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Did the subject line grab your attention? Well check out the kinds of stuff NASA is finding out in our solar system:
Now all we need to do is to begin planning the first trans-solar-system pipeline to get it from Titan to a "refinery" on the moon!
Wouldn't it be interesting if all of a sudden we didn't need Middle East oil, and our space-fareing adventures put us in the position of being the only ones to be able to get to COPIOUS amounts of hydrocarbons off-earth?
It's TIME to stop thinking small, and being so ego-centric that we can't contemplate beyond the belly button of our pitifully tiny planet!
Space is our destiny, and anyone who can't see that has a serious problem with underestimating the human spirit and our drive to expand and explore.
The Cassini spacecraft, using its radar system, has discovered very strong evidence for hydrocarbon lakes on Titan. Dark patches, which resemble terrestrial lakes, seem to be sprinkled all over the high latitudes surrounding Titan's north pole.
Now all we need to do is to begin planning the first trans-solar-system pipeline to get it from Titan to a "refinery" on the moon!
Wouldn't it be interesting if all of a sudden we didn't need Middle East oil, and our space-fareing adventures put us in the position of being the only ones to be able to get to COPIOUS amounts of hydrocarbons off-earth?
It's TIME to stop thinking small, and being so ego-centric that we can't contemplate beyond the belly button of our pitifully tiny planet!
Space is our destiny, and anyone who can't see that has a serious problem with underestimating the human spirit and our drive to expand and explore.