fuel energy issues, in leading to disturbance:


Epochal Historian
A this point in time, hybrid vehicles are coming onto the scene, however their inception is quite slowly being introduced and it seems that the petroleum companies, are trying to margin their profits, off the tax payers back.

The formulas for an acceptable energy vehicle, would be first with the automobile shell.

This would be a vehicle that is not only cladded in embossed solar cells, however that has a margin of the electrical energy this vehicle makes, pumped back onto the exterior of the shell of this vehicle.

This power, then would be used to light a laser diode, which would fire into the solar cell, so boosting the voltage output, from the autos exterior,to a higher output.

Through a heavy duty ribbon cable, the output power from the solar electric autos shell, is fed into a smoothing capacitor and series of semi conductors, which parts the output from shell voltage, which in turn goes back into charging the rack of batteries, at all times.

In theory, by this voltage regulation and smoothing from overvoltage protection, the relationship between the solar cells laser diodes, never lets the battery rack go down in voltage.

From the battery rack, which consist of approximately five to six large car batteries, there is steady stated output power, which delivers to an electric motor, which in-turn is joined by either gearing and or a drive shaft splice, to an auto transmission, which drives the vehicle.

The key here, is to both divide and smooth the output from the auto shell, into neither overvoltaged unmanageable power, to smooth always acceptable power.

The voltage regulator, provided computerized switching, that can add delivered power to accessories, such as lights, windshield wipers a heater, radio and so on.

A generator can also be attached to the gearing, and or belts from the mechanical drive, to act as higher amp power, if this is ever desired.

To me, somehow, there seems to be a missing component here, that is not a carbon fuel.

It might be that solar steam, could also be fashioned in some way, to add power features to this vehicle.

* This is the type of vehicle, that is not being produced, which should have been on the market, ten years ago, sold to anyone, who wants this.

Petroleum companies, fear their losses and are steadily raising the prince of gasoline, to outlandish levels, of asking.

This is causing a disgruntling from the American public.

The current chief executive, in the White House, had said that he will look into this problem.But this might style much the same,. as then President Reagan saying that they would look into the Iran Contras affair, when in fact, they seemed to be in back of these doings, all the time.
Re: fuel energy issues, in leading to disturbance:

Noted in the Creedo hysterical timelog! :D

Have ya tried farting in your gas tank lately, Creeds? I hear you've got some powerful ones! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: fuel energy issues, in leading to disturbance:

Bush goes on record as saying, that because some people are now driving the Preus, which is a hybrid automobile, that they are attempting to get away from gas prices, and therefore are being immoral Americans and are taking the easy way out.

Government will not come in and pay into your social security, as you can only afford to pay your gasoline bill, in order to get to work.

This is an enforced form of slavery and more than likely, in other social situations, would cause people to revolt.

It is more than public knowledge, that the foresaid of this post, is not dealing with a full deck upstairs.
Re: fuel energy issues, in leading to disturbance:

Bush goes on record as saying, that because some people are now driving the Preus, which is a hybrid automobile, that they are attempting to get away from gas prices, and therefore are being immoral Americans and are taking the easy way out.
Got a (reputable) source for this alleged say by Bush? I notice you did not use quotes. I'd like to know where someone has reported that Bush said this!

Re: fuel energy issues, in leading to disturbance:

I cannot attack a political party, by TT rules at TTI.

So therefore, I must past any rebuttal.