Frame Dragging, it's a blast!


Rift Surfer
Hi everyone, I would like to talk about frame dragging for a moment. Scientists noticed that when they put satellites in orbit, they would not be where calculations predicted they would be. In order to correct this, they had to use a prediction from Einstein's general theory of relativity. The rotation for a massive object (earth) actually causes space-time to distort. It's kind of like a rotating ball in water. The water gets whipped up around the ball. Replace water with space-time and there you go!

It's a fascinating subject that leads to many differing paths. Here are some links to get a better understanding.

Frame-dragging - Wikipedia

Lense–Thirring precession - Wikipedia

Closed timelike curve - Wikipedia

Tipler cylinder - Wikipedia

Interesting, but seems to be a tiny effect for the relatively small amount of gravity(spacetime distortion) we have here on earth. From your second link:

"At this rate a Foucault pendulum would have to oscillate for more than 16000 years to precess 1 degree."

This is a relatively small effect for a pendulum here on the earth's surface, it would be even smaller for satellites.

While true, there was still enough distortion to throw off the calculations of the position of satellites. Enough to warrant a solution. The most important thing to me is that it is proof that a Tipler Cylinder will affect space-time.

Yeah, they are a good resource for serious physics. The only downside is that they don't allow speculative theories, so many of the conversations here would not be allowed. I'm not even sure if they allow EM Drive conversations yet.

Nice to have a forum where the theories can run wild and be discussed.
