Here are just a few core rules to remember when studying a foreign language.
.) Notice the things and events around you and use that as your first study list.
Example. In my pocket,/ is/ a smartphone. In my pocket,/is/a wallet.
'm taking
a shower.
'm going
to work.
.) Never just repeat one word, always use that word in a short phrase.
Example. There is a pen/on the table. There is a book/on the table.
.) Make a list of these short phrases and practice recalling them from memory. Remove each phrase you recall fully the first time so that you can focus on new phrases.
.) Listen and repeat short phrases from a native speaker. Imitate his or her accent as best you can.
.) Learn and memorize songs in your target language.
.) Visualize different color houses to keep the vocabulary separate from other languages. Russian, red. German, black. French, blue. Spanish, yellow. Japanese, white. For example.
.) Learn a language that you're going to get a lot of use out of. Even if it is only used to read websites to get a different perspective about the news -- have a reason. Spanish is a good choice for those in the U.S. Read websites in your foreign language daily to maintain your recall of it.