Fast Forward the simulation !!!!


Temporal Novice
If the reality we live in is a computer simulation by scientists from the 'real reality', would they be able to fast forward from the year 0 to the year 2006 AD (12 Billion years later), and if so, would we in the simulation experience our reality at the constant rate like we do?

Switchy /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I have to go with KoopaCooper on this one.

Your scenario sounds precisely like a scenario in Special Relativity. If you're a part of the accelerated frame you don't notice any difference - it is only the "at rest" observer who sees you as moving faster through "life" as it were.

Within your frame everything, including your chemical, nuclear and though processes are accelerated but with respect to each other they are no different than before. You are "working" at the quick pace and don't notice anything unusual.

(This assumes that you have no ability to "look out the window" and see the "real" world outside the simulation and that your simulated world is not rotating. If you could look outside, and you were not rotating, you could not determine whether it was your world or the other world that was the accelerated frame. Pick one - either answer would be valid in SPR. The other world would have clues - like the FFWD button
- that would give the answer away.)