Favorite Time Travel movies

The Time Machine (old one and new)
Back to the Future (I, II, III)
Frequency ...great movie.
Lost In Space
Event Horizon
Star Trek: Generations, First Contact, Voyage Home

There are probably more, I just can't remember
Was Contact really about time travel? Sure it has some innuendo with regard to Jodie Foster's character meeting up with her father, but I thought it was more about interdimensional travel.

As for other movies: I thought the recent remake of H.G. Well's "The Time Machine" was pretty neat. But the orignal, classic move from 1960 with Rod Taylor is really the one that spawned so many later movies on the subject.

How about Event Horizon with Laurence Fishburne?

Oh yeah! Let's not forget the ever-popular The Philadelphia Experiment! We've got a whole forum on it here!


your going to say Contact was not about time travel but event horizon was? perhaps you are forgetting the basis of the 2 movies use of travelling great distances was essentially the same. and Jody foster did NOT meet her father. She met an alien who appeared to her as her father because she was familiar with him and not the alien. for someone who tells everyone else they dont know what they're talking about its a priveledge to shove this small fact in your face. in contact Jody Foster travels through an einstein-rosen bridge (sp?), through several worm holes and travels to the other side of the galaxy and back all within 1 relativistic second or less here on earth. in Event horizon, same thing, they use a large gravity source to open up space/time and fold space so that the ship can travel to the other side of the galaxy in a split second. sounds like about the same thing to me.

for everyone else, other good TT movies and TV shows.

Timecop 1 & 2 (2 was very interesting)
Sliders (does this count?)
Stargate SG-1 (several instances of time travel and an interesting black hole episode in which time slows down the closer you are to the massive gravity source)
Superman (where he spins the earth backwards, I used to think that was real LOL)
Star Trek movie (the one they travel back to earth and meet the inventor of the warp engine Dr. Cochrane)
Terminator 1,2,3
Conneticut Yankee in King Arthurs court
7 Days (great series but was only on a few years, guy travels back 7 days to fix [censored])
and who could forget the penultimate of time travelling series
QUANTUM LEAP! (a personal fav of mine)
I forgot one.

The Final Countdown!
"What would happen if the USS Nimitz from 1979, complete with crew and equipment, was transported back to Dec. 6th, 1941? That is the premise of this movie. A very excellent movie even for those who hate time-travel movies. "

good movie with Martin Sheen.
Sliders was dimensional travel correct, very similar I guess to what JT said. but I seem to remember a few episodes where it was virtually LIKE time traveling due to events unfolding different. one had dinosaurs still alive, the other had the nazi's in power, another had most people dying cuz they hadn't invented antibiotics. so maybe not quite time travel, but still similar.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWELVE MONKEYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I'll go along with it being time travel since it's almost the same and brings the same audience as Quantum Leap, etc. I remember the one with the dinosaurs, good one. I may have to purchase those seasons on DVD. I will most likely do this after I have collected all the Quantum Leap Dvd's /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
How about the one with Jet Li when he goes around intradimensionally killing his other selves to make himself stronger...was that called The One? That was a very interesting movie, not time travel but still worthy of a mention...
Yes that movie was called "The One". I didn't buy the whole "there are 110 universes called the multiverse, a new one is formed every supernova explosion" because I know there have been more than 110 supernova's in the universe. interesting movie but more similar to Sliders than to actual TT.

if you've never seen Time cop 2 I suggest it, awesome idea, the whole TT thing comes full circle in the movie and its amazing. The movie stars the guy from "Enter the Dragon the bruce lee story" and there are some serious martial arts moves that make you go "Woah!"
in Timecop 2 the main guy is trying to stop a rogue TTer who had so ingrained himself in the past there were traces of him everywhere. It all goes sour once an assasination attempt on hitler is stopped and the two quickly become enemies. and each and everytime he goes back and something changes, he goes forward to the future and ends up in a new world with different people.

the best part by far is when people just disappear cuz the bad guy in the movie kills your family before you were born to get rid of you. The full circle at the end reminds me of twelve monkeys as he is a kid watching the older version of himself beat up this other guy who's younger self is also there and watching. very well laid out and thought out and by far one of the most realistic TT movies I have ever seen. imho.
and Jody foster did NOT meet her father. She met an alien who appeared to her as her father because she was familiar with him and not the alien. for someone who tells everyone else they dont know what they're talking about its a priveledge to shove this small fact in your face.
Again...you are correct. I had forgotten the alien part of the plot with respect to her father.

Got a bug up your butt today? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

sounds like about the same thing to me.
Yes, you are correct. Based on that, I'd also dismiss Event Horizon just as I would Contact.

Happy? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Proving you right or wrong neither makes me happy nor sad. I have no real emotion about it bud.

I've thought about it, I do not think Contact or Event Horizon can be considered true time travel movies. and sliders would probably go along with that. as they moved great distances and they did not travel BACK in time at any point, even in contact she may have travelled a billion light years but came back and a second had passed, so its not like she went backwards in time. so, contact, event horizon and sliders are out!
Do you really have to travel to the past for it to be considered time travel?

In contact, jodie's character travelled a great distance and experienced many hours while the people on earth saw her for only 1 second. This is basically Einstein's time dilation, in reverse. So, if you were to travel at great speeds and come back to Earth, and your sense of time is much different than the people on Earth, you, consequentially, slowed time down. A form of time-travel if you ask me...

great posts guys! I think I am going to go get some of these :P
Back to the Future series
Red Dwarf (there was at least one episode where they went back in time.. i think)
Star Trek 4 and First Contact
The one with that kid who went back in to King Arthurs Court
Star Trek Voyager (there was a 2 part episode about temporal incursions i believe)
bill and ted's excellent adventure!

decent history lesson for all the surfer stoners

some "important" names and some crappy acting...I mean...keanu reaves...how bad can it get??

but still a classic....especially in the time travel genre

honestly though...I don't even like that movie....just had to mention it