What they're trying to say, is that government owes nobody anything at all. This is what the speaker of the house is trying to pull off. What they're going to try to do, is put a voucher in pace, to try and cover cost. This is going to be a fiasco as this will not fund expensive operations.I think that it's kind of comical that they irradiated the 50s and 60s generations with atomic explosions, with no known result and now they're trying to get ride of some of these people, as they've go the potential to still file suet against the government.I am getting a lot of "I told you so" comments and hate because I support Trump, but even though I identify as a Conservative, I find that this new bill benefits insurance companies only.
The updated view of this problem is to put everyone on a vast adjustable database. The database follows you wherever you go in the world. What the powers that be in the U.S. have come up against and even reacted to some time ago, is that certain classes of people should and have become expendable.This is really nothing new, the same goes for the process of war, which is much more organized.In the real world we now live in there are NO guarantees in life, however in this country we have always treated all that need help as you see if you study the number of people that went to the hospital and never paid a dime for the services received. On the other hand if you add up the cost of the money paid to the insurance companies with Obamacare you may notice that half of the people on that program have paid Zero dollars ZERO! Logic says that someone always has to pay? Before the government use to pay directly to the unpaid doctors and hospitals, but now the folks that have been paying are paying Much, Much MORE to cover the cost of the Obama bums. I believe in protecting the weak, but NOT the Sick, Lame, and Lazy guy that won't get a job and lives with mother.