Four ways to make it possible

Wormholes is a interesting idea kind of like in the Black night movie where Martin lawrence falls in a moat and gets transported to the Medievil era and kind of strange how he does it and a wormhole can send you anywhere. These are interesting ideas and the speed of light is quite interesting and also you could end up anywhere kind of like in the fly where the doctor was dealing with teleporting from one place to another but the fly enters and he starts turning into one. So, there are risks as well and it could happen one day but would be hard to explain to people who don't believe and also would take time to make as well.

I think that wormholes is what we have seen in the recent movie called Interstellar, they went through a wormhole and at the end through a black hole. Now, just imagine we had the technology to move around those, time would not exist for us. That's how far we still need to go!!
