From Yellow Sun to Blinding White?


Epochal Historian
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Is it me? why is the Sun a big white blob--did it not use to be yellow !!!

An Explanation for the Recent Increase in Brilliance Affecting our Sun Turning it from Yellow to White

Many have observed the Sun during the recent months and have noticed it has increased in its brightness to the point of being blinding at sunrises and sunsets from the usual gentle orange. Photographers have lost their muted evening sunlight. Sun bathers have burn quickly in a fraction of exposure their tanning time. Crops have mature weeks early according to farmers worldwide. Occurrences, which presently (July 2003) are not reported by scientists or representatives of the media. Why? First there is an established wall of silence, but foremost, most can’t explain it. Some theories will have to be rewritten to touch upon events, so lets start now. The fusion process as explained by human science has hydrogen atoms fusing into helium under the extreme core compression due to a constant gravitational force. Now, fluctuations are expected to occur as observed during solar cycles (increase or decrease in sunspots), but during the recorded history, man has always been able to observe a soft sunset as described in many books and paraphrased in sonnets and poetry. The fusion process in a stellar object is controlled by many factors in equilibrium. The primary factor is the mass to core ratio determining gravitational compression to initiate a fusion reaction. This will be a surprise to most astrophysicists, as even cosmic objects the size of our smaller gas planets are capable of a fusion reaction in their present form under the right conditions. Second, there are outside universal gravitational, magnetic and other forces unknown to science affecting the rotation of the center of the Sun as they pull and repulse areas of the moving core creating circular motion. Third, the concentration of heavy elements within the core in proximity to free hydrogen ions and molecules, their damping rate, which mutes the fusion reaction and the percentage of iron within the total mass of the heavy elements becomes a factor with the effects of outside magnetic fields after a status of equilibrium. What is happening to our Sun is simply, an outside magnetic force is stirring the iron elements in the core of the Sun (On Earth the Establishment’s cover name is Global Warming). This stirring is allowing the damping factor of the heavy elements to be reduced increasing the fusion rate fractionally. Thus, a hotter, brighter, whiter, more energetic Sun is observed by the public as the highly magnetic 12th planet slowly moves and hovers near the Sun upsetting normal equilibrium patterns in the solar system while caught in a tug of war between gravitational and repulsion forces.

And 2. Is it me? why is the Sun a big white blob--did it not use to be yellow !!!

To those here insisting no change has occured in the Sun as we observe it here on the surface of the Earth, a few questions:

1.) Why are the Moon and the planets appearing brighter, and why are so many noticing a brighter,whiter Sun?
2.) With the average x ray flux well above the mean and repeated intense solar flares occuring at a strength not previously seen, would this itself not qualify as a change?
3.) What are "operation cloverleaf" and "deep shield for? Have you heard of them?
4.) Have you considered the possibility that an increase in electromagnetic energy emenating from the Sun may be responsible for climate change?
5.) are you aware E.Teller´s plan for reflecting a percentage of the Solar energy reaching the surface has been implemeted on a world wide basis?
6.) Is the media censored? Is it possible the media could be lying by omission.
Are you aware of how many respected astronomers who have died under unusual circumstances in the last few years, and is it possible they were killed to cover something up

And 3.Is it me? why is the Sun a big white blob--did it not use to be yellow !!!

I´ve been posting about this for a year and getting blasted. Even my husband who is oblivious to things like mutating suns is saying now, the sun looks weird, it´s so bright you can´t even glance in the direction of the sun anymore. Even right before sunset you cannot look at it. I think people who think it´s just fine and dandy should go outside once in a while.

4.Is it me? why is the Sun a big white blob--did it not use to be yellow !!!

In Brazil, Sun was yellow and now is white -
and blinding.

The radiation is different - it burns after
few minutes of exposure.

No chemtrails here.

The plants are liking. But is necessary
an special care with the little ones.

I believe that this is part of the
Dimensional Shift on the way.

Probably effect of Photon Belt, or Planet X,
or an internal process of becoming an
White Dwarf, who knows.
Do to creedo's information, I will be ending my exploration here on earth.

Thank you creedo, may you and your human friend be safe and just so you know, it is not necessary for you to blow up the sun in this time line, it will destroy earth soon enough.

TML21 will end in your year 2156.

I leave you with on thought.

The life you persue is not the life that you were ment to have.
The life you have, you persued in blind trust.
The trust was founded on lies.
The lies, built on fear.
Fear, induced by ignorance.
Ignorance, by lack of open minds.
Historical note:Please note that Creedo299 holds certain reservations, on the actions of said AlienChild and these will be addressed to him in private, concerning him getting off of Earth, while the getting was good.
My time of departure is 16:00 today, once I am gone, creedo might explain all pending his decision, he is aware of the situation. Id he chooses, he will not be able to answer your questions you will be left with the information so far provided.

WONDER QUEST with April Holladay, A Weekly Column * August 2, 2002* Albuquerque
The Sun--a diamond in the sky

Q: When our Sun turns into a white dwarf, what will it look like from Earth? --William H., Albuquerque, New Mexico

A: Soon after the Sun becomes a white dwarf star, about five billion years from now, a creature would see, in the daytime sky, a shimmering white star of a Sun shining about as brightly as the Moon does now.

[Imagine the Universe, NASA] Sun's evolution: now to red giant to white dwarf

The Sun will have collapsed a million fold to an Earth-size body. Earth's daylight then will be a little brighter than a Full Moon's light is now--an eerie light with harsh black shadows.

"While the weak light from our almost-dead Sun will permit a human to read a newspaper, it won't provide much energy to our planet," says Harry Shipman, astronomy professor at the University of Delaware in Newark.

The light will illuminate a totally frozen, oceanless, airless landscape. Slowly, as the Sun cools still more, the brightness will dim and the color of the white-dwarf dot will change from white to yellow, red, and finally black when it is as cold as space.

A couple of billion years before that, our Sun will expand into a red giant star whose fiery surface will engulf all planets out to maybe Earth. If Earth hangs in, her atmosphere and oceans will surely boil away and her rocks will melt into red-hot lava. All life dies as she cools with the shrinking Sun.

(Answered Aug. 2, 2002)

Further Surfing:

Shipman, U of Delaware: Our Sun's demise

Harvard U, The Sun

Royal Observatory Greenwich, White dwarfs
Sun's already in white dwarf status.

NASA said so on MSNs homepage, not more than a week ago, in science spots.

They did not say white dwarf, but did say dwarf star.

I met an alien in a chatroom and he said we are at forty-five percent on the white dwarf status, which is starting to be of concern and potentially lethal, if it goes much more?

I think it's at white dwarf status and people like myself who want off of here, should be able to go to other worlds.

Tree Hugger who post here, said that reality might split and that part of herself would go to a higher plain of existence or we would somehow evolve?

Don know, genuinely concerned.

When I have sexual play, my head hurts like its going to blow up.

The weeds near my house in the western U.S. along the roadside, are also five to six feet high and are reacting to the direct sunlight.

I don't think we have long.....?