Faster Than Light Article on USAToday

Only one catch.

If, at some point "in between" the speed of light at point A, and the speed of light at Point B, the distance is "shortened", then in the final analysis, the "average speed of light would, of course, be "faster" than the speed of light. This is exactly what happens in the double-slit experiment where light "reaches" the destination before it is actually sent. Of course, there is a vortex "doorway" in between that "proves" that effect can actually happen before cause. It's kind of difficult to wrap our minds around this, but it does not make it untrue nonetheless. Therefore, by this conclusion of science itself, although light cannot EXCEED lightspeed, it certainly seems to have a method whereby it can "cheat" by averageing out its speed. So, by strictly relativistic standards, it is not "impossible" for light to travel faster than 186,282 mps.