From 1980 with No Mission: Ask Me Anything


Temporal Novice
My delta-level codename is Rollerwarrior. I am from the year 1980.

I will be happy to answer all of your questions about life and customs in 1980.

I have also brought currency and news from my world, as proof of the truth. I was sent here to prove to you that I am from 1980, for no reason other than to show you how cool we, the great humans of 1980, are.

Okay, I'll level with you: I don't have a mission. I don't even know how I got here.

That is all.

Music is very important to us in 1980. When I departed, the world was in the thrall of the soul-stirring stylings of a super-band named "Queen," which you no doubt learn of in your history classes. Also, many of our musicians have learned to fuse music with moving images, creating "music video songs"! There is talk of creating an entire television channel to accomodate these "music videos", which we will no doubt achieve soon- so vast is our power.

I have been living in the year 2004 since early January. I am from the United States of America, home of many time travellers (though not as many as China, which is currently leading the world in their number of time travellers).

Oh strange one from can change the future. Go to Florida and push for voting standard changes. Trust election in the future will depend on it.
*plays along*

hehe, that sounds silly coming from your mouth chrono

hey, you know what, I lived thru the 80's so if there's anything you'd like to know you can just ask me okay!!

* marvels at the stupidity of some people *
I too am a time traveller. My journey began in early 60's. I have been using a craft codenamed " Birthday Suit". My memories have been effected by the process of arrival in this timeline. I dont remember too much shortly after my arrival. The others immediately began to disguise the craft I was utilizing, for they shrouded it in cloth.
I know that the effects of gravitational and environmental forces have had an impact on my drive systems. No longer can the inner mechanisms operate efficently on garbage. Now I must choose fuels that are more streamlined for continued performance.
The sound sensing equipment has also become more selective, as my companion time traveller ( code named "wife" )can attest to when she demands a playback as to the information that she presented for input into my processors. The auto mechanism response of " uh huh, uh huh..." only works for a short duration any more. Apparently the "wife" system has a learning capacity unlike anything I could have predicted.
I too can answer question regarding the eighties as this information is still somewhat uneffected by time travelling.