from 2275,


Temporal Novice
I am sending this message from 2275. I am 25 and I love history. It's such a dream for me to talk with people from an other timeline. I come from the other side. This is what I've been told from my relatives and this is what they've been told from their relatives before. In 2010 my timeline discovered a super-imposed universe living in our own. It was a discovery for both the universes. The year between the universes was different. Your timeline was in 2012.
I am currently in my brother's room. My brother lives in your timeline. In 2275. I can watch and send messages in the past through the huge capabilities of our version of Internet.
I will answer to any question.
And...My ancestors were the people you dream of, the people you don't know appearing in your dreams. Dreams are images and " cameras " of another universe.
hello there...can you see the future of Jacin Young he was born on April 28,1974 want to ask you when does he die?? also will he become a time traveler or not?

also what will happen in 2012? write back thank you.
I am sending this message from 2275. I am 25 and I love history. It's such a dream for me to talk with people from an other timeline. I come from the other side. This is what I've been told from my relatives and this is what they've been told from their relatives before. In 2010 my timeline discovered a super-imposed universe living in our own. It was a discovery for both the universes. The year between the universes was different. Your timeline was in 2012.
I am currently in my brother's room. My brother lives in your timeline. In 2275. I can watch and send messages in the past through the huge capabilities of our version of Internet.
I will answer to any question.
And...My ancestors were the people you dream of, the people you don't know appearing in your dreams. Dreams are images and " cameras " of another universe.

Could you post the current events box for wikipedia on... The 27th of September 2009
Most of the people who were born after 1967 lived for more than 125 years. Yes, he will become a time traveller. Medium age in 2275 is 210.

According to what my ancestor left written in his diary, in 2012 World War III ended. On November 16 2012 my universe and yours fused. They became one. In the blin of an eye there were 2 billions of people more in your universe timeline and in my universe timeline people changed. Memories of people existing in both the universes unified in one.
Other events in September 2009: Mexican ship mysteriously sanked
September 16 2009- Australian 26 years old guy kicks a 16 years old aborigen rebel when he's found to be assaulting a group of middle school girls. The aborigen dies in a coma.
The Australian guy is injured by 5 other aborigens, members of a rebel band.

If you want another proof I could say that on September 6 2009 another boy on ATS forum will claim to come from 2091. He will say that he received an e-mail by NTTS agency and he will say is allowed to be first poster from 2091.
Most of the people who were born after 1967 lived for more than 125 years. Yes, he will become a time traveller. Medium age in 2275 is 210.

According to what my ancestor left written in his diary, in 2012 World War III ended. On November 16 2012 my universe and yours fused. They became one. In the blin of an eye there were 2 billions of people more in your universe timeline and in my universe timeline people changed. Memories of people existing in both the universes unified in one.

will UFO come back and reveal itself?? also will this time travel machine become public use?? write back..
thank you.
UFO are humans from the future. Your current government knows about it. You timeline will know the truth in the year 2110.
Answer for second question is yes.
How much of "our" internet remains in your time? 

How is the early 21st century presented in your history books? How is Barack Obama rembered by your time. 

Would you prepare a political world map of your time?

Were there any entire species that went extinct between now and 2275

What is Arizona like during you're time? Is it still called Arizona.

What is the state of the educational system? Is it required for a elementary/high school/college education? What is the average age that one starts and ends schooling?

Do we ever get to or settle on Mars? Do you ever find complex life there?

Is television still around? What kinda shows are on? What is your favorite show? What is it about? If there isn't TV anymore, why not? Was it because noone wanted it anymore or was it a nescisity to do away with it?

Who are famous in your time? Who are the celebrities? Who are the great minds and thinkers? Who are the great artists?

What happens to the United States of America as a country. Do the states disband, Do some states Seceede,  Is the United States get overthrown by something else, are there more states?

Would you please take Twilights test for time travelers located here.?

What are some future slang terms that you can think of and what do they mean?

Would you please post pictures of your computer, office, map, logos, newspaper and possibly yourself?

What is the future of the Time Travel Institue and some the frequent posters?

Could you read up on some of the other Time Travel Claiments and give your opionions on there validity  
Everything is readable of your internet starting from January 2007.

Early years of 21st century are presented as a dangerous time to be alive. Barack Obama is a very negative person. He only caused more and more problems to United States citizens. He wasn't living for much time.

What were United States, Canada and Antarctica are now a group of 36 States. United States will be forever different starting from 2011. Mexico, Brazil and Argentina are 1st world countries and comparable in power to Europe in your time. Australia is a 1st world country. Every state in Europe, Asia is a 2nd and 3nd world country. Russia is the only state never divided in many areas.
Japan, India, Philippines do not exist anymore. Their areas are covered with floating cities. China rise will fail in 2020's. Forever. Africa is a 1st world country. Africa and Brazil are the most important countries.

We are able to create animals and new environments. The world of animals and plants is completely different. Only animals living in forests and a few in the oceans survived.

Arizona is called Musarea. It's a muslim country.

Schools as you know don't exist anymore since 2040's. Every child and teenage person is home-schooled now. We have the Internet. We learn through it.

We have space tourism around Mars. There were 3 missions there. No life.

Television, though olographic, became nothing against the power of the Internet.

There are a few famous people. We are all equal to everybody.

Civil War started in March 2010. Everything changed in United States.

I will answer to next questions
Arizona is called Musarea. It's a muslim country.

When and why?

I will answer to next questions

I'm not exactly sure what you meantby this, maybe you should spellcheck your posts?

And thanks for answering,

and i agree with pamela, you should just have a regular conversation with the people her, along with answer questions.
After World War IV. Muslims started to expand their families righ there because it was given as a relief premium from their government. They were heavily persecuted.
I myself believe that some dreams were peak into a alternate universe. I always wonder why some of my dreams had nothing to with my waking life?
Why can't any time traveler predict any good news? Why does it have to be about war, doom, and gloom? This is a bunch of crap? What about technology advances? Good things happening in life?