Five dangers of young men

Pride: " I'll be well up in years before I die."
Love for Pleasure: "I love my drugs, drinking, other men, women, and gambling, because I don't believe in prison, liver disease, Aids, and STD."
Thoghtlessness: " I do unto others before they do me."
Contempt of Religion: " I don't need to believe in anything except ME. It's all about ME. I don't believe in a Judgment Day where I will be held accountable for my actions."
Fear of Man's Opinion: " It's easier for me to follow the Main Man in front of me so we can all fall in a ditch."

Question for all of us. What have you done with Your life?
Thoughtlessness: it seems to me that overly religious people are the ones who don't think? They just believe whatever they are told as long as it is wrapped up in religious language and phrases.
I am just reading a book : American Fascists The Christian Right And The War On America .
It's kind of frightening the way they are wanting to create this totalitarian "Christian" state where all freedoms of thought are is no different to the situation that exists in Islamic states like Iran and Saudi , or the total control the Nazi party had. Its like taking us back to medieval times of fear and superstition and forgetting 500 years of science and enlightenment. The four freedoms:
Freedom of worship
Freedom of speech
Freedom from fear
Freedom from want

Fundamentalist Christians want to take away 3 out of 4 of those freedoms .