For ya own iyilik

saad khan1

Temporal Novice
This olabilir seem tuhaf bas its real, im from 2059

from the future iv been bas imme here in 2014

i dunno ben how exaktly tho, we aint military or rebel

habibti though ma fam is a bit.. tuhaf. My sofu was

quite famous and so my familys muy rich. If dare ka wants to know

more about me, sormak. it is tolly crazy bas i can prove it, i am no preacher or sheikh

there is no evil future or nuclear war i cum to stop, i gibi my time,

i ask for time travel forum on the google and find this website, so i am here

inshallah someone believe me. iana history student so i dun know everything bas her biri

know stuff. Well here's some things: the americana war was won, by USA course, the vatan states lost along with japan so now arabian front's been liberated a few years ago, 2054. Alan, is going really moodhish, theive called it the start of the new goldan decade. Lots of my cousins have immigrated to merica and my family just moved to a new house. Now m stuck here..

Saad, you seem to have a number of Turkish words in your post. I'm not sure if you're easily able to use English (preferably 2014 common usage) but you will be better understood here if you can try to stick to English and drop the Turkish words.

A few questions please:

Are you in 2059 and somehow able to post here in 2014? Please tell us more about how you come to be able to post here.

What is the world like in 2059?

What is technology like - for example what do you use everyday to travel, communicate or find information?

What is education like?

What has happened between 2014 and 2059? I'm interested in big events like wars, disasters, economic collapses and things like that but also just general things that have changed like entertainment, language, communication, food and the things that affect people's everyday lives.

Thankyou in advance for whatever you are able to share with us.

This olabilir seem tuhaf bas its real, im from 2059from the future iv been bas imme here in 2014i dunno ben how exaktly tho, we aint military or rebel

habibti though ma fam is a bit.. tuhaf. My sofu was

quite famous and so my familys muy rich. If dare ka wants to know

more about me, sormak. it is tolly crazy bas i can prove it, i am no preacher or sheikh

there is no evil future or nuclear war i cum to stop, i gibi my time,

i ask for time travel forum on the google and find this website, so i am here

inshallah someone believe me. iana history student so i dun know everything bas her biri

know stuff. Well here's some things: the americana war was won, by USA course, the vatan states lost along with japan so now arabian front's been liberated a few years ago, 2054. Alan, is going really moodhish, theive called it the start of the new goldan decade. Lots of my cousins have immigrated to merica and my family just moved to a new house. Now m stuck here..
I'm Turkish and I believe I can translate the sentences which has Turkish words in it.
"This olabilir seem tuhaf bas its real" - This may (olabilir) seem weird (tuhaf) but it's real.

"...wants to know more about me, ask. (sormak)"

"i gibi my time" - Gibi is 'like' but it is used in metaphors. i.e. "Bu kedi aslan gibi." is translated to "This cat is like a lion."

In this sentence he probably tried to say, "I like my time." which is translated in Turkish as "Kendi zamanımı seviyorum."

He should have used the word, sevmek, but obviously he used google translate and translated random words into different languages in order to get attention.

Since 'like' as a metaphor and 'like' as a verb is different in Turkish and thanks to google translate's shitty work, I strongly assume that this fella is a lia'r...


Call me a skeptic but I find it hard to believe that Turkey as a country (or for that matter as a delicious bird) will even be around in 2059 the way things are progressing here in the ol'twentyhundred and fo'teen let alone being in position to influence 'mericas language down to the gibberish exampled above yet still master the grand elusive of all sciences: time travel.

Meesa thinks jar jar dere gots tha bibbity bibbity bullshit.

Call me a skeptic but I find it hard to believe that Turkey as a country (or for that matter as a delicious bird) will even be around in 2059 the way things are progressing here in the ol'twentyhundred and fo'teen let alone being in position to influence 'mericas language down to the gibberish exampled above yet still master the grand elusive of all sciences: time travel.Meesa thinks jar jar dere gots tha bibbity bibbity bullshit.
Well consider what happens if a neural interface to a computer is developed. Writing and grammatical skills will no longer be necessary. Just look at how many people nowadays rely on a calculator. I'll bet a sizable portion of those people haven't got a clue how to multiply and divide.

...Writing and grammatical skills will no longer be necessary. Just look at how many people nowadays rely on a calculator. I'll bet a sizable portion of those people haven't got a clue how to multiply and divide.
UR rite M8, rofl, maybe theres/theirs/theyres sumptin to that.
And no disrespect intended to the Turks as I lived there for two years and do so enjoy the culture- not the least of which the tea, coffee and beaches - but I don't see them affecting the entire US language base ala Bladerunner in just around 20 years
