finding john titor

What would be the use? Bug the parents they'll think were crazy. A plus the kid is about 6 right now you understand. You think a 6 year old will know what the heck is time travel. What would we gain. No he never mentioned anyones name.
If he stayed with his parents while he was here, what the heck did he tell them??

I know if I saw an older version of me living with me I'd find it pretty weird.
Hey everyone!

Has anyone else got the John Titor book from Ebay? It has a hand written message in it from John's Mom??? that goes like this "Thanks for being one of the first to by John's book, I hope reading these words will keep his future from being ours."

The book also has two extra pages from the time machine instructions but they are all technical and stuff and I can't figure out what they say. Anyone else have the book from Ebay?

You bought it on E-Bay? Can you confirm that there is an extra page of the manual not seen on the internet. If you're not sure what diagrams are already available just describe what pictures are in the book.



There are two extra pages! They are the size of a piece of paper and folded inside the book when I got it. One says - SECTION I DESCRIPTION - and has a bunch of writting on it with one line blacked out. The other says - PERFORMACE SPECIFICATIONS ARMY MODEL C204 - and has numbers. I have no idea what it all means. I have never seen these before online but the book has the pcitures in the back.

Hope that helps
have a good one