your going to say Contact was not about time travel but event horizon was? perhaps you are forgetting the basis of the 2 movies use of travelling great distances was essentially the same. and Jody foster did NOT meet her father. She met an alien who appeared to her as her father because she was familiar with him and not the alien. for someone who tells everyone else they dont know what they're talking about its a priveledge to shove this small fact in your face. in contact Jody Foster travels through an einstein-rosen bridge (sp?), through several worm holes and travels to the other side of the galaxy and back all within 1 relativistic second or less here on earth. in Event horizon, same thing, they use a large gravity source to open up space/time and fold space so that the ship can travel to the other side of the galaxy in a split second. sounds like about the same thing to me.
for everyone else, other good TT movies and TV shows.
Timecop 1 & 2 (2 was very interesting)
Sliders (does this count?)
Stargate SG-1 (several instances of time travel and an interesting black hole episode in which time slows down the closer you are to the massive gravity source)
Superman (where he spins the earth backwards, I used to think that was real LOL)
Star Trek movie (the one they travel back to earth and meet the inventor of the warp engine Dr. Cochrane)
Terminator 1,2,3
Conneticut Yankee in King Arthurs court
7 Days (great series but was only on a few years, guy travels back 7 days to fix [censored])
and who could forget the penultimate of time travelling series
QUANTUM LEAP! (a personal fav of mine)