The door is green. Will return to tertiary location upon next arrival.

Message relay set to one. Expect before the door opens at another location.
