Having read a number of papers on general and special relativity I still dont understand why some imply that faster than light speed, if it were achieved, would allow to travel back in time.
Surely whatever your speed going from point A to point B you still need to "spend" some amount of time to get there. For example to travel 3 Million Kilometers , light "spends" 10 of our seconds. "Something" travelling at 10 times the speed of light would cover the same distance in 1 second... but that still does not allow "it" to travel back in time, does it ?
Any comments ?
Surely whatever your speed going from point A to point B you still need to "spend" some amount of time to get there. For example to travel 3 Million Kilometers , light "spends" 10 of our seconds. "Something" travelling at 10 times the speed of light would cover the same distance in 1 second... but that still does not allow "it" to travel back in time, does it ?
Any comments ?