Fine, how about a geocache


Chrono Cadet
Here's another avenue for "proving" time travel claim.

Go create a geocache in the past with something from the future in it. Doesn't have to be anything spectacular... hide a quarter from 2012 in 2008.

Then, drop by here and give out the geocache location. But, don't hide it in some obscure place like Plains of Leng or something. NYC, LA, London, Rome... something like that, where somebody can reliably get to it.
I'm not "The USAF", I'm just IN the USAF.

Besides, all I ever hear from time travellers is the imminent doom of the US Govt anyway, so what conceivable threat could it pose? It's apparently more fragile than most banana republics that have been hanging on for 40-60 years; inasmuch as we go from worldwide superpower to third world devastation in like, 20 years or so, in most scenarios.

On a completely unrelated note, I've been reading old threads here, and leading up to the 08 elections, every time traveller and his sister was naming Hillary to win, a couple picked Obama to be VP... not a ONE that I've seen called it for Obama prior to his primary victories.
On a completely unrelated note, I've been reading old threads here, and leading up to the 08 elections, every time traveller and his sister was naming Hillary to win, a couple picked Obama to be VP... not a ONE that I've seen called it for Obama prior to his primary victories.

Ah, well, yes.... different timeline ya know! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Hey, HDRKID even said it when I pointed out that s/he got it wrong! And you know if HDRKID says something, that is golden!

The last thing I want to do is get drawn into any sort of academic or scientific discussion, because I don't have the chops for it, but if an infinite universe contains infinite possibilities, then there should be a reality where Hillary won, where McCain won, and where Christopher Walken won.
The last thing I want to do is get drawn into any sort of academic or scientific discussion, because I don't have the chops for it, but <font color="red"> if [/COLOR] an infinite universe contains infinite possibilities, then there should be a reality where Hillary won, where McCain won, and where Christopher Walken won.
Yes, and in another one, I won! But note the word I colored red in your statement above. It is a powerful one.

and in another one, i won! scared yet?

:D Perhaps not! It could be that in that universe I am Bill Gates and I help fund your campaign and election victory! (All for the post-victory payoffs, of course).

touche mr. hudson, touche!

i wanna go to the one that has dean martin as president, and sammy davis jr. as v.p.! i wanna roast a sucka!