Falling leaf.


Temporal Navigator
In sightings of ufos in the past, a falling leaf motion has been noticed. Is this a recharge tactic? Also, in the nineteenth century, accounts of these prodigies were described as resembling airships conventional to the era, with people leaning over the side, waving.
A modern example of this phenomenon displays radically different qualities:-
I believe the falling leaf pattern occurred at Fatima and was "the Miracle of the Dancing Sun."

Mainly it is a way of reducing altitude without reducing power.

Suppose you have a craft with a mass negation effect of the vertical axis. To fly it you would ascend to a considerable distance and tilt the rim slightly. Mass is not reduced horizontally, so the ship would slide downward increasing speed. If you then tilt the edge back up, the ship would skip back up to a higher altitude.

Since inertial mass would also be reduced, and the ship has no inertia along the vertical axis, you could rotate the ship ninety degrees with the bottom facing the direction of travel, and it would slide off to the side at a relatively sharp angle without dangerous G forces on the pilot (whose inertial mass is also reduced.)

At least, that a theory on how a disc might operate. I suppose it would be a horse-and-buggy system-- at least it would seem to be compared to some of the bigger ships that seem to have total control over their flight maneuvering.

The nineteenth century had as many spoofers as there are today, so some of those reports were probably stories based on what the storyteller thought an airship would look like.
Mass negation effect of the vertical axis.

What is meant by the vertical axis? Is it the line between the centre of the base of an object and its topside central point?
What is meant by negating this 'axis'? This having been explained, why should it be 'negated'? What concepts for and against this 'negation' are put forward?
'To 'fly' it you would ascend to a considerable distance and tilt the rim slightly.'
How would this ascension be achieved? How would the 'tilting' be achieved?
Let's leave it there for now.
I think it is just the way the craft acts as the pilot flys it. The action of the craft seems to be a reaction to the forces controlling it. Once it leaves earths gravity it is probably a lot more stable.
and you forget the manipulation of the repulsive force...

and you forget the manipulation of the repulsive force...

On the repulsive force the craft I believe flys in a gravity distorition. Gravity is holding it up in the air and gravity is what keeps the beings inside from feeling enertia. It has its own bubble of gravity around it. Now if you take two magnets and put one on top of the other the one on top can spin and wobble. It may be the craft is creating a repulsive gravity or the craft is creating a second gravity field above it which holds it in the air. Either way it can spin and wobble.
Many years ago I met George Adamski briefly.

Some of the earlier Contactee photo's of operating discs show a definite light distortion created by the "field" of the disc.

This is not necessarily the result of light bending by gravity, but could be an optical distortion of the kind produced by a difference in air pressure and the well known "heat " distortion of, say, a hot blacktop road in July.

Those three balls below the flange on the Adamski photo's also are used for directional changes, I think.

As you suggested to Francois, such a field phase shifts the physical craft to a parallel reality where one of our space dimensions becomes a time dimension. When there, the ship disappears from our view, which means that the mass disappears (from our perspective). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Using my time travel with information project which that thread is in claims under how to build a time machine. I have had the fortune of being able to bring thousands of technology documents into existance and search them for specific keywords and view the documents of interest to me. This has been a great deal of work for me but for the payoff I can search for technology without the NSA, FBI, CIA, or majestic people in charge of UFO information being able to stop me. I can do this with impunity because I am not taking this information from anyone I am simply using my time travel project to bring it into existence on my computer. It has been so nice and a lot of work too. I knew before that emf frequencies had a lot to do with matter and energy but I never new how they all fit together. Now I do. I still have a limited understanding because of my limited ability to understand math and physics but I am working on it. When I can finally prove my time machine works then I may or may not release this information depending on what will happen to me if I do. Right now anything I release would be dismised because my time machine is not proving yet. But, that is just what I call "paper work" and a no big deal it is just work that I have to do and finish before I can take the next step. I still can learn what I want to know whether or not it means anything to anyone else. And I don,t mind discussing at least a little bit of what I have learned with everyone here despite my problems with the TTI staff.

When John Hutchinson did his famous emf experiments and levitated a bowling ball, made wood and metal melt together without burning the wood or creating heat, and distorted metal what John did not know was the he was putting together a rather crude quantum vacuum also known as time-space or a ether. A medium which where matter, energy, time, and gravity and be created and destroyed in this medium by the creation and manipulation of these interdiminsional EMF fields. These fields is what makes up our very own space-time and there is a great deal of math, science, and physics that can be learned from studing these fields. There is so much that the public science community does not know yet about this work. We are building atom smashers and that is great but we also need to be building entirely new classes of machines to study matter, energy , time and gravity. If we live past our fossil fuel stage then maybe later will be building these new machines to study matter and energy with. And we are also destroying our planet with the burning of fossil fules instead of using this technology for energy, propulsion, and matter resources. I finally have a glimps of a possible future for mankind if we don,t destory ourselfs and our planet first. The aliens are watching us and wondering what we will do. Join them or die. That is up to us they won,t help us with this. At least that is my peronal opinion on this. No I won,t prove it. Remeber this is a fictional forum and no one here can understand technical stuff anyway except for a person or two. Maybe later as I said with proving my project.

Also with EMF fields interdiminsionally connected at varies frequencies it is not only possible to control time and gravity but it can be used to create exotic matter and harness great amounts of energies. With the manipulation of space-time it is possible to make just about any energy system 100% effecient and to also create very great weapons of mass destruction. Yes it has its downside too. Warfare and technology to kill or subdue a percieved enemy.

I am not sure whether bob lazar was a disinformation project by the goverment or not but I don,t see why gravity could not be amplified with this method of creating space time.

Anyway this is all I can say at this time about how UFO's really fly. Yes they do exist, yes there are many many civilations across the universe, we are being visited and studied, and I believe the government knows all about it. But, now I also am learning the rest of the story. I may in the future construct my own lab and take the documents that I have and test this stuff. But before I can do that I have to bone up on my math and physics and study so I can understand what I am doing.
I think Reactor is right it is because of gravity distortion. Dont know if "distortion" is the right word but you get the same feeling when you step into a small boat in the water how it bobs up and down with your weight.
is Attraction force/Time from one side and repulsion force/Time in the other side...



<font color="blue"> Witnesses claimed to have seen up to 50 of the mystery bright beams at around 11.30pm in Huntingdon.

Scott Boswell, 37, a former pilot and soldier from nearby Hinchingbrooke, captured some of the lights on his camera.
Mr Boswell, a banker in the City of London, said: "I noticed three lights floating past our house, probably a couple of kilometres away, and thought nothing of it.

"But then I noticed a big long string of lights coming from the direction of Brampton and heading over the Stukeley Meadows direction. This was about 11.30pm and I got a couple of blurred shots. I'm pretty sure these weren't aircraft.

"There was no noise, no navigation lights and their heading and height was relatively constant until they disappeared out of sight."

The former solider said he did not think they were flares or weather balloons, the standard explanation for unusual objects in the sky.

Auberon and Suzi Hedgecoe, who run the Braywood Guest House in Huntingdon, saw around 50 orange lights in the sky.

Mr Hedgecoe said: "It was like an armada. There was no sound. They were travelling 15 at a time and every six minutes more seemed to be coming over the horizon. [/COLOR] end quoted from:

Click and paste link over bug in software...
I think Reactor is right it is because of gravity distortion. Dont know if "distortion" is the right word but you get the same feeling when you step into a small boat in the water how it bobs up and down with your weight.

Well if I am correct and this time I think I am according to Albert gravity is not a force. The reason gravity is not a force is because it is created by mass taking up space and objects just follow the fabric of space. When a object falls into gravity it is just following the lines of space. Like a ball on a piece of paper with much smaller balls being fliped in a circle around it. The smaller balls will fall into the larger ball. What I am saying about UFO's is that A ufo is like a person going down a rapid creek in a boat except the person on the boat has a remote control to control the direction and speed of the creek. The person on the boat operates the remote control to change the speed and direction of the creek to take them where they want to go in the boat. Now lets add one thing to this. The creek is being emited from the boat and the boat just follows the creek. That is how UFO's operate. They have learned how gravity, magnetic fields, and electricty are related and using this knowledge that thru EMF gravity can be created. But, the physics involved is very complex. So very complex high energy EMF fields can be created and sub-atomic matter will think those high energy complex EMF fields is just normal space and the sub-atomic matter will try to fall into that EMF field just like it was a planet or star taking up space. So, with that it is possible to travel faster then the speed of light. The reason I called it a distoration is because gravity distorts space and time and bends light. To someone watching the UFO fly what they think they are seeing and what is happening with the craft might not always be the same. So I called it a distoration. So in closing I am saying matter and energy can be tricked into following high energy complex EMF fields and think that it is normal gravity. I also called it creating a artifical universe because normal space and time itself is a complex EMF field which creates a sea of energy that forms our universe in very complex and different ways.


Add one other thing. On the scenario where boat was following the rapid creek the boat would spin and wobble like a falling leaf or like in the UFO sightings and videos. Except this creeks speed and direction is being controlled by the people in the boat and the creek itself is being emitted from the boat. The creek itself dissappears the further it gets from the boat.
The Great Union

Resource - http://www.theblackvault.tv/view/176/crisis-energy-solutions-the-great-unification/

For the scientists, the Unified Field represents the union of the weak nuclear force and the powerful nuclear force with the electromagnetic force and the force of Gravity. In the Great Union case, there is supposed the possibility of the union of the weak nuclear force (representing the electronic cover of the atom) with the powerful nuclear force (representing the atomic nucleus composed by protons and neutrons) with the electromagnetic force. The nuclear force and the electromagnetic force are milions and milions times biger than the Gravity force, negligible in this case. CRIZA ENERGIE - SISTEME ENERGIE http://crizaenergie-sistemeeneregie.blogspot.com/ ENERGIE LIBERA - FREE ENERGY http://energielibera-freeenergy.blogspot.com/ and http://energienucleara.go.ro [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]