Gateway to Hell Found in China

What do I care to be cryptical about anything? The Guitt.-tr.
I'm sorry. Not meaning to be rude, but maybe you can explain to help me understand. Why are you being cryptical?Why do you abbreviate and sign your name in the middle of a post instead of the end? Just asking for clarification.

The Guitt.-tr., I don't want to be cryptical, therefore I'm still J.A., who never bites back at anyone, how could I care for that? Note: David, I'll still & always, please, appreciate finding out as much as possible, if any tachyon engine exists, The T. Tr. is A Good Purpose, please, any suggestions? If you both want me to, of course I can remain satisfied w. staying on, however, it's not my intention that I can pick on anyone, I'm extremely new to all this, that's so far all, there is to it, if my 'tachyonical' points achieved have to mean anything to me, by me, they are just mysterious to me, a mystery, I still feel no need, no urge that I can think that much about, details are pointless to think about!

I always imagined "time" travelers, with or without a machine's help, to be a bit less conspicuous.

If you're standing in a thunderstorm in your underwear shouting "nothing to see here" don't be surprised if people ask questions. ;)
