For all the \'urine extractors\' out there..
Hello there. This is a little food for thought for all the 'smart arses' who come on to this site purely to ridicule.
Most of us here are genuinely fascinated by the topic of 'time travel'. In general terms, we seem to be eager to stretch the boundaries of our understanding and imagination, because we are forward thinking individuals. There are those among us though, who presumably think that this is somehow sad and worthy of ridicule.
Well, let me tell you what I find 'sad'... The kind of person who comes on to this site with no interest in the topic itself and then proceeds to waste their own time and ours with ineffectual 'piss takes' that only serve to prove how comedically inadequate they are. Really, I've seen no jab that can't be completely trounced with the merest of effort.
Do you 'firebrands' have too much time on your hands? Do you enjoy making an arse of yourself? Do you think that the level of intellectual prowess that inhabits this site cannot easily combat such incredibly juvenile efforts?
There are things that I'm not interested in, but I can't be bothered to go looking for people who are, just so I can get all smart allecky with them. I've got more important things to do with my time..Why haven't you?
Don't for a second think that I have no sense of humour though. It's actually highly developed because I've grown up in England
So if you're thinking of dissing me, you'd better make it well thought out and utterly watertight, or I'm afraid I'll sink you in front of everyone. So if you're prepared to give yourself enough rope to hang yourself with, then please go ahead. That wouldn't be anything new frankly. (a1 or whatever they're calling themself now springs to mind.)
That's not what I want though, that's not why I come here. I'm just sick of the 'time wasters'.
Have you been put in your place yet? Probarbly not..Just think about why you feel the need to be disliked..because you are,..or yes you are..
To the regulars..I wish that I hadn't felt the need to post this message and I hope that you don't feel that I'm stirring things up. I am just utterly sick of the bloody small minded idiots of the world thinking that the're the funniest thing since sliced bread. They're not and It's time they were told...
...Rant is now...over.
Hello there. This is a little food for thought for all the 'smart arses' who come on to this site purely to ridicule.
Most of us here are genuinely fascinated by the topic of 'time travel'. In general terms, we seem to be eager to stretch the boundaries of our understanding and imagination, because we are forward thinking individuals. There are those among us though, who presumably think that this is somehow sad and worthy of ridicule.
Well, let me tell you what I find 'sad'... The kind of person who comes on to this site with no interest in the topic itself and then proceeds to waste their own time and ours with ineffectual 'piss takes' that only serve to prove how comedically inadequate they are. Really, I've seen no jab that can't be completely trounced with the merest of effort.
Do you 'firebrands' have too much time on your hands? Do you enjoy making an arse of yourself? Do you think that the level of intellectual prowess that inhabits this site cannot easily combat such incredibly juvenile efforts?
There are things that I'm not interested in, but I can't be bothered to go looking for people who are, just so I can get all smart allecky with them. I've got more important things to do with my time..Why haven't you?
Don't for a second think that I have no sense of humour though. It's actually highly developed because I've grown up in England

That's not what I want though, that's not why I come here. I'm just sick of the 'time wasters'.
Have you been put in your place yet? Probarbly not..Just think about why you feel the need to be disliked..because you are,..or yes you are..
To the regulars..I wish that I hadn't felt the need to post this message and I hope that you don't feel that I'm stirring things up. I am just utterly sick of the bloody small minded idiots of the world thinking that the're the funniest thing since sliced bread. They're not and It's time they were told...
...Rant is now...over.