Using my time travel with information project which that thread is in claims under how to build a time machine. I have had the fortune of being able to bring thousands of technology documents into existance and search them for specific keywords and view the documents of interest to me. This has been a great deal of work for me but for the payoff I can search for technology without the NSA, FBI, CIA, or majestic people in charge of UFO information being able to stop me. I can do this with impunity because I am not taking this information from anyone I am simply using my time travel project to bring it into existence on my computer. It has been so nice and a lot of work too. I knew before that emf frequencies had a lot to do with matter and energy but I never new how they all fit together. Now I do. I still have a limited understanding because of my limited ability to understand math and physics but I am working on it. When I can finally prove my time machine works then I may or may not release this information depending on what will happen to me if I do. Right now anything I release would be dismised because my time machine is not proving yet. But, that is just what I call "paper work" and a no big deal it is just work that I have to do and finish before I can take the next step. I still can learn what I want to know whether or not it means anything to anyone else. And I don,t mind discussing at least a little bit of what I have learned with everyone here despite my problems with the TTI staff.
When John Hutchinson did his famous emf experiments and levitated a bowling ball, made wood and metal melt together without burning the wood or creating heat, and distorted metal what John did not know was the he was putting together a rather crude quantum vacuum also known as time-space or a ether. A medium which where matter, energy, time, and gravity and be created and destroyed in this medium by the creation and manipulation of these interdiminsional EMF fields. These fields is what makes up our very own space-time and there is a great deal of math, science, and physics that can be learned from studing these fields. There is so much that the public science community does not know yet about this work. We are building atom smashers and that is great but we also need to be building entirely new classes of machines to study matter, energy , time and gravity. If we live past our fossil fuel stage then maybe later will be building these new machines to study matter and energy with. And we are also destroying our planet with the burning of fossil fules instead of using this technology for energy, propulsion, and matter resources. I finally have a glimps of a possible future for mankind if we don,t destory ourselfs and our planet first. The aliens are watching us and wondering what we will do. Join them or die. That is up to us they won,t help us with this. At least that is my peronal opinion on this. No I won,t prove it. Remeber this is a fictional forum and no one here can understand technical stuff anyway except for a person or two. Maybe later as I said with proving my project.
Also with EMF fields interdiminsionally connected at varies frequencies it is not only possible to control time and gravity but it can be used to create exotic matter and harness great amounts of energies. With the manipulation of space-time it is possible to make just about any energy system 100% effecient and to also create very great weapons of mass destruction. Yes it has its downside too. Warfare and technology to kill or subdue a percieved enemy.
I am not sure whether bob lazar was a disinformation project by the goverment or not but I don,t see why gravity could not be amplified with this method of creating space time.
Anyway this is all I can say at this time about how UFO's really fly. Yes they do exist, yes there are many many civilations across the universe, we are being visited and studied, and I believe the government knows all about it. But, now I also am learning the rest of the story. I may in the future construct my own lab and take the documents that I have and test this stuff. But before I can do that I have to bone up on my math and physics and study so I can understand what I am doing.